Here's How Badly AT&T Throttling Impacts Top 5% Of Data Users



  • Grouchyass
    Grouchyass Posts: 1
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    I had AT&T till they started throttling my unlimited plan after using 2gb of data pure bullshit. First I was accused of teathering when I was not and 2gb puts me in top 5% users right! After having them for 4 years I told them too stick there service up there a*se! I'm much happier with Sprint not quite as fast but way cheaper unlimited data and text.
  • John Gonzales
    John Gonzales Posts: 3
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    Ya I don't understand how they figure 2gb of use is too much! When I know there's other people that go a lot higher up in the 10gb my friend being one of those. If there going to ur the speed at least cut the speed in half and be somewhat fair. But they totally make it not useable
  • James Darrell
    James Darrell Posts: 1
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    Got the message at 1.7 GB - AT&T is clearly just trying to get people to cancel their unlimited plans. Disgraceful, and I hope people sue the hell out of them.
  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 60
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    Absouley. Bring on the lawsuits! This sh*t must stop. They are lying and abusing good customers for a normal amount of use.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    How can 2gb be excessive when they offer a 2gb and 4gb plan? Do they throttle the 4gb customers at 2gb? Shouldn't the people that are at the top 6% catch and pass the usage of the throttled 5%? What AT&T is doing is simply unfair. If Verizon was different I'd leave AT&T.
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    According to them, presently anyone over 2GB falls into the top 5%. So basically they screw all the long time customer with the 5GB limits.
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    What was the point in telling old customers they could keep their unlimited (5GB) plan if they knew they would throttle them to 2g speed at 2GB? Because this is the same old AT&T from long ago. Screwing over customers every chance they get.And they tried to lead us to believe the merger would be a good thing for customers. Yeah, right.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    You all complain about 2 gb but the fact of the matter is the 2 gb plan. That's where all of you unlimited users WILL end up or on another carrier. You will be forced eventually and there's not anything you can do about it. VZW did the same thing. Hide and watch. Buy a pc and get Internet. Btw, going to Sprint won't solve anything for ya either. They're unlimited plan is a joke and bait for you suckers.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    You are not a heavy data user at 3GB... you have no clue what heavy data use is at 3GB a month. Use something other than mobile safari for basic web browsing and you can hit 2GB easily without ever streaming a single audio or video that's optional to watch... Try running any secure remote desktop... they happily sell you the app for $99 but if you need it more than a few hours a week it becomes unusable by throttling. The point is they sell an unlimited plan that isn't unlimited. The amount they throttle is ridiculous... it can take 2-3 minutes (those are real minutes, 120+ seconds on a stopwatch) to open google maps and another 2+ minutes if you zoom or scroll.
  • Jerry
    Jerry Posts: 47
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    U get a warning for the first month, and if it seems still above their "date usage" the month month, they begin to throttle your data. My average is 7-8GB but I don't even do video. I work 8-5 as an accountant and listen to Sirius, and pandora Monday thru Friday. They believe over 5 excessive. Isn't their a class action lawsuit we can start? I mean why am I paying for unlimited if I don't get unlimited data?
  • Mia
    Mia Posts: 8
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    If they throttled your speeds and you're paying for their 3G service doesn't that mean they voided their contract by not supporting it? Shouldn't that legally allow you to drop the contract without and recourse on your end?
  • GeO
    GeO Posts: 24
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    My wife and I have an iPhone 4 and an iPhone 3GS on a family plan with unlimited data. I used 900 MBs last month and she used 600 MBs (1.5 GBs total). We got throttled with the top 5%. What?!?!?!?
  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 60
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    That is so f*cking absurd & a breach of contract. I can't wait until AT&T gets sued!
  • Jerrrremy
    Jerrrremy Posts: 1
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    Days 27: Hit 10 gigabytes. Phone throttled to prehistoric speeds. Supplies are getting low. Hoping for 3 more days of survival.
  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 37
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    I'm sure this has been AT&T's genius plan to get people off the unlimited data plan. People are posting above that the limit is now around 2GB+ before they are targeted to be throttled. I'm not surprised. As the months go by and this 5% throttle rule stays in affect, the limit will keep getting lower. Let's say day 1, the top 5% of users used 10GB+ of data in the first month. Once they got capped, these users would probably not pass 100MB the throttled month and would be cautious going forward to pass 10GB going forward. The following month, AT&T would target the next 5% and that may be users at the 8GB+ of usage. And so on and so on. Within a few months, we'll probably see unlimited data plan users capped for using more than 1GB a month. I hope AT&T has a limit to this BS.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    10 gbs at the end of a cycle is fine. Shouldn't everybody hit their cap at the end of the month? I always hit 8-10 around day 28 or so. Why throttle at the end Of the cycle? Its one thing to use 10 gb in a matter of days but over a month is a different story.
