iPad 3 Running iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken



  • iROCKu
    iROCKu Posts: 35
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  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    S/E shut up ~ your news is a useless for everybody ~
  • Jaminjim
    Jaminjim Posts: 1
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    I totally agree! That is like rubbing our noses in it. I guess he has a reason behind not releasing it but damn dude really? Why tease people! If you are looking for a job at apple mail them the damn pic! Lol no disrespect to i0n1c he has helped the JB community in many ways but damn
  • Paulbunion
    Paulbunion Posts: 4
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    Wow, really? he can keep to himself what he does not have, i do not need the ability to be an a$$hole that is all him. and yes you hit it on the spot it is all bragging and spot light hoarding. What little reputation he had as a JB contributor has now changed to assswipe and arrogant deuchebag.
  • Eron
    Eron Posts: 1
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    "Hooo look everyone, I'm the first to JB 5.1.1. But I won't tell you how to do it, I won't release everything."Shut up and return in your cave.
    DASHZNT Posts: 1
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    I've gotten so tired of this bullshit over the past several years... All these nerds trying to act like big shots with their supposed JB. If apple didnt restrict everything that you want their product to do tgere would be no need for these fools. Then Apple constantly releasing the same thing, just slightly different for the same high price. I finally got tired of it and purchased an Asus ZenBook and have been very happy with it, it plays flash first and foremost and is instant on just like my iPad. Sorry guys, I'm just venting my experience with the product, i know I'm not the only one and like the saying goes, what goes up must come down.. Looks like its time for this fad to go down and something better to take its place.
  • Jordan2611
    Jordan2611 Posts: 10
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  • Jordan2611
    Jordan2611 Posts: 10
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  • worm
    worm Posts: 13
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    Why even post this ****$. Faked photo.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    He's such a douche. I'm tired of hearing about him and his iPad 3 jailbreak. Girlfriend, I doubt it.
  • passerby
    passerby Posts: 16
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    I feel for you iphonehacks. The decline in quality responses and the apparent increase in insults must make you question if it's still worthwhile reporting anything to this community. Rest assured there are people that appreciate your work.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    Na, it's not doctored, I'm sure he jail broke it. I think he's been working on it for a while now and just waiting for the new iPad to come out so he can show everyone he's special. The only other thing I know he did was supply the untether for the 4.2.1 jailbreak and he's Now selling a book on iOS jailbreaking. Maybe that's it, he wants us to see how good he is so we buy the book and learn to hack an iPhone. Lol
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Come on really yeah ur bad ass at what u do don't rub it in I'm sure people are not gratefull but some are and like me I got respect so don't fake the funk ether bust out or keep it to yourself real talk
  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    He can keep his jailbreak and sticked up his ass
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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    Nice pic ! Why so angry about it?
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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    LOAD OF BOLLOCKS....Why tell everyone you can do it and then say your not gonna release it.your full of ****.dont get me wrong the work you do is awesome.keep it to yourself if your not releasing.stop rubbing salt in wound u twat.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    He wants to sell his book. How to jailbreak iOS. Fag. I shouldn't even had said that. Now one of you might go and buy it. Not.
  • custard
    custard Posts: 1
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    Not going to buy his book I will wait for a **** on a .pdf download. fok him. And 4.2.1 was ages ago so yeah like everyone says the guy is a deuchebag! what little respect he had for 4.2.1 has down the crapper laong with him.
  • joel
    joel Posts: 26
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    good job but man!!! RELEASE YOUR WORK TO THE PUBLIC !
  • Antonia
    Antonia Posts: 29
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    Guys, I have a running jailbroken iPhone 6 and even 7 already! I can also jailbreak my ps4, xbox 720, but I will not release it. don't don't ask for it. i have it, but i won't release it. Last night my girlfriend updated my iPad 7 and I lost the jailbreak and unlock. I CAN EVEN UNLOCK NON 3G/LTE ipads and ipods... but i won't release it.....what a lame dude
  • kbatrph
    kbatrph Posts: 14
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    Esser is a putz...let him brag about what he has (and what he pretends to have)....pod2g is the man! I'm sure we'll have our jb soon!
  • iOStress
    iOStress Posts: 4
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    I have the cure for cancer, but I wont release the drug for the cure. Why even bother telling people about it? I mean on one hand I applaud the effort and skills this guy has, but what good does it do the rest of us?
  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Why you bringing race into it?
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    My girlfriend accidental got Aids last night. I have cured her but don't ask me how. It's for me and me alone.I've also figured out how to run a car on air. No emissions but I'm never saying how.
  • joe xviset
    joe xviset Posts: 2
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    hes a complete moron, well he is german
  • theborrower
    theborrower Posts: 1
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    Gotta have 1 person buy it .. how else is it going to show up online so I can uh borrow it .. and then I'll re-upload to anyone else that wants to borrow it .. I don't condone piracy, I just have millions of friends that I lend my **** to in electronic format .. sometimes I don't get it back ...
  • idk
    idk Posts: 5
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    Everyone who is complaining, learn not to upgrade your firmware when they tell you not too or figure out how to jailbreak iphones yourself. As for flaming on the website. I check this website everyday just for the latest news when it comes to anything apple or jailbreak because they do a good job with that and if your looking for other news or say this news is trash then go pay a subscription for wallstreet or something. ungrateful bastards.
  • Martil
    Martil Posts: 1
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    He doesn't do any "work". What he finds out he keeps for himself. He doesn't give anything to the Dev Team nor to the other teams. So, no, noone can "appreciate [his] work" since there's nothing coming from out of him except show off, comtempt and **** in the mornings. Even his presumed girlfriend told on twitter she could get nothing out of him.
  • iROCKu
    iROCKu Posts: 35
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    So I'm to blame that my new ipad came with iOS 5.1?? It never crossed your mind that iphone 4S's and ipad 3rd gen's come pre-installed with the latest firmware by Apple at that given time? Moron.
  • TheRealMoe
    TheRealMoe Posts: 22
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    he just made that up he doesnt have a girlfriend.