Here's How Badly AT&T Throttling Impacts Top 5% Of Data Users



  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    Off topic I get 10Mbps ;)
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    Good!!!! I am a heavy data user and I've never gone over 3 gigs. It's people like you that do god knows what with your data hogging it causing every one else to have problems. I have unlimited data and don't see how people can use that much. Let's say you had absolutely no life or girl friend. Your wrist should break before you get to the point of att sending you at text to throttle you down. I'm glad they do it cause it's better for the other 95% who equal 50% of data usage.
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    AT&T throttled me so I said **** you and went to sprint. I couldn't even use pandora or gmusic it was so slow.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    Good!!!! I am a heavy data user and I've never gone over 3 gigs. It's people like you that do god knows what with your data hogging it causing every one else to have problems. I have unlimited data and don't see how people can use that much. Let's say you had absolutely no life or girl friend. Your wrist should break before you get to the point of att sending you a text to throttle you down. I'm glad they do it cause it's better for the other 95% who equal 50% of data usage.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Most I ever hit is 15gbI switched to straight talk on my iPhone though :-)
  • Venom
    Venom Posts: 7
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    Fucking AT&T, they throttled me as well, and only after I was 300 mb over the 2 gig cap which was absolutely ridiculous, they charge 45$ for 4 gigs, I pay 30$ for unlimited, they should start throttling after 4 gigs at minimum.
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    The worse part is that according to AT&T web site info, they are now considering anyone over 2GB in the top 5%. I hate those guys.
  • 123
    123 Posts: 5
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    the only thing that saved ATT from all these BS is the iphone ...
  • iDroid7
    iDroid7 Posts: 36
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    I dropped them like a bad habbit. Now I am on simple mobile. $40 and get 3G speeds in some areas
  • Brad
    Brad Posts: 54
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    So glad I live in Oz land.I get GIVEN 2GB to use every month, and I'm only on the middle tier contract.The top tier contract allows us up to 12GB a month over 3G (HSPA+).
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    I stream Slingbox stuff a lot (streaming video) and did NFL Sunday Ticket streaming and never got a message. Not sure of my data usage but I'm sure it's a decent amount. That's about the extent of my data usage.
  • annoy
    annoy Posts: 2
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    i had mines trotted recently from watching prison break back to back everyday while commenting to work and they trottled my speeds. i was pissed, am leaving them after my contracted is up cause i consider it mis advertisement to charge a customer $30 a month then tell them they using to much data, its not the customer fault that a "Crappy" company can't keep up with customer and apps data demands, get updated ATT, ITS 2012 EVERYTHING IS BEING STREAM ONLINE, NOW WE HAVE CLOUD GAMING.
  • annoy
    annoy Posts: 2
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    oh and FYI apparently 25-30GB of data is considered a lot of data. cause when i got my phone cap and i check my usage it was around 30GB of data i used.
  • killzATT
    killzATT Posts: 2
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    I have yet to see HSPA+ speeds.
  • joel
    joel Posts: 26
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    I was throttled and noticed when I put my sim from my galaxy s2 into an iPhone 4s the throttle went away... Hmmmm.. Can somebody help me make sense of that??
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    hotspots ar limited to the bandwidth you pay for ... 2Gb - 5GB depending on what you paid for.. then your service stops.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    The galaxy s2 was on a different account? You hadn't reached the throttling limit on that account. As far as At&T was concerned it thought it was still in the galaxy. I'm sur eif you ramped up the usage on that sim chip, the same would happen regardless of the phone it is in.
  • Charles
    Charles Posts: 37
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    I am an unlimited subscriber. In my first month with the 4s I took advantage of the 8mb download speeds and used 4GB. I was throttled. The next month I used 1.3GB. I was throttled again. This makes no sense at all.
  • Charles
    Charles Posts: 37
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    I was throttled and got the message at 1.3GB
  • joel
    joel Posts: 26
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    Same account and number associated with sim.. I just used a sim cutter and notice throttle was gone...
  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I think you should just stop trolling everyone who uses alot of data. Maybe you're insecure about your life so you have to say **** to everyone else just to make yourself feel better. Good day Troll
  • John Gonzales
    John Gonzales Posts: 3
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    I noticed around Christmas time they started doing this my iPhone 4s went from a download of 5.2mbps to a horrible .01-0.2mbps. It's horrible I couldn't open websites up or even load my google maps to look for directions. The only thing I was able to do was send an email but took about 2 mins to send. AT&T could of cut the speed in half but not dropped it so low where u can't use it. I'm switching carriers probably to sprint.
  • melka
    melka Posts: 2
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    How does one know that they are FOR SURE throttled? Does the "warning text" mentioned in the video mean the device will 100% be throttled? How long does it take for them to throttle it after the warning text? Can you become unthrottled if your usage drops for the next billing cycle? Is there a way to check your throttled status by looking at your ATT account online? Thanks guys.
  • grayson
    grayson Posts: 11
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    where do you get your information about iphone 6 and iphone SJ
  • Hoopa - David Robinson
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    jdb is an idiot...
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    Wow that's crazy I really wish they would share how they determine if your in the top 5% because they have throttled me like crazy.
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    How do u switch to straight talk?
  • Kurtec
    Kurtec Posts: 9
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    so if Im still on unlimited. Will I get throttled at some point?
  • Austin
    Austin Posts: 30
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    I called and asked for the data usage of other accounts that hit the top 5% as I am being data throttled at 2 GB. That's way to low for an unlimited plan. They said they did not have that info to provide me. I told them I can not as a customer do my due diligence to prevent it if I am not able to know when to limit my usage. There is no certain number supposedly since its based off other users usage. It has made YouTube and other apps time out. Legal grey area if you ask me. Data centric phone not able to use data apps due to limits placed on a paying customers account
  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 60
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    Last month, I got the text saying I was among the top 5% after using only 2.5 GB. This month, I got the text after using only 1.5 GB & I have noticed a drastic drop in speed. This is just simply unacceptable. They are out right lying. There is no way 1.5 GB could put someone in the top 5 %. I'm going to call them & give them hell. I need to use my phone for work & I simply cannot have this. We need to all band together and start a class action law suit. I can understand throttling someone that goes over 8-10 GB, but to harass a customer that has been with you company over 20 years about 1.5 GB is simply unacceptable. I won't stand for it.