iPhone Dev Team Working On A Solution To Downgrade Baseband 06.15.00 To 05.15.05 For iPhone 3GS, iPh



  • davidj
    davidj Posts: 11
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    fas...people have 3g/3gs before the 4 comes out...lol
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    i just onluck my iphone 3g fw 5.14.02 using redsn0w upgrading baseband to 6.15and them ultrasn0w for now i don't see any gps problems is perfect i have simplemobile carrier. phone is working perfect for me and plus i fixed my mms problem but i wish if we can downgrade the baseband 6.15 to 5.15. 0n the feature is going to be much better
  • tempdomain
    tempdomain Posts: 3
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    Shouldn't the title be 05.15.04 instead of 05.15.05?
  • living4angel
    living4angel Posts: 12
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    Y Some iphones r working perfectly and some with issues..Any body knows dat Y I m having GPS issue(not battery, its working same good), only GPS problem and many of my buddies facing both of them OR like above buddy *mike's working fine*,,,,So WAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWN MY IPHONE 3GS (5.14.02->6.15 = 4.1) AND OTHER ONES....IS IT THE SERIAL UIDI OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT NUMBER, WHICH INDICATES SPECIFIC PROBLEM OR THE SOFTWARE Redsnow or Pwnage, which creates problem in our device......Y WITH SOME AND NOT WITH ALL......Y ALL DIS **** HAPPEN...CAN ANYBODY TELL ME....iPhoneHacks plz tell us,,,,Y,,,,,V changed our window, Pc to Mac, Updated Driver and all Fine,,,But Y v r facing those issues,,,(``)
  • k10
    k10 Posts: 0
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    Unlock solution for iOS 4.1 baseband 05.14.02 please?
  • Iphone4life
    Iphone4life Posts: 1
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    Gps is a problem ...... Go0gle seem be little of but kinda working how 2 test take wi-fi off and location On also noticed when wifi on google maps more exact? dev team great work so far keep up the good job/work yyyyyyyyyyy v r apple and not gingerbread yyyyyyy
  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 87
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    No doubt this will take focus off of unlocking the iPhone 4 BB 02.10.04 any time soon.This cat-and-mouse game between Apple and all the brilliant hackers is becoming really tiresome for all iPhone consumers who want the freedom to do what they want when they want with THEIR property.I believe this is a major reason why Andriod OS will become the dominant mobile OS in the market in a relatively short period of time. While I absolutely love my iPhone, the hassle in dealing with Apple's BS is always a nagging concern that I believe we would all rather not deal with.I am seriously considering trying out an Andriod based phone.
  • Gee
    Gee Posts: 14
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    redsn0w and ultrasn0w. Works fine.
  • shoo
    shoo Posts: 0
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    I remember when zibiri did this and the dev team called him the worst person on earth!!What does around. They are so full of themselves. Made the limera1n kid feel so bad about not having a college education he actually quit working on the iphone.DEV TEAM you suck. Thanks to commext they would have been history with all their college ed.
  • ifonix
    ifonix Posts: 76
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    for shoo… only small people reacting as u r.thanx to DEV TEAM a big cuminity of iphone users have freedom to choose provider beside AT&T. install cool aap's and get more out there iphone. and it is all free of charge! after JB and unlock 3GS now FW 4.1 BB 06.15.00 GPS work only when 3G or WI-FI is on..is downgrade to 05.15.04 will solve it? any way DEV TEAM, thanx
  • divious
    divious Posts: 15
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    why downgrade to 05.15.04 when theres no unlock for the baseband and whats up with the iphone 4 unlock i see apple is making it harder and harder for the dev after i get unlocked regarless of features im staying put with my firmware
  • Mskreind
    Mskreind Posts: 2
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    I recently jail-broke and unlocked my iPhone 3GS using redsn0w and ultrasn0w respectively. I am currently on IOS 4.1, and baseband 16.15.00. I have noticed that since I completed this update, my iphone doesn't ring when someone calls and the calls go directly to voicemail. Does anyone know how to rectify this problem?The only way I can get the phone to ring again is to reset network settings, but this only lasts for one or two calls and then it goes back to voicemail directly when someone calls.
  • Jasonjason
    Jasonjason Posts: 10
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    Lol ^^^I wouldn't mind downgrading but if there's an easy fix for gps my battery is fine
  • Speed2006
    Speed2006 Posts: 4
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    From iPhone 4 any news? Still only 3, 3Gs, iPad.
  • mikeru_RO
    mikeru_RO Posts: 2
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    i haven't been using GPS lately so much as to get to lose signal, but it doesn't point my location as accurate as before.. so this is GOOD NEWS!
  • mikeru_RO
    mikeru_RO Posts: 2
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    check Call Forwarding.. maybe it's auto-fwded to Voicemail..
