iPhone Hackers Publish Simpler Method to JailBreak iPhone Firmware v1.1.2

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imageiPhone Hackers Publish Simpler Method to JailBreak iPhone Firmware v1.1.2

So far we have seen a couple of ways to JailBreak iPhone firmware v1.1.2, however the process has been somewhat complicated. Folks at iPhone Atlas have posted a method, which they claim is somewhat easier to JailBreak iPhone firmware v1.1.2 which will work on Windows and Mac thanks to the...

Read the full story here



  • shai
    shai Posts: 8
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    Lame, this is not simpler, its the same process thats always been used. The only time theres more steps involved is when you dont have an activated sim, then you have to use the *#307# backdoor.

    Support the 1.1.2 w/ 4.6 unlock @ 11246unlock.com

  • moondogger
    moondogger Posts: 1
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    this is how we've been doing it since day one....

  • Paris
    Paris Posts: 7
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    So will this work with the new bootloader in 1.1.2. I have just recently got 2 new iphones.

  • Ando
    Ando Posts: 2
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    when i want to download from jailbreakme.com, my safari closes and does nothing, what should i do to make it download?

  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    This is so irritating. I followed this guide to the letter, and everything was going great until the very last step. After the jailbreak rebooted, my iphone was in recovery mode again, so I had no choice but to do a restore (which means start all over again.

    (very annoyed)

  • spyboy
    spyboy Posts: 3
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    r u crazy this is a whole lot more complicated!!!
    I don't no why they add so many unnecessary steps .....
    This is how it should be done;
    1. Downgrade from 1.1.2 fw to 1.1.1 using iTunes, when u can't get out of recovery mode after the restore use ibrickr to boot up on normal mode; or u can also boot normally using the apptap installer.

    2. As some one mentioned use the *#307# backdoor have access to safari thus being able to jailbreak using appsnap.

    3. Wen jailbroken fire up installer n install oktoprep; n NOW update 1.1.2 fw

    4. Download dev teams jailbreak package ; n again use the 307 backdoor to have access to ur settings so u can be able to select ur wifi network, then just run the package n let it do its thing. Works everytime!
    this is so easy I don't no y ppl like to complicate things.

  • BT
    BT Posts: 5
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    I am stuck at the last step, after i click the jailbreak button, it just disappear and does nothing...

  • curious about hacks
    via Wordpress

    The instructions say to hold the option key. I'm using a pc running WinXP. What key should I hold? CTRL?

  • Thunderbirdz
    Thunderbirdz Posts: 1
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    Will someone please explain the steps you need to take in order to download 1.1.1 ipsw firmware file and have it stay that way? After being downloaded it never contains the _Restore.ipsw "cube icon" needed to downgrade to 1.1.1. Step by step is what I need. People say do not let the safari open it or Do not decompress this file or allow your browser to decompress it. So how do you stop the decompression?
    Please help!

  • Kush
    Kush Posts: 19
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    I would like to know if its possible to use anysim or iunlock or anyother application which unlocks your iphone to use it with any network with the firmware 1.1.2.

  • Jose Valdez
    Jose Valdez Posts: 1
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    This process is for iphone with 1.1.2 native and bootloader 4.6? Thanks

  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    That's a long list...

    I like the dev way better...I did find i-independence 1.3 works to kick the itunes error as long as the mobile device is changed using iNdependence MobDev Tool....

    The less apps on the phone the less it crashes..there must be some sort of worm that eats up the custom ring tones after a few days or a week or so it will be gone...

    Anyone else have that problem?

  • Shawn Korin
    Shawn Korin Posts: 4
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    curious about hacks:

    You need to install java for windows.bat to work.. Download it for free at www.java.com

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Has anyone been able to use this to unlock
    Version 1.1.2 (Pre-Installed)
    With bootloader 4.6


  • AIMA
    AIMA Posts: 1
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    Hi everyone
    I have an error when trying to connect my iphone to itunes it says "itunes could not connect to the iphone because of an unknown error (0x8000012). well i updated the itunes to 7.5 disinstal and instal many times many versions of itunes restart the pc, the iphone i have a pc xp home usb 2.0!!
    can anyone help me plzzzzzz

  • Karthik
    Karthik Posts: 11
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    I got a new iphone with 1.1.2 and this hack does not work. When i use itunes to restore back to 1.1.1 i get an immediate error punting back the restore process (errcode =1)

    any advice?


  • s1ck
    s1ck Posts: 1
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    works great, it's in fact simpler than it looks like.
    there are 23 steps becuz they are extremely detailed, they even tell you which buttons to push =P

  • Kate
    Kate Posts: 12
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    everything was great until the very last step. After the jailbreak the phone was in recovery mode running on 1.1.2 with no installer button

  • Posts: 15
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    plllllzz some on helpp me man i would realy apreciate it .... i thought for sum dumm reason it was alright to upgrade to 1.1.2 when ur phone is already unlocked. after i did that my phone says incorrect pin and doesnt go past first screen. and when i try to hook it to itunes to restore it so i could jailbreack it again it doesnt even show up on itunes its say error 11133 .. plllzz the help would be very apreaciated.

