iPhone Dev Team Working On A Solution To Downgrade Baseband 06.15.00 To 05.15.05 For iPhone 3GS, iPh



  • RJ
    RJ Posts: 13
    via Wordpress
    Forgot to mention. iPhone 3GS with old bootrom, running on jailbroken iOS5 (GM) via redsn0w
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
    via Wordpress
    Try to dl a custom firmware open iTunes hit restore while holding shift key and look for the custom firmware you dl'd
  • teddy
    teddy Posts: 7
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    Are They still working on fix for this issue or not?Since the jailbreak my GPS has been wildly inaccurate. None of my nav-Apps work anymore.. Im so anciaux for a fix. Just to know that They are still working on it.. Thanks for the reply in advance. Cheers.
  • jona hart
    jona hart Posts: 0
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    I think the problem is either not enough info on this OR can't figure how topossibly some other thing who knows what
  • jona hart
    jona hart Posts: 0
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    forgot to mention 3g and 3gs with this issue inaccurate and no function
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I have no service/no network on bb 06.15.00 how could i downgrade it ? I have unlocked my phone with redsnow and ultrasnow
  • Dizzy
    Dizzy Posts: 7
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    tinyumbrella? have you tried that - it has options for kicking out of recovery (itunes 10xx errors). It's a good idea to save your shsh (blobs) files while you're in there too. Check with tinyumbrella which versions of IOS are being signed by Apple (or cydia server via tinyumbrella) for your phone. You should be fine with 4.1 anyway. Get to know this program if you're jailbreaking it will really help you. Another idea, to expand on custom firmware, use sn0wbreeze and build your own. SBreeze will put your phone in 'pwned DFU' mode so iTunes will accept the custom firmware it builds too. You need to get the correct version of SBreeze for the firmware version you want to build a custom for. You may know some of this and you've probably fixed it by now! lol - hope it might give some hints to others if not.
  • Dizzy
    Dizzy Posts: 7
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    I agree with that - I've been waiting on BB downgrade - I'm one of the unlucky ones with a 3GS with carrier problems after JB. I'm really looking forward to BB downgradge in the hope I can start a fresh with my phone. Proper respect to Dev team for working on this. Can you imagine (I can't) how many development hours these guys have put in on JBreaks.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Hi everybody !Please come and sign this petition about 06.15 BB problem... and spread the words !!!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/0615-solution/take care ;)
  • elmewafy
    elmewafy Posts: 1
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    Is there a way back to base Band 6:15:00 5:15:05 knowing 3gs open two formal
  • Omar
    Omar Posts: 21
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    Screw Dev-Team and screw downgrade in specific..Either you can wait for this "rumor" and rely on these **** suckers to release something that is way above their capability..OOOOORRRRRRR..There is a simple solution to this which I have recently discovered and just recovered my investment on this stupid 3GS..REPLACE THE FUCKING "TOSHIBA" MALICE BASEBAND CHIP WITH THE 3G "INFINEON" CHIP AND THATS IT..because the upgrade not only fucked my GPS but also my GSM and Wifi signal - ~ a goner !..I have done that replace and now am in peace with the return..and best of all.."Everything cost me only $10 roughly". Cheerz