  • Andre
    Andre Posts: 64
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    This is bs. Got throttled today at 2.1gb's. Still have 15 days til the end of the billing cycle. I feel like I'm stuck because I want to wait for the iphone5
  • Brendan Farrell
    Brendan Farrell Posts: 1
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    I just got my top 5% message with a usage of 13.5 gigs.
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    This whole 5% is BS, I'm not sure how it's determined. People I know that stream video/music have gotten throttled around the 2.2gb line. The other thing they have in comman is that they never use wifi. I haven't received any warnings yet, I used 3.6gb last month. I'm grandfathered in to the unlimited, but it seems to be becoming more limited. I think that's wht AT&T has recently changed there data plans, $30 for 3gb. We currently pay $30 for unlimited, so that 3gb may be the line AT&T wants everyone. It's typical AT&T screws over long time loyal customers. If your going to throttle, cut it back 50%.
  • Devon
    Devon Posts: 3
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    Most of you are missing the point. Steer away form the semantics and finger pointing. At the core of this issue is a contract. Att will provide unlimited data I will pay x dollar for this service per month for 24 months. Att broke their portion of the contract with the throttling down. I would be sent to collection if i throttle back my payment each month. If they can not support their unlimited plan they should get rid of it. if they want to start this throttling back plan they should wait until you begin a new contract instead of sneaking it in during a current contract. also all unlimited data should be notified when this policy took effect instead of waiting until we crossed the 5% of top users and had to call and get it out of the rep.
  • Leinad
    Leinad Posts: 2
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    It doesn't matter how carefull u are I got a notice last month when I went over 3gb now I just got a notice at 1.5gb as I was trying to reduce my usage. well I guess that didn't help so I'll just use another 7gb this month. I encourage everyone to abuse your unlimited plan to get our 5% up. At&t is trying to bully us into an expensive tiered plan for a little amount of data greedy bastards. Occupiers unite attack AT&T!!!!
  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    I advise everyone to file a complaint with the BBB and tell them AT&T is not providing the unlimited 3G data plan you are paying for and you demand a redound of your $30 every month the service is not provided. I filed now I'm waiting for AT&T to respond.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I liked you report on this topic. Just to let you know I am suing AT&T. I was told unlimited data and I am sick of their BS. My court date is February 24th at 8:30am in the Simi valley CA small claims court. AT&T has already been served. If you want to talk about this give me a call at 912-313-1234Matt
  • Mark Rana
    Mark Rana Posts: 1
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    Way to go Matt! I live in Texas and have a friend who is a partner in a local law firm. We will be watching to see what happens.
  • HK
    HK Posts: 4
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    If they throttle you, you'll know. You may as well switch to a Motorola Razr. Your internet usage is nearly useless. You go back to normal speeds when the next billing cycle begins.
  • HK
    HK Posts: 4
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    They've succeeded. I am cancelling my unlimited data plan ... and my phone plan and any other plan they have. I'm switching to Sprint too!!
  • HK
    HK Posts: 4
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    Cool. Let'em have it. Remember the nuance is that they are no longer providing your data at 3G speeds INTENTIONALLY. You *technically* still have unlimited data but at greatly reduced speeds. But, they are INTENTIONALLY reducing your speeds to an UNUSEABLE level. This is done to push you into a more expensive plan; not to increase speeds for everyone else.
  • Chad
    Chad Posts: 26
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    I got throttled this month at 1.5 gigs. I have a hard time believing the top 5% threshold is now only 1.5 gigs...
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    wow they throttled me down so slow that I can't even do anything and I'm on the old unlimited plan too..I'm thinking of switching to a different carrier...and the top 5% of users is for their entire data users, they should change the 5% to 95% then it would make sense, my dad used 1gb for his month and still got a text...a friend of mine that rarely ever uses his data with only 200mb used got a text to...basically they are sending that message to everybody it seems like, this pisses me off how they can get away with this. 2gb is nothing these days, we are getting limited to the entertainment for our phones drastically, what is the point in having data on cell phones anymore because EVERYBODY is getting throttled down going near the cap or not near it at all, they should just remove all internet options from the cell phones so we can go back years ago when cell were only for making calls...some guy up a few comments said he was going to sue...I hope it goes through man and I hope a lot of more people do as well. they need to up the caps to atleast 5gb MINIMUM, there is too much entertainment for cell phones these days and the majority of us can't even take advantage of them because of these stupid caps! the caps they offer right now are too little... sorry for my bad english but this is annoying!