Here's How Badly AT&T Throttling Impacts Top 5% Of Data Users

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imageHere's How Badly AT&T Throttling Impacts Top 5% Of Data Users

Two out of the three major iPhone carriers in the U.S. throttle data speeds of its top 5 percent unlimited data users.

It started with AT&T terminating its unlimited data usage plan, but giving users who were still subscribed to the plan an option to continue. A year after this, AT&T announced its plans of throttling speeds the top 5 percent data consumers on these unlimited plans. Early last year, Verizon followed AT&T, with a similar plan to throttle users.

Read the full story here



  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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    unlimited on ATT?? thought they did away with that
  • dsstech
    dsstech Posts: 6
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    Wow that's messed up.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Users who had opted for the unlimited data plans (before the plan was killed) are allowed to continue with them even when they upgrade to a new smartphone.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    they r horrible i cured them n argued that i pay for 3g speed not 2g n they gave me a 15 dollar credit.. i am cutting then when iPhone 6 comes out to iPhone SJ way ever they r going to call it
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    LoL.. WTF AT&T...? But still 2MB is too slow..! My speed is 5.1Mbps even 7Mbps..But That's not fare..!
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    neither is your spelling...."fair".....
  • Macdaddy916
    Macdaddy916 Posts: 5
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    AT&T sucks ****!! Haha that's why it's all about verizon
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    So many "rights" in America and yet AT&T gets away with doing this because of some legal mumbo jumbo in their contracts. Pure nonsense. It hasn't affected me, but I know someone personally who's been throttled. Lately I've been trying to be more conscious about using more of my "unlimited" plan. Screw AT&T.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Geez grammer natsi
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    i understand that unlimited means use it all you want. i use my data plan a lot (streaming music, downloading apps without restrictions with My3G, watching shows, etc...) i never got message like that. there was an article out there that top 5% of users consume 50% of all bandwidth. when they throttled it's better for me, less dropped calls. i'm not defending AT&T but some people just abuse it
  • DJ
    DJ Posts: 38
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    The AT&T throttling affects me so badly I can barely watch this YouTube video on how bad it affects me.
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    with that said, i agree that they shouldn't lower speed so badly. btw, how much data was consumed on that account when message came from AT&T?
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    What constitutes abuse? The individual I know that has been throttled streams from apps like Pandora and Netflix nearly everyday. At his job he is allowed to have his phone on and in front or next to him. So the usage is nearly 8 hours every work day. Is that abuse? AT&T gladly throttled his speeds.
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    not grammar, spelling.*nazi
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Hi got throttled 3 months in a row first month it was a 7 gigs next month 4 gigs now my recent month I only was 1.4 gigs and those Sons of B throttled me I was so mad. I called they said I was top 5% in my region im about to leave AT&T I didn't sign up for this 1.4 gigs are you serious that's lame
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I stopped using my iPhone to its full capacity. I usta average 80gb a month. Now i'm forced to sync stuff or just wait till i get home or to a wifi connection to install an app or download. You win this round at&t. Not much i can do about it
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    doesn't sound like abuse to me, I'm just curious what's his data usage when they throttling kicks in? that's a lot of music and video though... music doesn't take THAT much. netflix is different story... have to pick your battles... watch movies at work on your phone or enjoy data plan all month... i understand AT&T sucks, but getting your account throttled won't change anything. they know we not leaving anywhere, so they don't care.
  • killzATT
    killzATT Posts: 2
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    I don't understand how AT&T can get away with that BS. This is like going to an all you can eat buffet. However, if you want 2nds or 3rds, you have to go pick whatever you like from the scraps or peoples left overs. yuck
  • Posts: 15
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    They have HSPA+ 3G EDGE and LTE they claim to be "Blazing Fast". They advertise all the speed and bandwidth and limit it to the users and charge for everything sepertaly
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    80gb a month OMG that is a lot.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    Some of these high data users need to get a life and get off their phones.
  • SaKo
    SaKo Posts: 74
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    I have used 2G of my unlimited plan and received that message. So my data will be throttled for 13 days.. that's sucks!! I can't even watch 2min. YouTube video on my iPhone, takes forever to download.
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    I don't recall at what point he got the message. But he told me that at heavy Netflix usage he reached 20GB one month. I've barely touched 5GB at my highest but my circumstances are different. But you are right. AT&T knows A LOT of people aren't going anywhere and so they pull crap like that.
  • Holden
    Holden Posts: 4
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    80 gigs in one month is crazy. I use my iPhone a lot ... Stream Pandora for hours, YouTube, etc. The most I've used in one month is 4 gigs. I don't have a problem throttling 80 gig users. And there's nothing illegal or unfair about it ... AT&T reserved that right. Don't like it? Go elsewhere.
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    OMG eh, what's up with people on the internet spelling so poorly? I appreciate your time to post and correct people. :)
  • SaKo
    SaKo Posts: 74
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    Yes 80gig. is way too much, and we (3-4 gig.a month users ) are getting affected over that ...
  • Bruski107
    Bruski107 Posts: 14
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    I'm currently top 5 in usage. I fucking hate it. It took me 23 minutes to download kayak from the app store. I will like to know if there are some legal options for us the consumers who originally purchased the unlimited plan "on 3G.". These browsing speeds are worse then being on EDGE itself. I fucking hate AT&T. When my contract is up I will be switching. I prefer giving my money to Metro Piece of ****, that's how frustrated I am. And I use this phone for work too. Assholesssssss!!!!!!!
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Does ANYONE understand irony anymore? My god, I hoped you people would be smarter...
  • Kurtec
    Kurtec Posts: 9
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    Id like to know, if you pay ATT $20 a month for a hotspot, Do they still throttle when you enter the top 5%
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    i used 3 gb of data and got that message thas horrible