  • gio
    gio Posts: 16
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    is it true about limes0w? i've read that it will come out really soon and it can unlock iphone 4
  • Iphonewhite
    Iphonewhite Posts: 6
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    I had try to downgrade my 3gs from ios 4.2.1 to ios 4.1, but it was failed, i think it is due to Apple did not accept BB 6.15.0, luckly i had save my 4.1SHSH, finally i managed to downgrade it, if downgrade BB is applicable, it should be a big help to us.
  • viviz
    viviz Posts: 1
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    yes yes donwgrade i dont care if it gets locked again having an ipod is better then having an iphone which has a battery life for less then 3 hours and an iphone without push... :S
  • Koomoo
    Koomoo Posts: 52
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    Alot of iPhones I jailbreak n unlock had the SHSH files save so I would only flash the baseband to 6.15 n downgrade the OS to 4.0 to 4.1 for a untether jailbreak with jailbreakme.com or limerain every phone I would do has no problem at the moment with gps to battery or calling in to u
  • Koomoo
    Koomoo Posts: 52
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    I also heard of reseting the phone manually in settings helps with battery
  • soso
    soso Posts: 10
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    Hi fellas!I am writing here because I'm looking for help and mostly for answers to my question. I had jailbreak my iphone 3Gs when I think I had verson 3.1.2 or vers 4.0 of the iOS (done with jailbreakme.com). After I jailbreak, I noticed that I had a problem, couldn't receive MMS (by the way i'm in Canada with Rogers). So everything was working perfect but i do receive MMS etc.. and when 4.1 iOS came out I decided to breakdown the jailbreak, bring my phone back to normal using only iOS. From there draining problem battery started. Then 4.2.1 iOS was released and i thought maybe this iOS might fixed the problem.. I did upgrade and even worst with battery draining. So now i have 4.2.1 installed & my Modem Firmware is 05.15.04I'm wondering if it is possible to Downgrade my 3Gs to either 4.0 or 4.0.1 iOS where everything was working well and so I can jailbreak back my phone?Also I did make a BACKUP of my iPhone with iTunes. Now the other question, let's say i'm able to downgrade, is there a way to BRING BACK & Restore my backup as is to the downgraded iOS?And finally, let say I'm not able, I just go and downgrade my iPhone to earlier version like 4.0.1, can I jailbreak my phone and use another software to access my iPhone 3Gs backup I did to bring my SMS, Contacts etc.. back to the phone without syncing with iTunes?Thank you for your help guys!!!Much appreciate it!!!
  • YO YO YO
    YO YO YO Posts: 2
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    Anyone has a good solution for battery drain after JB and unlock?HELP....
  • Iphonewhite
    Iphonewhite Posts: 6
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    My 3gs with jb ios 4.1, i also noticed that the battery drain off very fast then bfore, later i found the problem is because when my 3gs is in standby mode, it will lock automatically after 1 min & the screen also switch off, it is ok to save energy, but when i press the power button & let the screen display on, no doubt the 3gs still in lock condition, but the result is it will not turn to power saving mode which is keep the display on, unless i press the powrr button, in this condition of cause the battery will drain faster. Anyone know if this will happen in ios 4.2.1??
  • Ric
    Ric Posts: 5
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    same ere was going to get i-pone 4,,, but now will defo be geten the samsung galaxy-s
  • TMAC
    TMAC Posts: 1
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    Thanks a bunch for workin on this fix. It is really appreciated. Thank you once again.
  • soso
    soso Posts: 10
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    Yes mate unfortunately with 4.2.1 it's even worst on my side with the battery draining so fast. as you can read my post above yours, I have same problem and I think i'm gonna downgrade my iphone 3gs from 4.2.1 to 3.1.3 or something like that where is was working well. So you said you found the problem and the fact that the phone is in Stand By mode drains the battery faster? So are you suggesting to choose "NEVER" under Auto-lock?Thanx for confirming your solution. Let me know because if that fix the problem, then I won't downgrade my 3Gs. Thanx mate
  • Iphonewhite
    Iphonewhite Posts: 6
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    Soso, sorry for the confusing in my earlier post, what i found in my 3gs ios 4.1 is that when my iphone in lock condition, the display will keeping in on condition & it will not auto off after 1 min, i believe in this situation the battery will drain off faster, so normally what i do is i have to press the power button to off the display everytime after making a call. I'm not sure are you facing the same problem with me??
  • ajuthms
    ajuthms Posts: 0
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    i had to upgrade the baseband to 6.15 as there was no other way to unlock my phone. I got the phone with ios4.2.1. now i need to downgrade from 6.15 to 5.15 as unlock is going to be released. if in future if any warranty problem arise, so i want to downgrade to 5.15.. pls help
  • Ali Imam
    Ali Imam Posts: 18
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    Big Thanks to MuscleNerd and Sherif Hasim for their Big effort to unlock IOS 4.2, Now waiting for solution of battery drain issue. Good luck.Regards