Unlock For iPhone 4 Will Be Released Only After iOS 4.2.5/iOS 4.3 Is Released

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageUnlock For iPhone 4 Will Be Released Only After iOS 4.2.5/iOS 4.3 Is Released

It looks like iPhone 4 users will have to wait for some more time for the software solution to unlock their iPhone.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has issued an official statement that the unlock for iPhone 4 will be released after iOS 4.2.5 or iOS 4.3 is released.

MuscleNerd, the most vocal member of the iPhone Dev team tweeted:

Official iPhone unlock statement: no unlock will be released until after 4.2.5 or official 4.3 (whichever is last) is out

Read the full story here



  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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  • Ahhhh
    Ahhhh Posts: 2
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    I call BS that's what they said last time and I'm still waiting !!!!!
  • AJ-47
    AJ-47 Posts: 1
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    Don't need unlock, is there any unthertherd jailbreak coming out for iPhone 4 on 4.2.1?
  • Bruce Lee
    Bruce Lee Posts: 17
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    Muscle TURD strikes again! go & stick your unlock you poor excuse for a human being!!
  • iLynk
    iLynk Posts: 11
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    I wasn't one of the dumb unlockers who updated to the new software
  • RM
    RM Posts: 9
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    Honestly... sure there working hard (maybe)... but just release it already... theres going to be a lot of haters telling me to shutup and that there trying there best... i understand that.. but if your going to wait for this... and then the unlock works... apple will just release a new OS... and then you guys will think again before releasing it so that you can test it on that new OS... its becoming stupid now as people are waiting long enough.. i dont need an unlock i dont care but i think its ridiculous with the situation..
  • Unlock Watcher
    Unlock Watcher Posts: 3
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    How sad, but atleast an i4 Unlock exist so I'm happy but a bit tired of waiting though. Few more weeks to go -__-. Thanks anyway Dev-team for the hard work.
  • kyle
    kyle Posts: 67
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    This is frustrating news indeed. I have been waiting for quite some time. :( Is this the final word? I have an I4 with 4.1. Is there any harm upgrading to 4.2 while we wait?Kyle
  • The Dude
    The Dude Posts: 17
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    I just want my old baseband back on my 3G 6.15 ruins everything!! Battery, GPS, performance.. I didn't know "BREAK" was what they really meant in JailBreak!
  • Jonas
    Jonas Posts: 25
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    release first the unthetered JB for 4.2.1 before you plan to release the unlock.. or your also planning to release the JB after the 4.3?? thats BS
  • iLynk
    iLynk Posts: 11
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    Happy with my unlocked iPhone 4. Thanks to planetbeing and comex. Had my iPhone 4 since day one and waited for the first unlock. I never bothered to update it ever but I guess I'll leave that up to the idiots who upgraded there software lol.
  • darkhorse
    darkhorse Posts: 5
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    Got tired of those wait so bought the factory unlocked iPhone 4 and got rid of the jb too. No desire to plug it in the computer everytime I'll reboot it.
  • asdasd
    asdasd Posts: 2
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    what the **** **** muscle nerd i need it nowwww !!!!!!!! not on 4.2.5 -.- fucking appleee
  • Rogo
    Rogo Posts: 2
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    #%.#~|*^Totally disapointing
  • bravomike
    bravomike Posts: 0
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    This is really getting old. Think I'll just forget about the jailbreak when i5 comes out. The jailbreak and unlock community seems to be dependent on unprofessional hackers who don't have real deadlines or are dependent on a paycheck for their efforts. They have no reason to release anything at anytime. In fact, they can walk away tomorrow leaving the entire community hanging and they don't have to look back.I think they're getting burned out at this. I wouldn't blame them since they aren't getting paid. Who would want to continuously dedicate a tremendous effort with no return? It was fun for awhile but now it's probably getting boring.Unless the hackers who release these jailbreaks and unlocks become professional, I won't be dealing with this BS anymore. To hell with the money I spent on several good jailbreak apps. I won't be buying any jailbreak apps until this community gets serious.
  • Crow
    Crow Posts: 28
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    Been waiting for the unlock, I can care less about iPad 2 having two cameras but no better screen resolution.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    How long do we have to wait for iphone unthertherd jailbreak.
  • FW
    FW Posts: 0
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    I really don't care about the unlock. Just release the jailbreak already!!! Pleeeeeease! lol
  • Tash
    Tash Posts: 8
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    This has been a cat and mouse game since iPhone was release. At some point I was under the impression that apple can never plug all the holes but it look like Steve is a winner again...thanks Dev Team for the early efforts to keep us happy, now please just call it quit instead of coming up with bogus and senseless promises.
  • James king james
    James king james Posts: 7
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    Wow, I didn't realize everyone around here and the rest of the Internet were such noobs... Starting febuary 10th iPhone exclusivity with AT&T is dead..... Call up apple on Feb 10 and they will give you the code to unlock your phone themselves on iTunesOk I admit I don't know this forsure, but in theory it should work out this way. Iphonehacks should be able to tell us soon.
  • Chaz
    Chaz Posts: 28
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    This is why I had to leave my beloved t-mobile and switched to Verizon. I will have my iPhone in a few weeks with unlimited data. Just got tired of the whole unlocking situation. I rather pay an extra $25.00 a month for the peace of mind.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I have an Iphone 4 with 4.0.1. NEVER going to upgrade. Very happy.
  • Si
    Si Posts: 17
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    Good job Dev team.... It's about time... IPHONE NEED 4g network... IPHONE need to be on Tmobile.. Apple, ATT, and SONY are bunches of roaches... DEFEND GEOHOT... LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE if you have an HACK Iphone "Defend Geohot and FailoverFlow"
  • fuck off
    fuck off Posts: 1
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    dev team....you guys like to keep people waiting about unlock iphone 4.... this my message for you guys...**** the unlock cause were goin to verizon...suckaaaaaaa. we tired of waiting and you guys keep let us hang for couple month...just tell us the truth..we know that you guys cant handle the iphone 4 new baseband right? only you guys can fix is old iphone like 2G,3G & 3Gs right?? if you guys know about iphone 4 new baseband show it.... just enought pretend and keep people waiting K....WERE GOING TO VERIZON..**** DEV TEAM SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  • DevteamSuck
    DevteamSuck Posts: 2
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    Iphone 5 is this coming May on AT&T!!!!!!
  • Lavender
    Lavender Posts: 130
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    Haha - all you unhappy people are funny! I'm on 3gs 4.1 jailbroken, ready to unlock - and I can!I'd love to be able to upgrade to 4.2.1 and keep my jailbreak and unlock - but not at the cost of future jailbreak and unlock - good work Dave Team (sic):P for being clever enough to save your unlock until Apple makes their next move.Remember folks - it's Apple you should be angry at, not the Musclenerd, Dev Team, GeoHot and others......and if you get angry *enough*, then go to Android/Winphone/Symbian/WebOS/Meego/whatever! - that is the true way to influence Apple down from their arrogance.
  • Sven
    Sven Posts: 5
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    Want it, need it !!!
  • flyezz
    flyezz Posts: 42
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    DEV Team = failed. end of story.we need real iphone hackers.
  • flyezz
    flyezz Posts: 42
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    its true, the dev team can't unlock the iphone 4. THEY WANT USE TO BELIEVE THEY CAN, BUT THEY REALLY CAN'T. what a bunch of losers.the only true hacker is Geohot :)
  • Daylight
    Daylight Posts: 1
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    This time it is confirmed. For Latest on iPhone,iPod,iPad,Apple,android and Jailbreak visit www.enewsplus.com Thanks