iPad 3 Running iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken



  • Umar Riyadh
    Umar Riyadh Posts: 6
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    I like my ipad 2 than his girlfriend...
  • ^_^
    ^_^ Posts: 4,429
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    have to agree with the majority on this one .. I usually support the guys doing all the hard work to jailbreak this stuff... and I still do ... but in this case....iconic ... seriously .. if your not going to release it .. keep it to yourself... we don't want to hear it. Your just tooting your own horn... go blow it somewhere else.
  • radhe
    radhe Posts: 2
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    y r u trying 2 b clever by telling al dat stuf dat u hav jail broken ur iPad???itz of no use if u don't wna help odrz,n no need 2 post dis kndz of posts,instd of helpin d community ur acting lyk a selfish
  • idk
    idk Posts: 5
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    Sounds like you should start programming and learning how to do it yourself instead of waiting to get spoon fed and complaining about them not releasing something that should be a gift for us. BTW I just got another iphone 4s at the apple store a week ago and it was running 5.0.1
  • Speciallist
    Speciallist Posts: 9
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    Ohhh no while I was sleeping my girlfriend accidentally triggered nuclear war with russia!
  • sammy
    sammy Posts: 15
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    For all I care, he care shuff it in his back side. Whatever, he has done in the past is down the drain now. Please I will rather want to talk about guys working to find a way out than this fucker who is seeking attention.!
  • giet
    giet Posts: 13
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    No, total disrespect to this bag of crap. If you're not going to release it, shut your damn mouth and go away
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    Imo i0n1c is an "Ass" with his whole approach to this. :/
  • iTruth
    iTruth Posts: 15
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    Sure he has a girlfriend! He's her douche-bag. Whatever good he's done to build his past ( i0n1c="Iconic") reputation in the JB Community...well he's now flushed that down the toilet--like a "douche-bag" LOL. Similar to the analogy of a boatload of people stranded at sea for days without fresh water, and this guy takes out his large water barrel--not to share or ration out the fresh water--but to wash his "MANgina" and his A$$ in front of everybody.This is why I will always have great appreciation and respect for people like pod2G, MuscleNerd, iH8sn0w and the Dev team!!!
  • Rahul
    Rahul Posts: 17
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    His girl friend upgraded it. N her mom jail broke it. N her brother took pic and posted here for just Wikipedia profiling. Wikipedia will have history of his girl friend how she screwed accidentally his iPad 3. Asshole iconic..
  • jbdave
    jbdave Posts: 1
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    Haha... he wasn't bragging that he jailbroke it... he was bragging that he has a girlfriend!
  • Apple big money
    Apple big money Posts: 14
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    I bet he dont even have a girlfriend he's lieing about the JB.
    WISE MAN Posts: 2
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    SHUT UP i0ni1c !!! i think they are getting paid under the table by apple . And keeping their fans to show apple look you better pay to us otherwise you can see how badly ppl wants the jailbreak !!!! SELFISH HACKERS !!!
  • Richard M. Mañalac
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    I'm so excited! JB 5.1 please release it as soon as possible! :)
  • Ricker
    Ricker Posts: 1
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    If u doesn't want to released it , dont give this bullsh*t , article idiotThere is have a lot of people want to jailbreak ,,So what u post is remarkly make the guys who wanna jailbreak sad ...tQ ,
  • Paxil
    Paxil Posts: 2
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    Why don't you learn how to spell before you complain about things. No one is going to listen to what looks like a 4 year old.
  • dabloc
    dabloc Posts: 18
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    lMAO 100%. I wonder how many kids get on here to complain. The original post says he does not plan to release it. "Unfortunately, don't get your hopes up as i0n1c has categorically stated that he doesn't plan to release the untethered jailbreak." This could be due to a number of things. Maybe he doesn't want it patched by apple. Maybe they are playing a waiting game to keep the vulnerabilities from being discovered. I don't think the statement was to be selfish. The way it is worded does make it seem that way somewhat. We all will have to wait for further information. At least we know an untethered JB is possible.
