iPad 3 Running iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPad 3 Running iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken

iOS Hacker Stefan Esser aka i0n1c who had successfully jailbroken the new iPad running iOS 5.1, has just revealed that has also jailbroken his 4G LTE iPad 3 running iOS 5.1.1.

iOS 5.1.1 was just released, which includes some improvements and bug fixes.

i0n1c tweeted:

Ohhh no while I was sleeping my girlfriend accidentally upgraded my iPad 3 to iOS 5.1.1

Along with the tweet he has published a photo, which shows Cydia running on his 4G LTE iPad 3 running iOS 5.1.1.

Read the full story here



  • 1ofthoseguys
    1ofthoseguys Posts: 1
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    Wouldn't the girlfriend of a well know hacker know better than to upgrade his ipad 3? Whatever dude, don't brag about it if your not gonna release it.
  • Shuaib
    Shuaib Posts: 12
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    Geeza y don't you help pod2g by releasing 5.1 and 5.1.1 A5 chip jailbreak and pod2g can focus on 5.1.2 or 5.2.0
  • roflmao
    roflmao Posts: 6
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    What i don't get is this site promoting this guys garbage and ficticious findings. "Ohhh no while I was sleeping my girlfriend accidentally upgraded my iPad 3 to iOS 5.1.1" He means his same gender partner.
  • HusAli
    HusAli Posts: 10
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    USELESS as i0n1c is an asshole and won't help the community with his work.
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    We are not promoting anyone. We're just reporting the latest development as it does give us some hope that pod2g's exploits haven't been fixed.
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    any news on jail break for apple tv 3
  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 19
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    Lol what a **** to brag about it... Oh look at me and what I can do. Lol **** off ya twat. Funny thing is I actually would be willing to pay for it if that's all his moaning bout but they don't set it up like that so why cry ffs.
  • roflmao
    roflmao Posts: 6
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    so if i photoshop iOS 6 on there or go into a Cydia app that allows me to change the version number and then send you an image and say i found an exploit but need to work on it further, will you put me in the lime light as well? c'mom man be serious! "While I was sleeping my girlfriend, blah blah blah" seriously?!?! Reputtaion is only good for those that maintain that status, not morons that seek lime light spots.
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    i0n1c is a **** if you read his tweets he has been holding on to a 5.1 jailbreak since 5.1 was released but he doesnt "want assholes" to use his jailbreaks for pirated apps. SORRY i0n1c but not everyone uses a JB for pirating apps ****! the only jailbreak anyone is going to see is from another jailbreaker pod2g who is actually a nice guy and is willing to let the general public use his jailbreaks
  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    @roflmao I agree that i0n1c's progress doesn't do anyone any good, that doesn't mean it isn't news that they can report. Thanks for being a troll.
  • Pow!
    Pow! Posts: 5
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    seriously... its like going to Somalia and driving up and down the streets with a truck load full of food and telling everyone they cant have any. STFU if your not going to release this! WE DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR IPAD 3 IS JAILBROKEN IF YOUR NOT GOING TO RELEASE IT TO THE PUBLIC!
  • Gbomb
    Gbomb Posts: 7
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    Lame release it or shut up
  • ant
    ant Posts: 11
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    why do you announce you do something and then don't follow up with releasing it? man, its been a while since ive owned an iOS device (just got a 3rd gen ipad though), and have been androiding since it came out and you never see this in the android community. people release things as soon as they find out, even if its not the easiest solution for the novice. why is it not the same for iOS devices?
  • big fat duh
    big fat duh Posts: 4
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    It was sarcasm. He can brag all he wants and he definitely has no obligation to release his own work. If you had the ability to do half of what he is capable of doing, you would brag too. Its comments like this that has cause him to keep it to himself!!
  • big fat duh
    big fat duh Posts: 4
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    It was sarcasm. He can brag all he wants and he definitely has no obligation to release his own work. If you people had the ability to do half of what he is capable of doing, you would brag too. Its comments like these that has cause him to keep it to himself !!!
  • Paulbunion
    Paulbunion Posts: 4
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    Latest development when anyone that has Cydia can go into an app and change the version number or even photoshop it, yes big development!!!! get serious man!!!
  • Berserker
    Berserker Posts: 1
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    Agreed ant.. I used to have a couple android phones and whenever anything was found out they would post the findings and give a tutorial, even if it took an hour or two to do root the phone. I wonder why the Apple using community figures it out but has to make a really really simplified to do it in 10 minutes in stead of an hour? I'd rather get the release 2 months in advance and take 2 hours doing it rather than 2 months later and 20 minutes to do it.
  • Paulbunion
    Paulbunion Posts: 4
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    What progress do you see in this? it is a faking image and from where i stand you be looking like the troll buddy. if i send you an image with an iOS6.0 shown on there will you place me up on the pedestal? moron!
  • One more....
    One more.... Posts: 1
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    There was a saying back during the WWII... A good german is a......So if you ask me, that german pos can go ahead n f him self with his accidently updated and jailbroken gayPad.
  • Paulbunion
    Paulbunion Posts: 4
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    he can keep to himself what he does not have, i do not need the ability to be an asshole that is all him. and yes you hit it on the spot it is all bragging and spot light hoarding. What little reputation he had as a JB contributor has now changed to assswipe and arrogant deuchebag.
  • Bigdanbo
    Bigdanbo Posts: 8
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    Release it get your fame
  • roflmao
    roflmao Posts: 6
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    It sort of was until the money monster started to show it's ugly head, now that is what it takes, whether or not it is a donation, click here to vote, or propaganda on the net to try and get discovered by Apple.
  • roflmao
    roflmao Posts: 6
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    nah, he is getting his fame (even if it means infamous) regardless with the "we must post progress"!!!! Hilarious!!! He is just diggin his grave deeper and deeper.
  • Wtf
    Wtf Posts: 36
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    Its erelivent if his exploits get discovered if he doesn't release the jailbreak to others, who's it going to hurt?.... Him. But I'm still thankful for the work the Dev team does when it ends with a jailbreak being released other than that it's pointless after all isn't it?
  • Que
    Que Posts: 48
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    This is fake. We all know he doesn't have a girlfriend.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Hear we go again another geohot ...I got it you can't have it . Childish moron.
  • HatBe
    HatBe Posts: 2
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    A kid said to a "friend": - I have candies... but I won't give it to you... - ???
  • rock
    rock Posts: 13
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    I just need 5 seconds with this guy that's all. Enough time for me to crack his skull in front of his boyfriend.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    If Stefan Esser aka i0n1c isn't going to release his jailbreaks he should shut up or stop being so selfish. I respect the DEV team but not some guy who just wants to be a teaser. JERK! Take your "it's for me and not for you" jailbreak and go pay on the railroad tracks.Yeah, I know, he's trying to act like he's better & smarter than the Dev team and the other jailbreakers out there.