Samsung Galaxy Note Vs iPhone Street Challenge [Video]



  • Mr james
    Mr james Posts: 3
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    She should have just asked Siri. Problem solved Lol.
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    Then why are you on an iPhone based website?
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    Again, why are you on an iPhone website?
  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    Yeap. Why dont you go to a samsung website ? Stupid ad.
  • Juancito
    Juancito Posts: 2
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    Whats wrong whit Samsung? They insist giving more publicity to the iPhone. iPhone is the best for me :)
  • Pandaa xo
    Pandaa xo Posts: 17
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    I'm going to put this as simple as possible. Coca cola and Pepsi go at it? People say ones better. Coke is the top selling company in the WORLD.. Apple is 4th. Andriod is only god knows how low. Apple makes 1 phone a year, andriod makes how many? 10? 15?. That alone lets you know what the best is money wise. Technology? Come on people ok you have an open source :)? Let's compare app store ? Let's compare Ram Speed? Let's compare camera quality ? Just stop it people androids have there own fan sites Go THAT way >>> Stay out the friendly apple forums. Where people can afford GREAT quality phones
  • Thenip
    Thenip Posts: 10
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    fu*ken lame!!!!! tries so hard, i guess that's commendable lol
  • mohgui
    mohgui Posts: 25
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    obviously the challenges are biased to the capabilities of the Galaxy Note... and the girl is just dumb.
  • John B
    John B Posts: 2
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    I like the silly android vs. iphone debate, and this may have been said (too many comments, yet I add to it) but I was a hardcore android user until I switched to Iphone 4S. I loved how customizable everything on android was, and the widgets were nice, but the Iphone is, in a word, seamless. Perhaps it is my OCD, graphic design self who gets so dismayed when a screen stutters between panels. I feel like most android phones need to be rooted and overclocked to function well and a new home skin certainly helps, but compared to the app ecosystem and the seamless integration of services apple supplies? I had to switch. I love that android develops new techniques to old problems and it helps to move the industry along but what once started as a dream of a carrier-free world turned into horrible bloatware, terrible build-quality and the user satisfaction is marred by production cycles and only maintained by zealots (as I once was).
  • Ronald
    Ronald Posts: 17
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    I thought we were making the phone smaller and thinner from the good old school cell phone and try to diminish the use of stylus? Now theyre getting bigger and bigger again! Whats next? Ten inch phone??
  • Ronald
    Ronald Posts: 17
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    I thought we were making the phone smaller and thinner from the good old school cell phone and try to diminish the use of stylus? Now theyre getting bigger and bigger again! Whats next? Ten inch phone?
  • Ronald
    Ronald Posts: 17
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    I thought were making the phone smaller and thinner from the good old school cell phone and try to diminish the use of stylus? Now theyre getting bigger and bigger again! Whats next? Ten inch phone?
  • Monkeyboy
    Monkeyboy Posts: 2
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    One thing Android can do natively is dictation in Chinese. I do business in both Chinese and English and on Samsung Galaxy S, I can send emails and text messages in Chinese by just talking. Voice recognition in Chinese is superb for Android. That piece of crap Siri can't understand Chinese. yes, you can jailbreak and it will understand Chinese, but it's mostly a dictionary function and does not write down messages. By the way, I carry both phones 4S and Galaxy. Tried Dragon dictation and it's a 4 step process, open app, push record, push done, select type of message (sms, email) then send. Android, just push, talk, send.
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    I own a jailbroken iP4S and a SGS2. They're both have their pluses as well as minuses imo. Yahoo it, for yourselves.
  • Stupidity is dominant
    via Wordpress
    The idiocy with people who believe ads like this is he same sort of bs you believe when you see politicians ... Samsung sux.. Let's try this for a test..launch navigation and askIt your locations ..(u might wanna grab a beer orCoffee) fact
  • Stupidity is dominant
    via Wordpress
    The idiocy with people who believe ads like this is he same sort of bs people believe when they see politicians ... Samsung sux.. Let's try this for a test..launch navigation and askIt your locations ..(u might wanna grab a beer orCoffee) fact
  • Stupidity is dominant
    via Wordpress
    The idiocy with people who believe ads like this is he same sort of bs people believe when they see politicians.Samsung sux.Let's try this for a test..launch navigation and askIt your locations.(u might wanna grab a beer or Coffee) fact
  • Macsimos
    Macsimos Posts: 48
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    This was a terrible advertisement. It only shows off a few features of the next sized tablet. This commercial basicly compared a phone that was turned on to a phone that was turned off. I just can't see lugging around that phone. It's so big it probably comes with a fanny pack because it probably won't fit into any normal-sized pockets. What's up with the stylus? I thought technology progressed to capacitive touch screens.The fine print at the end of the video says it all!
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    A phone shouldn't be that big, a tablet is what you get if you want a decent size screen, the iPhone is perfect because it sits in your poket without a problem and does evrything that is needed, if you wanted to write a document or read a 10000 word book you do it on a tablet or pc, not your phone despite how big the screen is, with the note you just look like the guy from trigger happy tv ( shouting hello!)
  • flami
    flami Posts: 1
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    I doubt the dumb girl knows how to use phone...She could have used siri to piss off on Android, hehe...
  • Gurkaran
    Gurkaran Posts: 1
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    The real thng is samsung copies iphone nd makes 2000+ versions over the year :P... but wt they dont get is that apple still owns them... nw wen 5 get released android vl b fucked up... nd the rest of the year they ll work up their ass to reach the level of an the bottom line is... Iphone is the best...nd smsung vl soon run out nd back to producing refrigerators...
  • baba
    baba Posts: 38
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    @brian, than your one these guys who were their pants to hide their disappears, the baggy pants r gone long time ago, grow up my friend
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    That lady is so dumb!
  • Mikeyxx
    Mikeyxx Posts: 19
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    Nope, not me either. But I do miss a few apps.LG Optimus 2x
  • G.4
    G.4 Posts: 3
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  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    How can you say that the iPADS oR iPHONE cost more to manufacture when they are maid in China @ a factory where they pay employes squat... (Updates are a lottery system and most lifespan of android device are less than a year b4 u have to upgrade) I guess everyone updating their iPhone every year are new customers ya right ...
  • SBNP
    SBNP Posts: 15
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    Who makes a waterproof case for the samsung that mounts on my MotorBike?Maybe they should show this guy 10 minutes later not able to make a call cause his battery is dead?
  • Fu Nosferatu
    Fu Nosferatu Posts: 1
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    GTFO Nosferatu. IDOIT!
  • Razza111
    Razza111 Posts: 3
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    All i can say is what a fruit loop she is?
  • Seymour As
    Seymour As Posts: 1
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    Android sucks balls overall. They are overpriced heavy piece of shits. The battery life on them are the worst of it all. Everyone who owns an android has house and car chargers to keep their bricks from dying.