Here's How Badly AT&T Throttling Impacts Top 5% Of Data Users



  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Last month I got cut off at 5 Gigs. This month I just got the "warning" text and I've only used 1.5 gigs. Pretty soon I'll be the only one using an unlimited plan and I'll be throttled on the first bit I send. Deviously ingenious. Especially since they do not need to show how they calculate the top 5%.
  • Rafael
    Rafael Posts: 10
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    Wow, come on man. I just googled this topic and came here because I got the message Fri. Funny thing is I just upgraded to a iphone4 a few weeks ago (had the upgrade for a year just didn't use it) and as soon as I get a new contract I get the msg. This stinks to high heaven! I just checked my data usage and for the last 6 months I been in the 2-4gb range. So when I was not under contract they never sent any messages saying anything about data usage. I just got my iphone4! It hasn't even been a month yet and I already have the 5% message. I hesitated getting a new phone with AT&T anyway because I knew they had gotten rid of their unlimited plans, but called customer service and was assured I'd be "grandfathered in". It's just a big lie. SERIOUSLY WE SHOULD ALL SUE!!!!! NOTHING EVER WILL HAPPEN IF WE DON'T TAKE ACTION. Best Buy told me I had 30 days to return my phone so I'm going to try that option. Don't think it will get me out of my contract, but it's worth a try.
  • Tiger woods
    Tiger woods Posts: 2
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    Same here. Hit 2.1GB on last day of cycle and got AT&T's wonderful "Top 5%" bs text.
  • Tiger-woodie
    Tiger-woodie Posts: 2
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    Same here. Hit 2.1GB on last day of cycle and got AT&T's wonderful "Top 5%" bs text.
  • Tiger-woodie
    Tiger-woodie Posts: 2
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    Same here. Hit 2.1GB on last day of cycle and got AT&T's wonderful "Top 5%" b*s text.
  • Debbie
    Debbie Posts: 5
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    It's worse than that, actually. I got the dreaded approaching 5% message a few days ago and had only received 1.3 G. This morning I got the full-blown 5% messgae, and I only received 1.8 G. My sent data was only 239 mg. It seems as though it no longer matters how much data you actually use, only that your usage is in that top 5%. Really disgusting behavior on their parts.
  • Danielle
    Danielle Posts: 5
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    I got throttled within 5 days of my billing cycle. So what I'm being told is, that because I was grandfathered in with an unlimited data plan, which I pay for, I can only use 2 GB; shouldn't I then be pro-rated to a 2GB fee for the duration of the time? I have an iPhone, and I cant even listen to my iPod (so not even a third-party or streaming app), functionality inherent to the phone, because my musici s in the iCloud. I called AT&T and asked what I needed to stay under in order avoid this issue and was told "it varies." If I have to go to a data plan that's tiered, fine; but I'll be doing it with a company that isn't AT&T.
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    AT&T has signed their own death warrant. iPhone customers will be 100% Verizon and the iPhone 5 will be met with shrugs of "no data, no phone."From now on, my iPhone 4 will be used to burn the 2GB, then it will be shelved until next month to repeat until the contract runs out. AT&T will eventually come along with a 4G transition plan and I'll say talk to the hand -- my other hand is already holding a Google phone in the form of a Galaxy Nexus using Verizon.I have no doubt AAPL will be talking to T about their slip from the lead in market share.Now, my only question is where to sign up for the class action suit.
  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 39
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    How about contacting the CEO directly and advising him that screwing the people that made ATT rich is biting the hand that fed him and provided him with his $5 million mansion and therefore is not a good business practice in the long run.Office:Randall L. Stephenson208 S. Akard St.75202 Dallas 2233 TXUnited StatesPrimary Phone: 210-821-4105Residence5404 Walnut Hill Ln.Dallas, Texas 75229
  • Masood
    Masood Posts: 2
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    Please like this page so we can hand this over to at&t so they can see how many unhappy customers are there.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    They don't throttle tiered accounts, only the unlimited ones. Like others have mentioned, I believe throttling is AT&T's passive aggressive mechanism for "encouraging" unlimited users to switch to a higher priced ($/byte) tiered plan.
  • pascalmadd
    pascalmadd Posts: 1
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  • Jonnyj
    Jonnyj Posts: 1
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    I believe a movement should be started to legally stop AT&T from selling smartphones in areas where AT&T claims is congested and necessitates the use of throttling. If their network is so congested why should they be allowed to sell move smartphones and make the situation worse. We need to create a publicity nightmare for AT&T and for them to make their unfair policy be modified or go away.
  • Lancorp
    Lancorp Posts: 2
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    My thoughts exactly!
  • Lancorp
    Lancorp Posts: 2
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    As a matter of fact, Verizon has double data deal right now. 4gb for $30 or 10GB FOR $50. How does AT&T think their top 5% uses only 2GB when Verizon offers 10GB.?
  • Antizzy
    Antizzy Posts: 1
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    Seriously I just got throttled and it's ridiculous. Pretty much unusable. How dare they throttle us at 2gb, and offer a paid plan for 3 gb for less than us unlimited users are paying? This pure money-grubbing nonsense. I call for a movement where if we're forced to switch away fom our coveted unlimited plans (because of bs bully tactics), than we switch for good to a different carrier.
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    Been throttled 2 months in a row now. Made several calls and got nowhere. Talked to a rep at a kiosk in a mall who said he was at a meeting with a bigwig who said they would "rather piss off the 30% of customers who have the unlimited plans than the other customers who pay as they consume". Nice AT&T! I'll be leaving you as soon as I see a way out. Oh by the way my wife and son have phones with the limited plans which they use very little data because they use wifi almost exclusively. No credit for that. Sending AT&T 206.00
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    A month and this is how they treat us! Unacceptable AT&T! Looking into other options as I speak.
