Samsung Galaxy Note Vs iPhone Street Challenge [Video]



  • Creative
    Creative Posts: 1
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    I could never get a Samsung, I'm to creative long live the iPhone!
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Take the guy who built the samsung galaxy note vs a girl that doesn't even know how to text on her iPhone and make a street challenge. Sounds fair. That chick was stupid as hell and her phone can do a lot more than she knows.
  • Max Chin
    Max Chin Posts: 2
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    I agree with you all the way. I give up my iphone 4 for note. love the colourful screen. and most of tthe apps are not big. only a Few mb.
  • Max Chin
    Max Chin Posts: 2
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    Not everyone likes to jailbroken their phone. Too troublesome.I did that and I know.
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    I have to laugh at you guys who talk about the iPhone screen being perfect size but when they bring out the next iPhone with a Larger screen thats all you will talk about.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    lol..not true. Right from my lock screen I can launch the camera, email, sms, phone, etc. Home screen I've got those handy things called widgets as well which is more than what iOS has.
  • Bshaw
    Bshaw Posts: 1
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    The girl in the video was not stupid she really didnt know how to work her phone. Most females dont, they knew (samsung) what they where doing.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    That samsung is stupid big!
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    Smh....... back to root terminaling my iphone...
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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    Still using my iphone, its true about the user friendly use on samsung devices. But from what i think apple needs to improve on transferring data between comp and iphone. Cause so many of them avoiding the unique steps they just preferred usb .just a ideaa, to make iphone ruleeeeeee n kick samsung butt
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    lololol.... when it comes down to it. they have the same capabilities. this ad just struck me as really funny! XPa
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Im a Linux user and I'll never ever use android for 2 reasons there devices are more exspensive most android tablets are cheaper to make than the iPad and but are being sold for the same price as an iPad do no value for money 2. Updates are a lottery system and most lifespan of android device are less than a year b4 u have to upgrade
  • @iTaos
    @iTaos Posts: 18
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    Why are you on an iOS website Mr. Fandroid?
  • R U Serious
    R U Serious Posts: 1
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    R U Serious, android people on iphone site talking about how good the note is lmao but there on an iphone site, no wins...BTW most of them probably work for android trying to discourage even a handful of people to jump on their corny bandwagon like in that video. Then we have a comment from a guy that says not everyone wants to jailbreak their phone too troublesome and he knows that we know that he's a liar and has never jailbroken anything cause it couldnt possibly be any easier. Now the ios guy that has widgets on his lock screen, R U Serious, not only can we customize that, ours looks better and we can use notification center from there also, wait you dont know what that is lol...Last but not least, I work in Manhattan in that area, let him stop me, and promise you all on iphonehacks, my iphone will embarass any phone he pulls out, promise that, im god with the 4s...
  • KewlGai
    KewlGai Posts: 6
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    Comparing a Samsung Note and an iphone is stupid, i have all the iphone form 2g to 4s and samsung galaxy y to galaxy note. all i can say is that its the os that really counts. using siri is just plain stupid, using skyvi is better. all in all I love my iphones better than my samsungs.. android is just a second option in my book. IOS is a winner!
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    +1 the samsung is not a phone ... its a tablet with phone capabilities built in... it would be like walking around with a kindle held to your ear ... Bigger isn't always better. is there some cool features .. maybe ... but seriously the bigger is better concept is getting rediculous.
  • SeenDaLight
    SeenDaLight Posts: 39
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    so you can draw on a photo... who gives a f................
  • What the
    What the Posts: 8
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    Amen....aah....I see the light....aah....Must be the iPhone 4s god....aah....He has arrived...aah...join me in....aah...hymns....aah
  • What the
    What the Posts: 8
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    Sent from my iPhone 4s
  • What the
    What the Posts: 8
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  • Camera Boy
    Camera Boy Posts: 30
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    Now that's what I call stupid chic!
  • letshavemeforabreak
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    i have been using iPhone and android.. and now back to iPhone.. iPhone is definitely better i say... as much as android can do all that... i'm saying do we really need all that? those are just crap apps.. and why trouble your hands with a stylus? and as for flash websites... they don't really load as well as a computer cause in the end i still prefer to use my computer to access them... and how many flash websites are you accessing everyday? plus more websites are iPhone friendly...and a big phone in your pocket/hand.. tiring.. embarassing to hold a huge phone.. :) and that is just a few things android can do but not necessary... iPhone have apps that can do what samsung can... only a true iPhone users know that... so stop trying to bring iPhone down.. everyone who thinks android is a better phone is in denial... i must say... plus battery on an android is 10x worst than iPhone... i couldn't even last half a day with an android.. and they take too long to update a firmware that needs to be updated... by the time a new firmware is released they come out with a new phone for it... they really know how to suck your pockets dry... just saying.. have a great day.. whatever phone you choose to use is really up to you... as long you're happy... cause i am certainly happy with an iPhone.. i can do so much with an iPhone than an android...peace out..
  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    If that tablet, I mean phone was so useful and cool it would be able to stand out on its own. There would be no need to compare.
  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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    Aww snap. Bust out the Jncos
  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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    ROFL!"Im too creative" Are you serious? What does that have to do with owning a phone?
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    @Taos because I used to own one and a not so tech savvy friend of mine relies on me to help with his jailbroken iPhone4
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    easily drag/drop files from phone to a computer and back? simply playback any file formats (flac, mkv, etc.)? widgets? flash? removable battery? easily customizable (yes that includes you jailbreakers)? add/remove/edit program permissions? Titanium Backup? LTE? NFC? I can go on but I'll stop there lol.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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