  • Tr1pTr0p
    Tr1pTr0p Posts: 1
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    ..."assswipe and arrogant deuchebag"? Why? Because he dares not to release his own work? Who the **** do you think you are? You think that you are somehow entitled to everything?! Please, PLEASE just keep your mouth shut! What a disrespectful piece of garbage you are! Un-fucking-believable!
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Wow 60 over posts... More than 90% hate him. I guess that's why i unfollowed his tweeter. Never regretted what i did. He has a faggot ****.
  • eckon
    eckon Posts: 15
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    Just stop whining that he doesn't want to release his jailbreak. That's how he plays his game, he teases people, makes them angry, and then makes them post hate messages. If only we ignore him, he'll fucking lose and rot. Anyway, pod2g is doing what he can to be able to release a jailbreak. Let's save our encouragements for him.
  • eckon
    eckon Posts: 15
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  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    Pssssst...... He does have a girlfriend, and im hitting it! ;) if shes half as giving with intel as she is with her self then ill have that info in no time! =DJ/k, i dont ask her about jb talk, thats the reason shes on these nuts and not his ;)
  • ami2510
    ami2510 Posts: 2
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    its not race, its called nationality - in this case it should have been political views but anyways. One more... def overreacted on this, I am, as a fellow German, are somewhat angry about this as well.I also don't think that talking **** about him will change anything, even more, it will turn him away.
  • Paxil
    Paxil Posts: 2
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    I agree with you he could wait until iOS 6 and if it's still untethered, release it and everyone will be kissing his ass. I'm not even really the type to comment on this stuff because I'm a patient person but the immature comments are getting sickening. The ability to jailbreak is a gift from the people that do it as a hobby. They certainly have no obligation to release anything to the public and these people act they they do. They should have some respect.
  • More love to everyone!
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    Some few funny facts.If you buy a ipad 3 at the release its your own fault for not checking if there is a jailbreak for it.If you buy a ipad 2 there is always a risk it has the latest firmware and you have to wait.If you update your ipad you always have to find out if you can jailbreak it or downgrade if afterwards.And here the is the conclusion in the end its all your own fault for having a ipad that cannot be jailbroken. And here is another funny fact, everyone now hates me for posting these obvious facts! :DI blame myself for not having a blob saved for my ipad before it crashed by some weird bug in a jailbroken app i had xDIt made me so irritated seeing this ipad 3 jailbroken so i had to spread my love to everyone!Cheers!
  • iROCKu
    iROCKu Posts: 35
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    Do you think everybody has that luck? You are a complete moron if you think so. Never mind, I already know the answer to that.BTW, I have years worth of programming experience, another dumb assumption you've made thinking everybody that knows how to program can jailbreak Apple's iDevices.
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    You iSheep will all be baaaahhhhing for him when he releases an iOS 6 update, so stop whining and give the gut some props. Maybe you should thank him for making your Iphones useful on iOS 4.3+ and for the future jailbreaks that he has already contributed to. You ungreatful puke!
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    is there anyone working on jailbreaking the 4s or has everyone forgotten that it exist?
  • Checkmate
    Checkmate Posts: 5
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    Aww man I thought somebody actually jailbreak the iPad 3 well I guess not yet but I have a good feeling that pod 2 g or development team might be getting closer and I wanna say thanks to the iPhone hackers that got me this far on my firmware thank you and hopefully someone really does jailbreak the iPad 3 and release to the public so we can make you famous when we restart our phones and say it was you that did it
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    Anyone who follows his twitter feed knows he's a bit of a douche and it's not the way it was written in the post that's the way he is. He showed everyone the day the new iPad came out that he had it untethered and jail broken and were still without a new iPad jailbreak. Sure he doesn't owe us sh*t but come on. A lot of people were very greatful towards him for the 4.2.1 untether and he made it clear on twitter a long time ago that he wasn't going to help the community anymore.