iOS 4.3: Update On Unlocking & Jailbreaking iPhone

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imageiOS 4.3: Update On Unlocking & Jailbreaking iPhone

In January, iPhone Dev Team had announced that the unlock for iPhone 4 will be released after iOS 4.3 is released.

If you’ve been waiting for iPhone Dev team to release a new version of Ultrasn0w to unlock iOS 4.3, which was released today then we have some bad news for you.

Based on the series of tweets by MuscleNerd, member of the iPhone Dev Team things are not looking too good on the iPhone unlocking front. He writes:

Read the full story here



  • Powerbaked420
    Powerbaked420 Posts: 0
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    I'm some glad I live in Canada...any carrier i want lol
  • carlos orantes
    carlos orantes Posts: 0
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    lo que pasa es que se vendieron, como es posible que no puedan encontrar algo que ellos mismos saben, hablan el mismo idioma, si apple les paga 2 millones de dolares a cada uno, no perderia nada, en comparacion de las perdidas de la appstore, y el devteam y otros se hacen millonarios, es un juego de ajedrez, gana el que tiene el dinero (en este caso)
  • MikeAng10
    MikeAng10 Posts: 1
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    Why does Apple care so much if we jailbreak our phones. We bought the goddamn things. They should be happy. Why do they care what we do with them. They should get over it.
  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    Once the iPhone is in several markets in the US besides Verizon and at&t then Apple should have no choice but to sell them factory unlocked. Hell, I wish they would do that now!
  • Freak
    Freak Posts: 13
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    i hve had enough of this craaaappppp y switched to sprint htc evo 4g its awesome fast and no drop calls paying 80 bucks with 4g network bye bye apple
  • Harrison
    Harrison Posts: 7
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    If you read the story in English, please comment in English or you risk looking kinda stupid.
  • DC
    DC Posts: 18
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    Dev Tem you are a bunch of liars. Just say we can´t do it.Don´t make people wait in vain.
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    Hey man leave him alone, he can talk however he wants.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    And thats why your
  • Former iPhone 4 Lover
    via Wordpress
    This is some BS!!!!!!! What the Fu$# do I need this damn paperweight for!!!!!!! I waited all of this damn time so that I can find out that empty promises were made. Anyone want to buy a brand new iPhone 4 still in box!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I'm happy with my iPhone 4 on 4.2.1, untethered jailbreak, I have it just how I want it. There was nothing in 4.3 that's worth updating for. I'm on o2(uk) and paying for it at £50 a month, so why would I unlock it to another network, then I'd be paying for something I'm not using!It's obviously getting harder to find flaws in apples programming to jailbreak and unlock, but the devs always manage in the end, I couldn't even begin to try! Hopefully there's a jailbreak, tethered or untethered, by the time iPad 2 is released here on 25th march.
  • angel
    angel Posts: 81
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    i wish all those asshol.. that have the apple sticker in their car realize that they are promoting the most monopolistic company in the whole disgusting world
  • Patrick
    Patrick Posts: 124
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    I agree...I'm staying put! I have everything I need. 4.3's features are not essential for me! Not to mention if a jailbreak/unlock does come for it, I can pretty much guarantee it will mess up winterboard themes as they are ever changing the format of these .pngs.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    hey mac, shut the **** up. While this may be America, people need to learn our language if they visit American websites. I speak several other languages because I travel. Others can do the same.
  • smoothc
    smoothc Posts: 0
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    Former iPhone 4 Lover; how much u want for the phone?
  • DC
    DC Posts: 18
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    Selling an Iphone 4 great condition. IOS 4.1 BB 02.10.04. Any interested?
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    He probably never had an iphone before and is just here trolling. How lame. Every iphone related article or blog I've come across, there always seems to be some android fanboy who comes along and posts how great their phone is.Why is it that apple users don't troll android forums and post about iphones? Because we don't care. We're happy with our device and don't have a need to go trolling. There are better things to do.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    It depends on the price. Nowadays, people seem to want retail prices for their used products. Check craigslist, I see people selling stuff there for the same price as Walmart. It's ridiculous. I'll pay $150 for it.
  • Homero Machado
    Homero Machado Posts: 1
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    We have factory unlocked iPhone here in Brazil.
  • NOEspanol
    NOEspanol Posts: 4
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    Habla en Ingles, estupido! No comprendamos Espanol aqui!!!
  • Stiiiiil waiiiiiting
    via Wordpress
    Come on guys!be positive I think this unlock will be soon! we have bee waiting for months! what is now a couple of weeks more waiting!!just relax!
  • devteamsux
    devteamsux Posts: 15
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  • busted
    busted Posts: 24
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    rather than **** at our spanish friend here what he said (i think with my bad spanish)"what happens is that sold as is possible who can not find something they know, speak the same language, if Apple paid $ 2 million each, will not lose anything compared to the losses of the appstore and the DevTeam and others become millionaires, is a game of chess, wins with the money (in this case)I think he's wrong as i don't really see how the devteam can make millions out of a jailbreak and unlock. The only reason I can think of that Apple continues to enforce a lock is that it wants along with its partners in ATT and Verizon, to keep people buying the new iphone, under contract and/or preventing a second hand market developing in older phones with the current OS which for most people will do the job.
  • Un Mexicano
    Un Mexicano Posts: 1
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    Eres tan pendejo.Oh wait, you can only speak English. Let me kindly translate that for you.You are such a dumbass.Esto es lo que me gusta de saber mas que un lenguaje. Te puedo insultar mas de una ves.That's the joy of knowing more than one language. I can insult you more than once.
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Guys iPhones are designed to be sold to AVERAGE CONSUMERS not nerds like us who want to mess and tweak with the phones. They are locked down because most people are not interested in messing with them, they jusy want them to work right out of the box. AND if messed with 99% of people will mess it up. If you wanna mess with your phone, get an Andriod and you can mess with it all you want..sooner or later its gonna be impossible to jailbreak the phone, they arent stupid, they make the damn thing they can figure out how to lock it and it seems they have been making it more and more difficult.
  • Irony
    Irony Posts: 1
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    Thats funny. When people visit the US, Americans expect them to speak English. But when Americans travel to different places, they expect other people to speak to them in English. This website can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Let the world speak their language you ignorant ****.
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    this is what Google Translate translated your gibberish to... LOLwhat happens is that sold as is possible who can not find something they know, speak the same language, if Apple paid $ 2 million each, will not lose anything compared to the losses of the appstore And the DevTeam and others become millionaires, is a game of chess, wins with the money (in this case)
  • kDub
    kDub Posts: 48
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    lol ya jus wait it out ill be up soon so much negative comment lol
  • leo
    leo Posts: 47
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    If 4.3 unlock is hard then you guys should release 2.15 and 3.10 I think that's the bb of the 4.2.1 or below
  • angel
    angel Posts: 81
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    We need a jailbreak for dis firmware...