How To Perform Untethered Jailbreak On Your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS Running iOS 5.0.1 Using Redsn0w



  • Newo
    Newo Posts: 3
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    hi, when i try to run as administrator i get a message telling me "windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. you may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." any ideas :) thanks
  • Newo
    Newo Posts: 3
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    BTW I am using Windows XP Pro if that makes any difference, thanks again
  • Newo
    Newo Posts: 3
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    never mind sorted it now, thanks for the jailbreak info
  • Akash
    Akash Posts: 7
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    Hii there,Can you help me ? I have a Iphone 3GS in version 5.0.1 with a broken Home button. I can't fix it and i am out off warranty..BUT i want to Jailbreak my iphone........wihle jailbreaking with redsn0w 0.9.10b5c they want the phone in ...DFU mode but with a broken home button i can't go to DFU mode please help me !!!!!If there is any other way to go to DFU mode.......please let me know....please helpThanks in Advance...
  • stjepan
    stjepan Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    Hello! Can not sync iPhone 4 IOS 5.0.1 jailbreak redsn0w_win_0.9.10b5c the mean ratio itunes sync "name" instalerades not. Can you help me
  • Sanzio
    Sanzio Posts: 1
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    i jailbreak my iphone4 (ios 5.0.1) on vista OS, but got errors as below on Redsn0w after enter DFU mode:“Couldnt download required IPSW!Please check your internet connection.If your internet is working, you may need an updated version of redsnow.Error with SHSH blobs!”my internet connection is fine and redsnow's version(0.9.10b5c) is latest, also follow every step in detail. i google this tips and found not too much cases, neither any solutions to this issues. does any one knows how to solve it? thanks very much.
  • nikki
    nikki Posts: 5
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    works great ((: thanks
  • Pillar
    Pillar Posts: 1
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    In past, I had already jailbroken my iphone 4 4.3.5 Tethered. But unfortunately, because of my bad, i forgot to charge the battery so It was run out of battery. I tried to go back to factory restore then I got my iphone 4 5.0.1. Now, I did jailbreak Untethered 5.0.1, but I'm getting problem with my Cydia. "add source" + "search"(usually used to search any program that we want to install, and its located on right bottom side) cannot be accessed, when I try to add source, it always goes back to main menu and also "search" does. How to solve this problem? Please help me. Thanks.
  • rngibb
    rngibb Posts: 2
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    newbie here, i have succesfully jailbreak my i phone 3gs... thank you so much... one question, how can i unlock it?
  • Aayush
    Aayush Posts: 1
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    1. open i tunes2. press home button and connect to pc via usb3. itunes will detect your phone, and u can start will all over againi hope it will work :)
  • Shelly
    Shelly Posts: 6
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    Hello- I am somewhat new at updating my iphone to the newest IOS. I had an older iphone and could always find a video or something that walked me through it step by step, but just so unsure now that I have my 3gs. So what I have is a 3gs unlocked/jailbroken on 4.3.2 it did hare the 06.15.00 baseband when I got it. I've had NO issues with the phone, but so would love to get it updated. I've just been scared and unsure with so many different things stated out there about bootroms etc... Can anyone be of help to me in a sure bet way to get my phone updated to the 5.0 IOS, for my particular situation? Thank you SO MUCH in advance for any help you can give me. Thank you!
  • Oscar
    Oscar Posts: 12
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    am trying to jailbreak my verizon iphone 5.0.1 with the compatible redsnow and after it says exploring limmrean all that it says reboot, my phone turns back on and no further action. some one please help fix this. please!
  • Oscar
    Oscar Posts: 12
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    am tryna jailbreak my verizon iphone ios 5.0.1 with the compatible redsnow and after it start to load the limmeran and goes to waiting to reboot my iphone turns back on and no further action. someone please help. please!
  • baila marsow
    baila marsow Posts: 1
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    What to do I'm stuck on Processing Kernel 0%
  • baila
    baila Posts: 1
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    nvm momentary freak out
  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    this happened to me too... please help! :(
  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    same problem! please helppppp!
  • Nicolee
    Nicolee Posts: 1
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    I Keep Getting error (21) please explain in clear enligsh how to fix this...
  • EELS
    EELS Posts: 1
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    Hey guys, my iPhone 3GS is running Version 5.1 (9B176) not 5.0.1Will this JB guide still work for me?Thanks in advance.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Any most stable redsnow jailbreak version for Iphone 3gs? PLease advise Redsn0w 0.9.10b5c, suitable for iphone 3GS?
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Can anyone help me.. After I jail broken my Iphone4 5.0.1, I received note from Cydia "This device is in the pending tss queue". Now I can't search anything from Cydia.Thanks for looking into this.Thank you,Jim
  • PrashanGune
    PrashanGune Posts: 1
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    I love you!! It just fixed my iPhone from jailbreaking. Thank you so much. But i cant unlock the factory lock in the mobile :( it has 5.1.1