iPhone 4 Reception Problem: Multiple Class-Action Lawsuits Filed Against Apple



  • cody
    cody Posts: 101
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    I agree with you. I live in Oregon and my AT&T signals are always fine. I have reception most places that I go unless I am surrounded by a bunch of trees (which is normal to lose signal).

    I used to have Verizon and I left to get the original iPhone, I have been happy ever since.. well other than having to pre-order my iPhone 4. That was a nightmare.

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Thts so right!! Nd by da way I think u mean Adolf Jobs since adolf is hitler's first sayin. Dnt anyone give me any crap

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    I have dat same feelin too lol

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Dude here in Texas, da signal kicks ass. I used T mobile and i HATED it. Bad coverage nd stuff. Been usin ATT for 5 years.

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Honestly, i dn kno. I havent upgraded because i want to jailbreak my 3GS and because im curious too about the iphone havong issues

  • Spitfire
    Spitfire Posts: 19
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    Apple should use the plentiful stocks of 3gs bodies and implement the internals in of the ip4 in those. Well not the damn antenna tho.

  • Spitfire
    Spitfire Posts: 19
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    Damn inspell typos lol

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Is anyone here from the UK and actually HAPPY with their iPhone 4??

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    hi craig yes i am got mine on day one love it.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    theres no way i will spoil my phones looks with one of them bumpers. i got a zagg full body cover on mine always use them you cant tell there on and stopes them slipping out of your hands.

  • Wtf
    Wtf Posts: 36
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    All this is is a bunch of bull fucking ****. O my fucking god I don't have a signal I'm gonna fucking die. Get a different fucking phone and file a lawsuit against apple if it's that fucking serious. At least apple isn't as dumb as microsoft when the put the 360's out for sale with a 54% failure rate. But guess what stupid fucks still bought there 360s,If the iphone had a problem like that yea I would say **** apple in the ass and everyone that has bought the iphone 4 should have a chance to T BAG steve jobs with sweaty fucking balls. No I take that back actually he does need to be T Bagged anyway because no matter what the issue he's a fucking duche bag that's been used by hitlers **** mother and the dirty **** his mother popped out of then got stuck in hitlers ass. What I'm trying to say here is hey people buy what they want to buy and if you were fucking smart you should have waited until the reviews popped up. But alot of the stupid fucking retards didn't and all the one's that have a fucked up iphone were probably the stupid fucks tha camped outside the fucking store. Just like the stuped fucks that camp outside to see twilight the gayest fucking queer movie of all fucking time!!!

  • samt
    samt Posts: 1
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    It sounds a fair argument, especially with the 10% restocking fee, which they didn't mention (surprisingly enough) in their 'letter' to consumers.

    If there was no restocking fee then I think this lawsuit wouldn't be justified. Apple have SO MUCH cash, the restocking fee is a kick in the teeth to any loyal Apple customer. I thought they always wanted to keep their loyal customers happy...

  • Saj
    Saj Posts: 10
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    When u apply the zagg covers does it not change the feel of the phone completely?

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    yes it does its great much better grip and a nice feeling.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    and you canot scratch it.i used it on my 3g 3gs now my 4 wouldnt be without one.

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Hi Joe, what network are you on, which area may I ask?
    No dropped calls etc then?

  • jimmi
    jimmi Posts: 18
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  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I stopped using Iphone4 and went back to my Iphone3GS model. No problems with 3GS.
    So what I don't understand is how will the 4 be fixed by changing the bar display to read differently? It doesn't matter if the bars read 4 or 2 or 1 if your calls are dropped repeatedly. My 3GS works fine in the same areas that my 4 DOESN'T.
    You can change the display to show 10 bars and it won't make any difference to my ACTUAL signal. BTW I have Screen Protectors all around AND a Bumper. My friends 4 works great. Mine sucks. End of story.

  • ilovemy3gs
    ilovemy3gs Posts: 4
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    I think this is the reason iphone 4 failed during the demo by Steve at WWDC. If you notice the iphone 3gs worked without any glitch.


  • ilovemy3gs
    ilovemy3gs Posts: 4
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    I think this is the reason iphone 4 failed during the demo by Steve at WWDC. If you notice the iphone 3gs worked without any glitch. The issue os restricted to iphone 4


  • Alcock
    Alcock Posts: 1
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    Ahahaha class eddie

  • L8te9ight
    L8te9ight Posts: 18
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    Don't ever depend on your feelings in a life or death situation please. I don't post under any other name but my own. I don't mind the bashing, it's a way some people that don't know any better have to express their frustration. Which is understandable. I don't understand about everyone wanting the lawsuit. I believe apple was at fault don't get me wrong, but a class action lawsuit isn't gonna make anyones phone magically start working. Lol. It's just not going to happen. The only people it's really going to make happy is the attorney that wins the case. Obviously something is happening with the phone. Take it back if your not satisfied, sue for a 100% refund plus other expenses. OR take it back if your not satisfied and leave it at that. Learn a lesson and move on.

  • Yo Mama's Mama
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    Well, I lost my hand in an industrial accident. I have a replacement metal claw. I get fucking awesome reception with mu iPhone 4 when I hold it in my claw!

  • Cherryplaza@aol.com
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    AT&T sucks apple needs to unlock for all carriers.

  • Screbs
    Screbs Posts: 1
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    What's up, dipshits? So you've bought an iPhone 4 despite the rumours that there's a fault with the antenna? And thus you're now prowling the Internet looking for safety in numbers after discovering your precious new glass vibrator doesn't make calls when you hold it with your grotesque, cum stained, shitcovered hand. Well here's news, as l8n1ght said, take it back if you're not happy. Get a fucking refund. I'm sure they'll even give you back your "activation fee" (what the **** is that anyway? It was free for me) and not charge you the restocking fee just to get your vomit stained, piss sniffing cuntwagon fuckass out of the building. **** off to HTC and discover the same shitty problems when you smoother your aids ridden hand all over that smooth plastic ****-like case.

  • JefeSpeed
    JefeSpeed Posts: 1
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    There are no issues with how you hold the iPhone 3gs. Apple just needs to do what microsoft did with the 360 and let people send them in to be fixed. It's time to admit fault apple. Your not perfect.

  • You are an idiot
    You are an idiot Posts: 1
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    !strcmp("stop","stuff") == true;

    !strcmp("you","idiot") == idiot;

    Unless we are working with variable names. Perhaps you does equal idiot. Either way, go fuk yourself.

  • TKW
    TKW Posts: 1
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    So, to follow that logic, we shouldn't sue murders because it won't bring the victim back. People want Apple punished and themselves reassured that this same crap won't be happening next year with the next model iPhone.

  • Navy Seal
    Navy Seal Posts: 3
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    I must agree with you fosho I to have not had any issues with the phone. I live in the Jacksonville Fl area and it might have something to do with it. I have not had any dropped calls nor loss of signal. I do however feel bad for those who do, it must be very frustrating. The only future issue I see is that if mine goes bad I will have to go back to my old phone because the sin card in the 4 is smaller. I have no dog in the fight either way but i an sure everything will be resolved like it always does.

  • Navy Seal
    Navy Seal Posts: 3
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    I must agree with you fosho I to have not had any issues with the phone. I live in the Jacksonville Fl area and it might have something to do with it. I have not had any dropped calls nor loss of signal. I do however feel bad for those who do, it must be very frustrating. The only future issue I see is that if mine goes bad I will have to go back to my old phone because the sin card in the 4 is smaller. I have no dog in the fight either way but i an sure everything will be resolved like it always does.