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    Oh yeah! Forgot this tidbit: I live in a city of 6000 people the nearest city to me has a population of 3000. We are out in the boonies!!! Yeah I guess the network is really overloaded out here. Mostly emigrant field workers too. Guess they're constantly on their smart phones!
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    Sorry for the multiple posts but I am really truly PISSED over this! I'll join any lawsuit out there!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    As far as I am concerned unlimited means no limit. I have 2 phones with unlimited data and they throttled both my phones. This is just another way for a big company to rob the american public. I used less than 1gig on both phones and still got extremely slow phones. Thanks ATT for stealing from the american people.
  • Roland
    Roland Posts: 4
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    I'd be very interested in a Class Action Lawsuit against AT&T for throttling long term customers down. I have been with AT&T for 20 years and this is how they treat their valued customers! This smacks of a Rico Act Lawsuit where your sold a bill of goods and after a while your Strong Armed into giving AT&T more money as a "Pay Off" extortion is what it boils down to be AT&T is extorting money from their long term grandfathered in data customers. Count me in on a Class Action Law Suit. These are the Greedelists @ work. Check out my website above.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I just got done being throttled and it was RIDICULOUS! I was getting 90kbps down, web pages would time out, facebook would never load, and the android market always timed out. Really the only apps I could use my data plan for were gmail and um....well that's it really. I didn't have a problem with the maps app I use (Waze) since it caches the maps, but when I hit somewhere I had not been it got really bad.I was throttled at just under 4gb. I don't use my phone all the time and pretty much all of the usage would have come from a combination of Netflix and Youtube (with HD turned on). I pretty much have stopped using netflix off of wifi since it doesn't have an in-app option to set the quality. The quality of your stream is set by your account from what I could find.I was throttled from Jan 26th - Feb 12th when my billing cycle started over. Seventeen days of utter boredom not being able to use my "smartphone" as it was originally intended.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    20Gb a month is actually pretty bad. You would have to watch a lot of netflix to do that. With my previous usage I hit almost 4gb in about 14 days watching maybe one or two 45 minute tv shows a day on netflix. I would watch while on my breaks at work since the other times I was actually working. The highest I've ever hit was 10gb and that was with what I would consider heavy usage.
  • Darkspark
    Darkspark Posts: 1
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    ha that's nothing I'm throttled to 2.6 kbps used about 2.7 gigs of data... idk y they hate me so much lol.
  • Drugar
    Drugar Posts: 1
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    I have a friend that is a security guard, and he uses 40Gb - 50GB a month with his phone. I about dropped from shock when he told me that! I asked what the heck he does to use that much data, and he said since he doesn't have a computer for 10 hours every day, he uses his phone for video's, web browsing, just about anything he would normally do on a computer. My thought was "Start reading books"
  • BLK3
    BLK3 Posts: 1
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    I've been with AT&T for a little over 6 years I do have the unlimited data plan and was grandfathered in. There have been months in the past were I have his 16-18gbs of use. Never had any problems. These past two months I picked up a new job so was no longer able to use my phone nearly as much. I might of hit about 5 Gb last month. This month I used about 3 and I get the warning message from AT&T I'm not in the top 5 percent. I was very irritated and called them right away. Bitching about how I had cut back from data usage and that the phone is pethetically slow when being throttled. She said there is nothing she can do about it " it's company policy" understanding there is nothing she can do, there is something I can do. I've been helping spread the word about jail broken features for the iPhone4/ 4s. I downloaded 3G unrestricter and and helped many of my friends download it as well. I also found a way to turn up my untenna strength to rob surrounding AT&T costomers of the bandwidth they are paying for. Because AT&T screwed good costomers out of something they were promised. I'm irritated AT&T won't work with any body and will throttle people with that bs 5% ****. Standard AT&T iPhone 4s strength is set to about 72% power. I turned mine up to hit about 99% power. So long story short, even if I'm being throttled and your not, but are sitting near me. Your speeds will suck just as much as mine. :)
  • amattei
    amattei Posts: 2
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    i just change may old 3gsIphone for the new galaxy note. last night i received teh mssg. They just dont care about their 5% clients and we the people have nothing to do about because there is no protection for the consumers in or out the usa.
  • wes
    wes Posts: 53
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    Now I do feel bad... Before the throttling started I used 67 GB. Oops!!!
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    happy to participate in your story if its still in the works. This really is a ridiculously obvious case of corporate greed! I get throttled, after that my phone basically lost ALL usability! I'm forced onto EDGE which rarely holds a signal in San Francisco where i live. Essentially even the basic call functions on my phone are unavailable for half a month!!! AT&T says theres no relation, however each month, the day after I receive the text warning me that I've used my 3 Gig LIMIT and will be throttled, my phone loses ALL FUNCTIONALITY! This includes basic phone calls!!!! It constantly attempts to connect to EDGE with no success. The day my new billing cycle rolls phone miraculously recovers & works perfectly... until the next throttling transpires. I'm so disgusted with this practice. It's not like I even go data crazy on my phone! I have to power-cycle my phone repeatedly to even get onto the 2G network they've relegated me too only to be dropped....REPEATEDLY. AT&T says: "Oh no that's impossible, you're phone is malfunctioning," OK... took it to Apple: EVERYTHING IS WORKING FINE! I'm in the process of lodging a formal complaint to get the throttling removed (at least for a month to prove my case) Anyone with similar issues PLEASE CONTACT this point im considering legal action!!!! (I am an attorney)