  • curious about hacks
    via Wordpress

    I personally did this one and it works great. It looks like a lot of steps, but if you're use to doing these kinds of things....(hacking devices) then this shouldn't be a problem for you. Just make sure you read everything as you're doing this. You don't have to memorize then try and do it. Just take your time. Do one step then read and so on. Good luck! Works wonders!

  • The One
    The One Posts: 5
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    Yes I have made it to the very last step as well. When I double click the jailbreak jar it looks like it lanches but then .....nuthing??? is ther some setting I need to change to?? Please any one have some help for me?

  • Annabelle
    Annabelle Posts: 1
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    I did it, it worked! After lots of research i found out a trick to actually make it work. follow everything that was said with this added pointer.


    7. If you are using a Mac, double-click jailbreak.jar in the file you just downloaded. If you are on a Windows system, double-click the file windows.bat. Click the “Boot from Recovery” button. This should force the iPhone out of recovery mode.


    22. Go back to the folder you downloaded from Conceited Software and again run the jailbreak.jar file on a Mac or the windows.bat file on a Windows system. This time, check the “Install SSH option” then press the “Jailbreak” button. This process takes several minutes — do not perform any other operations on your iPhone during this process.

    ::If you did not take my advise then you will be prompted with “Error 1602″ or similar if so just hold the power button and the home button so you can restore your phone if not it will stay with the same icons.

    Good luck :O)

  • Trying the Hack
    Trying the Hack Posts: 2
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    Followed all the steps and reached 8....launch safari? how can I do this when the only option I have is emergency calls.
    Even tried #307# Dial and then erase #307# and pressed 0 and dialled ....
    I cannot get to safari....so cannot get to the next step.
    Although tips from THE ONE helped me reach this stage. Thanks THE ONE...

  • The One
    The One Posts: 5
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    I know to quit itunes!! I get to lats step I QUIT itunes then double click jailbreak jar and nuthing happens no window no nuthing.........ARRRG im going crazy ...PLEASE HELP!!!

  • JPB
    JPB Posts: 3
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    After step 8 I havn't been able to launch safari. How can i reach it, the only working app is the phone pad for emergency calls. tks

  • yan7
    yan7 Posts: 10
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    @ the one

    it seems that u don't have any java runtime application running on your system.

    just go to java.sun.com and download one.after installing it try the .jar file again or .bat file if u using windows.it should work fine then.

    one more thing guys,this method is way more complicated tha the other one..i actually discovered that u don't even have to do all these steps and strangely when i was on the emergency screen i succeeded into landing in menu without doing anything of above!so u see what that means,u just then have to put wifi on and download appsnap from jailbreakme.com..i could even access youtube etc!full menu..am still trying to figure out why this happened and when i find that,it will be much easier then!only downgrade,jailbreak,upgrade,jailbreak n ur done..it worked fine for me!

  • The One
    The One Posts: 5
    via Wordpress

    Thanks YAN7
    what you said makes sence. Do you have any idia what java I might need to download? Im running a power mac g5 1.8 dual with osx 10.4.10 again thanks if this works you are my HERO!!!

  • yan7
    yan7 Posts: 10
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    @ kate

    u should be very carefull when reaching the last step since you can easily upgrade the iphone to the latest version which will void all jailbreaking and delete everything!you will then have to start all over again..
    i advise you to use the other method since the icon won't ever disappear and if it did,then u are sure you did it wrong and know that you have to start the process again..and if you go with this one,be sure you do everything carefully and even if you have to do it couple of times,make sure it's the right way and you'll get it easily in the end..

    hope it helps!

    @the one

    no prob bro!

    the thing is that mac already comes with java environment pre-installed...i thought you were using windows...

    but you might wanna check the following since i guess it might be what is causing your problem


    you are on osx 10.4.10(tiger) and you have to upgrade it to the latest version.be sure to download the right upgrade for your system;read carefully and look for the right release...it will upgrade your runtime to the latest one which they installed on leopard!

    hope it helps!

  • The One
    The One Posts: 5
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    YAN7 !!!!!!
    HELL YA BRO!!! just had to update and all worked out great I now have a SUCCESSFULL jailbreak on 1.1.2!!!!! THX SO MUCH YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!

  • spyboy
    spyboy Posts: 3
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    for those of u who done no how to access safari on an unactivated Fon
    1: make emergency call, dial *#307#, press call, now delete them n press 0 zero, press call again, accept, press hold, now decline.
    2: create new contact, add URL press:// add another URL jailbreakme.com, save n press prefs, select wifi.
    3: *#307#, delete , 0 zero, answer, hold,decline, now click on jailbreakme.com
    And there u have it safari should now Pop out. :)