Samsung Galaxy Note Vs iPhone Street Challenge [Video]

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSamsung Galaxy Note Vs iPhone Street Challenge [Video]

It looks like Samsung is finally tired of making fun of Apple fans after this, this and this ad.

In the new ad, which appears to be a staged Samsung Galaxy Note vs iPhone "Street Challenge", Samsung tries to highlight things that can be done on the Galaxy Note, which are not possible on the iPhone.

Read the full story here



  • Samsung Sucks
    Samsung Sucks Posts: 7
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    you just got samsunged! oh wait... there's an app for that.. lol. such a terrible actor.. love how she blatantly tosses up the iphone logo just so people can see.. oh no, it's a stylus!
  • Seb
    Seb Posts: 20
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    Ridiculas !!! You could do all of that on an iPhone ! These ads are getting really silly now! I'm all for completion in the market as its good for every one but this ads are poor!
  • be noyles
    be noyles Posts: 17
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    wow save 300 or so dollars and put android on a nook 3g its the same thing
  • Samsung Sucks
    Samsung Sucks Posts: 7
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    everyone who ever owned an iphone and switched to android is probably shaking their heads at Samsung.. who do they think they're fooling? Android doesn't even have half the apps iPhone has and what they can do.
  • Player
    Player Posts: 1
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    Is easy to find a person that does not know how to use a phone, not just an iPhone any phone, that girl did not even know how to unlock it. Lol
  • Dwerg
    Dwerg Posts: 3
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    I would rather slit my wrists and bleed out in public than be seen with a Samsung phone! iPhone can do all that and more if they didnt ask the most retarded person in the usa to use it!! Well done Samsung you just proved why your products are inferior to any and all other brands, by creating ads like this. I just hope you wake up soon and take your heads out of your you know what...
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    Just switched from iPhone 4S to the Note and I love it. I have been an iPhone guy since they arrived on the seen. Has been a bit of a learning curve going from iOS to Android. The best thing about the Note is the real-estate the size of the screen is awesome to surf the net and to play games on. The freedom of not having to use iTunes is also a big plus. The iPhone is a great device but so is the Note. Whatever works for each individual.
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Samsung sucks. iPhone is the best. I have been using since the first generation and changed every time they launched the new model and i simply love it. Apple is the best. iPhone, iPad, Mac I use these three and Samsung is sh*te. Poor advert. Did not prove anything.
  • Koolalexd95
    Koolalexd95 Posts: 1
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    You can do all of that with an iPhone plus more! Plus even more if it is jailbroken! You just have to know how to use the phone, I'm 16 almost 17 and I know more about iPhones than that chick. They just found an idiot that didn't know all the phones features.
  • il Santi
    il Santi Posts: 40
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    Yeah, you're right, iPhone is made for retarded people, that's the reason you can use iPhone. Be Smart. Be Android. Open your mind to a world of possibilities.P/S: I used to have iPhone, but then I evolve.
  • Charles
    Charles Posts: 37
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    Give that stupid girl the samsung phone and she has no chance of figuring out how to do the stuff the guy did.
  • Android
    Android Posts: 11
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    iphone is a great phone ive owned the past 2 generations. The note is a great phone too but the screen size and freedom is fantastic.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    I'm not ;)<-- Galaxy S2 :)
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    The phone is too big, and common a stylus?? The girl should just put her phone in the pocket and ask the Samsung guy to do the same....
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    i had a iphone 4 for over a year then switched to a Galaxy S2 for about 9 months. now i have the 4s, in no way is Android better, you might have devolved in intellect if you think other wise. a jailbroken iphone is way better then any android phone. and the app quality on the droid market f*cking s*cks. its like a bunch of 4th graders making apps on it.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    It fits just vfine in my Jeans pocket!. I also have switched from Iphone to the Note and love it. Screen size is great and having no nrestrictions Apple puts on it's phone users is great. Just getting to now how to use the android OS but can already do more then i could with my jailbroken Iphone.
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    Find somebody that knows how to use an iPhone. Then challenge them.
  • RLBalt
    RLBalt Posts: 16
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  • RLBalt
    RLBalt Posts: 16
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    "Ground Breaking" s-pen? ( that's what they call the stylus). What a bunch of jerks. The (horrible) idea of a stylus has been around since the Flinstones. That girl is either stupid or a horrible actress. And that phone, or should I say tablet, is huge. Can it even fit in pockets? iPhone is the best. People are just haters.
  • Steveo
    Steveo Posts: 60
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    Pathetic Samsung. Just simply pathetic. I have free apps on my iPhone that can simply & quickly do all of that. To even try to say that an iPhone can't edit a power point file or Jpeg file or PDF file is just a pathetic lie. Come on guys. Put out a real ad already. All you can really say is the screen is bigger (and the battery probably sucks balls). I personally don't want my phone to be any bigger than it already is.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    -Hey can I try your stylus?-Sure! Now I don't think the iPhone can...(woman throws stylus at traffic)- Rematch b*tch!
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    How can you evolve if you were "retarded" in the first place!
  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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    ummm I used to use Android, 4 consecutive androids b4 i got my iPhone 4 to try it out and see what the hyoe is all about. I still say that android is 100 times better, even after I got my iPhone 4 jailbroken. I just dont have the money to buy a new phone every month.
  • darrel
    darrel Posts: 2
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    I read all the notes before this one and then I watched the video. I agree with the general consensus that the girl's an idiot. On Feb 13, I realized I would not be able to get to a store to buy my fiancée a Valentine's Day card (don't worry, she couldn't get me one either), so on the morning of Feb 14, I dl'd a greeting card app, produced a fully customized e-card for her and sent it from the app. Took me about 20 minutes start to finish. And that's with an old iPhone (3G). Yeah, she's an idiot.
  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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    You should stop using your brain so much and just go and slit your wrists...
  • Macca
    Macca Posts: 22
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    The note is just to big, you will have to use two hands everytime you use It. Your thumb won't reach across to other side of keyboard.
  • iPhone is the best
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    There is no task on android less than 5 clicks it's stupid, it's not user friendly,
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    "I would rather slit my wrists and bleed out in public than be seen with a Samsung phone!"Samsung should use that in it's marketing campaign!
  • Orob
    Orob Posts: 2
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    samsung or iphone .. Who cares? They are freaking phones oh boy i'm free i'm free i can do what i want... Yes you can. now move on with your life if you want to be obsessed with something there are alot of other things in the world just stop comparing phones it is gay.
  • Tama
    Tama Posts: 1
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    if You guys Look at the End of the Video, at the bottom, u can read that Galaxy user was Brief of the exercices and got a lil training and on the other side, The Girl didnt get any and used her own Iphone.Anyway, just to say im a Fan of Galaxy but this Ad really Failed !