iOS 4.3: Update On Unlocking & Jailbreaking iPhone



  • vini
    vini Posts: 7
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    Just a request from my side to each and everyone who is not happy with the update.First stop following dev team on twitter.Secondly can't we file a legal case against Apple and AT&T, my argument is when I am paying the penalty for breaking the contract and buying the product legally and clearing all my dues with AT&T, then why can't I use the product the way I want, and use the service provider of my choice. I think this is my fundamental right to use the product the way I want when I have payed for it. I can't understand the logic of paying the penalty to cancel my contract with AT & T and still can't use it with the other service provider. I think few people should file a lawsuit against this.Please update me if there is a case already going against Apple and AT&T, and if its going on then whats taking it so long to get a result, until and unless Apple and AT&T is paying the big shots out there. Then the citizens of USA are not living in a free society.Thanks
  • Blade
    Blade Posts: 4
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    I'm agree with the guy talking about the dev team was bought by apple, until the ios 4.1 the dev team was releasing the jailbreaks too fast... from one moment to another they started to complain about the unlock and the jailbreak they stopped a lot of time the jailbreak for ios 4.2, i think apple gave them a good amount of money in exchange for dev team releases their stuff in a moment that apple decided, cause all the work that dev team do means no more than losses for apple, millions in the app store, millions if they release a carrier unlock cause they will not be able to sell a succesfull exclusiveness to another cellphone carriers in the future, at least they will not have the same amount of clients due to the great work of dev team.Im not criticizing in a bad way to the dev team if they sold themselves to apple, they worked so hard for being paid or receive the acknowledge of apple expressed in money. in fact i appreciate the work they do for the people that use their stuff they are pretty good at this but i think from now on we should not wait the same from them.
  • devteamsux
    devteamsux Posts: 15
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    Remember how musclenerd and devteam tweeted how they got two not one but two "working" exploit?? lol WHERE IS IT NOW?Also, Vini very strong point you got there. I too stand by that logic. If you pay ATT for the phone and end up paying for the ETF why cant att/apple provide us with an unlock method.psFU MUSCLEIDIOTA and devteam
  • devteamsux
    devteamsux Posts: 15
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    oh and that DB sherif too
  • Blade
    Blade Posts: 4
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    they can unlock and jailbreak they are pretty good doing this but the were bought by apple this is my respectful opinion!!!
  • Alvin
    Alvin Posts: 28
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    So, anyone know when we can fix this problem (UL)??? to DEV-TEM keep it up we support u to fight wit apple . It's not too hard too hard for u to solve this unlock code for us if u wish to do it :)
  • brightside
    brightside Posts: 0
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    the bright side to this (for those who got bb 01.59.00) is.... when we go to sell our i4 on ebay... we'll be able to buy an i5 and still have plenty of money left over!!! thanks dev team! :)my guess would be that the next unlock will fall right before i5 drops or when the i5 unlock is released. just a hunch!
  • vini
    vini Posts: 7
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    Can someone update me whats the news on the law suit against Apple. What I can understand from my research is that, jail breaking is no more illegal as per the lawmakers ruling, is there any ruling for the unlocking part also????
  • Eglis
    Eglis Posts: 3
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    As I said few month ago, Apple changed their encryption algorithm and it will take years to crack it if ever.It's like SIM Comp2-3 encryption which no one broke since 2003!!! So now if it depended on SIM, all you can do is dump you i4 or go back to AT&T...
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    物の言えない馬鹿である。 英国のウェブサイトに英語を時投稿話しなさい。
  • otro Mexicano
    otro Mexicano Posts: 1
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    Hahaha bien dicho mi chavo, stupid white people, go back to school, america is a continent! not just United States...
  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    but you don't even know your language so shut the f***k up. Pendejo as "dumbass" is retarded mexican SLANG. The true meaning of pendejo is a pubic har, you moron.
