Samsung Galaxy Note Vs iPhone Street Challenge [Video]



  • mahdi
    mahdi Posts: 1
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    that is an disgrace because a normal iphone can do all these things and even more and even a jailbroken iphone can do any thing you dream of on a phone thats why samsung are crazy now to do any thing to prove that they can challenge the iphone but for sure they cant
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Ok androids keep waiting on apples handmydown apps, remember they where made to work on an iPhone before you loaded it on your droid. Funny I was just talking to my friend at the same time I was writing and sending this, can you do that?
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    let me know when you can talk and surf the net at the same time.....
  • alo
    alo Posts: 9
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    What ever they said, go iphone.who care about android stupid
  • To
    To Posts: 4
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    But does it blend?...Horrable ad, atleast makeit believable, not a woman who never held an iphone in her hands before... She couldve atleast said "but can you fit YOUR phone in your jeans pocket?"
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    More goes into cost than labor fees.... R&D and materials to start. Doesn't matter what country they are made in when it comes to that.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    Yes add Skype to your iPad and hold it unto your ear ... its way better than the tiny Samsung note.
  • jetblac
    jetblac Posts: 8
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    I have a Galaxy Note and an iPhone 4 ... I love them both.A really big iPhone with a stylus would end the debate though :(
  • conspiracy theorist
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    allow me, heats up in your hand, poor GPS reception, weak 3g reception, plasticy, real ugly, irresponsive screen, slow, stolen apps from iOS, weak android market place, very laggy, buggy, doesnt know what it wants to be(phone or tablet). please DIE. if samsung passes for a phone to you, you are the sort who pees sitting down :)
  • Samsung Lover
    Samsung Lover Posts: 1
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    Love iPhone. But love Samsung Galaxy-S much more!! You apple freaks will buy ANYTHING apple puts out. Well, there are Samsung worshippers like us too. We sometimes frequent this website to check out what the Samsung-bashers have to say. SING IT AGAIN, SAM!(SUNG)
  • themajesticking
    themajesticking Posts: 1
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    I have always been an avid iphone fan but i just recently gave up my iphone for a galaxy note and the biggest selling point is that my internet speed averages 15mb up nad 15mb down. They didnt even touch on that
  • BigBossSnake
    BigBossSnake Posts: 23
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    What about Siri? Google had it all along already. So are you meaning 'What's the point of the ad' when Google Androids could do what Siri does too?
  • BigBossSnake
    BigBossSnake Posts: 23
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    Do you own all the apps on App Store? Geez
  • BigBossSnake
    BigBossSnake Posts: 23
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    Mate, I used to have a 7" galaxy tab as a phone. When I got a Note, I was actually worried that the phone might be too big for my pockets. How was I surprised that it fitted snugly into my pocket with the freedom to move around still. PS - it's real light too
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    I love iPhone for its apps and for 3rd party store cuz there is no cydia for android yet and because of cydia I have an android ui on my iPhone but I do love android too cuz I love widgets it like have everything live which is something Steve jobs boring old man doesn't understand keeps the same boring style since 2007 dam it'd good thing he's dead maybe apple will finally change something and he saids no widgets,no flash which I know is dead cuz of HTML but android could just uninstall it and flash would have been handy all those years and if Steve were alive they would have patch the jailbreak already cuz Steve is an idiot who believes cydia is a mistake but if it wasn't for cydia helping iPhone would have been dead for me crazy thing about android you could get free apps too but it is a little harder to do but it get be jail broken too but they called it rooted and for Siri well very soon it will be available as a download for android but it's called utter not Siri and it suppose to be just as good but bottom line is I love both but I feel sorry for apple because they were samsungs biggest customer cuz Samsung makes the display,chips,components and apple trusted Samsung to keep all there secrets but they were betray by Samsung and now they know how to make displays just as good because apple basically trained Samsung to become a monster but the good news is apple will come back from the dead because they have the best engineers for inventing new ideas that blow people's minds but I got to admit android took the last round with the note as they learn from there master apple how to add more things with a better style and for the apps I don't ever play any games anymore cuz they just get boring so I rather pick up a play station v portable as the graphics blow the smartphone games away finally glad to see Sony back from the dead now apps dont matter anymore keep up to date people and the only thing I love do much about my iPhone is an app called iMovie which kills Netflix and Hulu combine and it's only for iOS and it's free and all screeners I finally don't have to download anymore
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    lol ok Bill I guess when the new iPhone has a larger screen you won't be purchasing one because the one you have now is perfect.
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    then why doesn't Apple make their products in the USA ?
  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    Samsung go built some more LED TV's, u r good in tht..Also apple does not have to air these kind of ads to sell there products..They've already sold more than 94 million iphones in just a small span of time..Hope samsung can try to reach that mark probably in 2-3 years time with these silly ads.. Lol.. :PTomorrow they wil try to compare there laptops with iphone/ipad i guess.. Hahaha..Oh yes they dont have product like ipad also.. :PTry hard SAM(SUNG)..!! Wish you Luck.. :)
  • Dr. NO
    Dr. NO Posts: 1
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    So I could use all your stuff without even unlocking your phone. Sounds really secure.
  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    i just switched from my jailbreaked 4S to galaxy S2 and then no regrets , can do everything i want my way now !!! i am not an apple freak from now on , but i have to say everything with apple logo can be well sold , i changed my 4s with s2 plus 80 euros , realy good
  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    i am happy that i switched to android , it is hard to do but finally you realize that you free now u do not need anymore those fancy apple products there are more and more better , just my thoughts
  • Nigel
    Nigel Posts: 3
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    I owned all versions of the iphone up to the 4S. I got tired of the static screen with no customization. Just a bunch of icons that wiggle when to long press them. Please! I was so tired of it. Like a sheep just following all the other sheep around with my cute little apple phone. I tried to justify a reason for buying into the same thing year after year. Until, I tried the Galaxy Nexus. Now I have a phone that does what I want it to do, not what apple wants it to do. Bottom line… Try an android device like the Galaxy Nexus or the Droid Razr 4G. See if you will ever go back to apple again. This is my honest experience and opinion.
  • stone
    stone Posts: 1
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    Um, No. My Galaxy Note does NONE of the things you just described, plus I'm getting 55Mb downstream, 45Mb upstream. People keep comparing the number of apps between Apple and Andriod. Who has 250,000 apps on their phone? I'm a former Iphone user, and I was able to find all of my Apple apps on Android. Your blanket statement about a phone that you obviously don't own only illustrates that you are drinking the Apple Kool Aid like a true Fanboy.
  • james braselton
    james braselton Posts: 6
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    hi there your right apple makes 1 phone per year android has a ton of phone releases per year and lots of them are in 3d not 2d like apple here is proff 3d phones are becoming popular lg optimus 3d lg thrill 3d lg max 3d lg cube 3d htc evo 3d htc evo 2 3d sony arc s 3d apple is way be hind 3d phone market i have lg thrill 3d phone 3d is way batter then 2d