Geohot Jailbreaks iPhone 4



  • Bruski
    Bruski Posts: 6
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    Stop fucking asking, you asshole........

  • Yahoooooooooooo
    Yahoooooooooooo Posts: 1
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  • iDre
    iDre Posts: 10
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    EXACTLY! He's starting to sound lot more like some desperate gamer pleading for attention from the hottest avatar chick on some game. release or shut up, seriously

  • stop bitching
    stop bitching Posts: 1
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    and you need to wash your mouth with some concentrated detergent....

  • bucha
    bucha Posts: 3
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    take a good look at his picture.
    READ where it says near the bottom half:
    "upgrading to 3.1.3?"

    from my knowledge all i4's in the market have iOS 4 preinstalled, NOT 3.0 anymore.

    if he actually did jailbreak the iPhone 4, wouldnt it say iOS4 instead?

    he clearly took this picture from a screenshot of his other JB'd iphone and synced it thru iTunes.

    I couldn't care less if he doesn't release his JB.
    But lying and faking that you did to the iPhone community?
    thats unforgivable IMO.

  • tjm
    tjm Posts: 11
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    That's a Cydia interface, log in and see. It was nothing to do with what phone you are accessing Cydia on.

  • gt1888
    gt1888 Posts: 1
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    The boy genius is a sausage jockey, you can tell he is intelligent because of that oversized cranium he has.
    To everyone that says he owes us nothing is bullshit, he takes thousands of dollars from donations and plays god with his jailbreaks, he craves attention.
    The longer he takes to release his jailbreaks the more donations he gets and he knows this because he is good at what he does.
    Anyway, I heard he had to do this as he lost his job at the sperm bank for drinking on the job.
    I suppose we will get his jailbreak when he makes enough cash, good luck Geocock you impotent little waste of cum.

  • apple fan
    apple fan Posts: 4
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    you're fucking idiot, just shut your fucking mouth dumb ass. Geohot owns you nothing. I just wish this dumbass's phone is bricked forever

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I'm glad he's not releasing. You haters call him a fag and what not but you're the first to suck his **** when he releases these jailbreaking tools. If you really hate the guy, stop using his tools you hypocrites. If you can't wait, why don't you just learn how exploit your own damn iPhone?

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    if he wouldnt say that he has jailbroken it, then people would not call him all the names that they have been. I know he might release this newsjust to say that he is smart enough that that he can do it but why not release it. Or at least say why you are not releasing it.
    Anyways, both sides have some legit arguments I would say.

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    Thats a good one. lol

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    He is not doing it for free. I and many others donated to him.

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    @Bruski "Geohot, u ****, listen carefully "dont ask me why, when, or where, because i wont tell u.. But i fucked ur mom." - LOVE IT

    all arse-lickers and ****-suckers - it's not about him owing anything to the community. it's not about us relying solely on him to get our phones jb. it's not about us not being able to do it ourselves.

    THE POINT IS. if you claim you did it, obviously knowing there are at least thousands of ppl waiting for it and telling arrogantly that you won't release it and the more you ask the less chance is effin utterly stupid and immature !!! the amount of responses confirming that is just overwhelming. he's finished in this community, iphone users community and tbh i can't see any other jb developers team sticking out with him as they do create these tools for US SIMPLE USERS and don't tease us like that moron. So suck it, suck it really hard. It won't get u nowhere

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    He is a low life hacker. he wants people not to bug him after he sparks the argument! He asked for this and he has to take **** for it!!

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    the best comment in this discussion!!!

  • albend+355
    albend+355 Posts: 12
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    please dont cry yourself to sleep!!!!

    Leave Geohot alone!!!!


  • Triver
    Triver Posts: 20
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    If anyone came on here and said: "I have a way to jailbreak the iphone 4 but I am not gonna share it with you". Most of you GeoHot **** lovers here would rip that person to shreds. Pull your head out of your arses - you're all talking too much ****.

  • ereynell
    ereynell Posts: 16
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    all u people that are angry because Geohot will not release his JB... Insted og getting mad, get even... Make your own JB program ???.... LOL...
    Keep it up geohot, I don't really care...

  • iDre
    iDre Posts: 10
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    EXACTLY! He's starting to sound lot more like some desperate gamer pleading for attention from the hottest avatar chick on some game. release or shut up, seriously

  • bart
    bart Posts: 13
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    I agree...he's a douche....when he's got it, release it...otherwise he should forget the tease stuff and shutup

  • NRM
    NRM Posts: 7
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    Hi guyz cant u wait or something mean we all r in the same boat i too have iphone 3gs with new bootrom. Asking the same question to geohot or musclenerd wont speed up release date. Thiz guyz r working for us and will release their tools as soon as possible.these guyz worn u all not to upgrade to ios4 but u all never understand .plz give these guyz a little break so that they can do their work properly. Now we have only one choice that is wait for a month until apple release next update and remember never to accept apple future updates especially ios4.0.1

  • Henrik
    Henrik Posts: 0
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    But then again....When someone has a solution to a problem that could help a lot of people...And holds that in...What do you expect people to say? Yes you could and should blame Apple but also blame the person "In this case Geohot" for holding a possible solution to himself!!! But Then i thank him for his previous work!

  • Henrik
    Henrik Posts: 0
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  • yaa,.,,
    yaa,.,, Posts: 0
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    lolz u guyz stupid as hell i have Jailbreaks my iphone 4 and my iphone 3gs with new botrom and unlocked and running perfect on my both iphones u all are wasting time with geohot and all kind of ****..

  • endri
    endri Posts: 27
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    this has been the most discussed topic in here by far I think!!! Looking at the majority of the responses it sounds like that Geohot guy is a piece of crap lol

  • EP
    EP Posts: 4
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    Geohot's bragging doesn't make me like him any more. If he's gonna release it, release it... just don't publicize that you've got something just to tell people you aren't gonna release it.


  • Cut~N~Paste
    Cut~N~Paste Posts: 1
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    It seems some no skill lack od code knowledge gents are all steamed up over a jailbrake thats been free for all to use. Try enjoying the Iphone as it is until the jailbrake is released..After all, you have an i phone and no other phone comes close no matter what state it's on jailbroken or not. Don't hate Jobs, you bought his phone. Dont hateHot you used his tools. If you don't then "DO YOU" with someone and something elese. Good luck finding greener pastures and when and if you do bask in your own Glory and not the Light pass on by others....

  • laidown1
    laidown1 Posts: 0
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    Seems like you wrapped it up nicely

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    God I wish geohot could collect the IP's of all these stupid beggers and send them a fake version that would give them a virus so nasty they would get an ear infection lol.

    Why do you stupid assholes think you deserve anything? If you want it so bad then you should devot you'rere time to figuring out a way to jailbreak.

    It's because of you dumb asses and those who sell his free software that geohot isn't releasing it to anyone.

    Just reading some of these comments makes me wish he would just rubb it in you're nasty faces really good and never give it to you