  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    here's a question... remember one of the unlocks way back when? Someone (@comex?) said that it was low enough level that someone could create a seczone dumper and find the REAL unlock code for the phone. Why hasn't that been done? I'm guessing that if several people were successful in retrieving their individual unlock code, then the process could be reversed and a keygen made that would need something like your IMEI (and possibly serial#) to spit out your unlock code.That's the ultimate unlock dream right there (because the result would be a PERMANENT unlock)
  • goody2312
    goody2312 Posts: 9
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    I think alot of the comments here are misguided. The problem here is with the Dev-team saying they have an unlock and then not producing that unlock.I don't care they do it for free, they have the choice to not do it and not say anything about what they do and don't have. The problem with these hackers is lack of accountability. They use the fact they are doing it for free to excuse themselves form any type of persecution when they don't deliver. It doesn't help we make these people Gods by standing up for them against people who have genuine gripes.In the real world, when you say you're gonna deliver something, you better deliver or you reputation takes a hit. That is what has happened here. These hackers have lost what little respect I had for them.They need to keep their mouths shut until they have something concrete to produce.
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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    unlock is available for UK O2 customers, fill out a form online, u get a text, plug into Itunes and sync and voila unlocked, free on pay monthly, £15 on pay as you go
  • Lakers 3peat, inevitable
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    It's all good as long as we got for the 3peatBtw your arrogant, lazy, leeches sacks of ****.You should be more than willing to wait for something that is given to you " free of charge". So please stop bitchingand be thankful that people who have the skills to unlock phones are so generous.
  • ereynell
    ereynell Posts: 16
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    I'm glad I live in Norway. Use any carrier I want...
  • chuckplumber
    chuckplumber Posts: 1
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    Well, sure glad I sold my locked iPhone 4 at full price earlier this year. Still happy with the iPhone 3gs and while a great fan of Apple since my Dad worked there in the 80s, I am NOT going to pay over 1200 usd for an unlocked iPhone4 (I live in Russia and that is the official price!) Love my iPhone, but now have to seriously look at an android phone.
  • Johnmc
    Johnmc Posts: 7
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    Fukin liers,from now there gonna be known as loosers in iphone unlocking sector, instead of heroes:/. Ive been waiting patiently and now im sellin this piece of junk, as i got a htc desire hd, which is better atm. Any1 wanna buy a jailbroken iphone 4 . / 4.2.1 . Offers???
  • Aloha
    Aloha Posts: 1
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  • GreatShit
    GreatShit Posts: 1
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    I don't unlock iphone 4 4.2.1. Why?? dev team don't work more? **** ****
  • Joa
    Joa Posts: 1
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    MuscleNerd say:"Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock..."why he said rumors, my 03.10.01 baseband is blocked and I die with...
  • Anhx44
    Anhx44 Posts: 2
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    Look at U! A selfish ****. Y don't u take my Auzz **** and shav it up your Amercian Ass. ****.!!!
  • FPSIraq
    FPSIraq Posts: 1
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    I live in the UK, and using O2. Lucky O2 customers can unlock their iphone by just calling O2 support and its done. :)
  • Boss
    Boss Posts: 33
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    Dev team sucks....did they get paid by stupid Apple??A week ago, dev team told that they have unlock ready for 4.3 and will be released if 4.3 does not get changed from beta3 version at the time of release...Now, they are saying that they dont have unlock...really sucks.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    Nope it isn't for jailbreaking.Untethered maybe, but jailbreaking is for life at moment as current relies on hardware for jailbreak and not software, so unless there is new hardware that changes things, your jailbreak is almost guaranteed for life.Unlock on other hand relies on the software still :P so thats a different story...
  • William Stewart
    William Stewart Posts: 1
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    I am an American living in Brazil. I believe the solution is for someone with a lot of money and a love of the iPhone to take Apple to court with a class-action lawsuit. Why is it that I can purchase an unlocked iPhone down here, but I am still subject to restrictions in the United States? It seems blatantly clear that Apple needs their clock cleaned.
  • Yes. I'm Crazy
    Yes. I'm Crazy Posts: 6
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    Well it just doesn't matter about the fuc**** unlock if you whining bastards want to use a carrier other than ATT or Verizon then don't buy a iPhone or buy two which is stupid. Just switch to ATT is Verizon problem solved. Something went wrong or they would have released the unlock like they said. Perhaps apple discovered the exploit whatever still no reason to bash people who have provided jailbreaks and unlocks and programs to us for the past 5 years for basically free. So to those whining about it I say either get a supported device or develop your own unlock because to say someone else that gives there tine and work for basically free that suck or ther liars is not only childish but also shows how menraly inept you really are. Just sit back and give them time unless you can do better.......
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    LMAO i told u so .... you all should ALWAYS get your phone on the DAY it comes out otherwise u end up having to wait for a jailbreak and unlock.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Thats the dumbest thing i ever herd. Where do you get your information from?