Geohot Announces Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G; That Might Also



  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    Why don't you morons just check out his iPhone blog and quit trolling?

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Yet you fail to point out exactly where it prooves a JB
    Quote " This video does indeed show a jailbroken iPod Touch" Where????? In what way???? You seem to be the expert, so explain it genius!!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Looks like it's only you n me Doc
    i agree, release it if you have it (cure or JB lmao)

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Read it, says nothing interesting

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    Read it again.

    I think there is enough evidence on GH's recent post to support his development. I suppose all we can do is wait and see.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Do you even own a device that's jailbroken? Are you familiar with apps such as winterboard that'll give you a custom background instead of the everyday boring black and hide the ugly dock graphic? That's the proof right there buddy, I can't make it any simpler than that.

    Seriously though, post the engadget linksand what not you were talking about eralier, I would LOVE to see them.

  • TarkinMX
    TarkinMX Posts: 12
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    I agree, I doubt he'll post it until 3.2 is released which I'm going to assume is when the ipad ships.

  • Spud
    Spud Posts: 4
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    @ TimW & DrDirty
    ignore the knickers of your comments, I see truth in what you say.
    Seems like ol Georgie Boy has run out of funds and wants donations to buy him an ipad or new iphone or Sony PSx
    A teaser they say, a shitty attempt says me
    TimW.. I found the comments on sites you mentioned and they echo what you say too
    ignore the tossers and carry on with your comments, I for 1 love your style
    respect !!

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    That was for the people questioning whether or not the video/announcement was actually from GeoHot.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Don't you have a search function??
    Find said sites and READ THE COMMENTS!!

    I own a 3Gs 16Gb on 3.1.2 as previously stated, again, TRY READING for once. I DONT OWN A TOUCH so can't comment on them or how they work. (refer to my original first comment AND TRY READING IT)
    As for what you think, that's something I really, really don't care about, and won't lose sleep over you getting all bitter & twisted about slagging off your idol either

    If my comments annoy you or others, I don't force you to read (hahaha in your case) or respond to them

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    He has valid reasons to hold on to it and he has done it before and has ALWAYS delivered. You release it now, and the hole that's being used will be fixed by Apple before the iPad hits the streets... then all iPad owners are screwed until a new exploit is found.

    You are so selfish. If you want it now, do it yourself NOW. DR... He never said he isn't going to release it, just not yet. You're being just as hard headed as TimW... you two should go out and wank each other off...

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    You love the style of a couple of wankers that thinks GeoHot owes them something or has reason to lye? I weep for the future...

    And where is GeoHot asking for donations in that post or in the video? He's not. And his software has always been free, even though he would have every right to charge for it.

    Get a clue.

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    lye=lie thinks=think

    damn you guys got me so spun up I can't spell or type

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    Actually it does... it links to which actually explains how stupid you are for notrealizing that the video does prove it's an ipt3 and it's jailbroken

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Calm down there sparky, I said DEVICE, not touch, implying anything under the sun that uses the iPhone OS. Yes I do have a search function, who doesn't? But I'm not going to go on a wild goose hunt when you're the only one making the said implications. Yes you did say you own a 3GS 16gb as do I, but I don't recall seeing you say something about it being jailbroken and if it is then do yourself a favor and download winterboard or a similar app and you will then see what I'm talking about in the video. Stop getting mad bc someone has challenged you, if you have a point to be made and nothing to hide then you wouldn't mind to link those articles from the sites you spoke of.

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    Umm... Yes you can spot that it's jailbroken. Why don't you read again.

  • urherenow
    urherenow Posts: 24
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    I do see where he has asked for donations in the past but it seems to me that he only askes when he actually releases the software. More than fair IMHO. You wanna give respect? Respect GeoHot.

  • Zendriver12
    Zendriver12 Posts: 1
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    ok both of these turds are blind. if they would look close at the video, first off their argument is that the cannibis leaf is just the lock screen image. well look again yes its the lock screen image but when geohot unlocks the screen you see his apps with the cannibis leaf behind it. thats a winterboard option that lets the user use his own image as wall paper behind his apps. if you turds can put an image behind your apps without jailbreaking ill eat my words but i dont think so. he unlocks the screen and he scrolls through his programs. what else do you need? and for those who says its not geohot, he tweeted about this video that he made it, so unless someone hacked his tweeter account, im pretty sure its his video.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Right, tried copy & paste but won't let me link (on 3Gs now)
    so, BoygeniusReport
    they all carry the story, but it's the comments of said sites that are the same
    sorry I can't link but if you do look you'll see I'm not alone

    don't know why but can never c&p to the comments on here, can on pc but other half using in work

    yes, I have a JB device, 3G was JB too b4 sold it
    No I don't have a Touch as it's 'all in' with the iPhone

  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    That's an iPod Touch obviously in that video.
    But unless:
    * custom springboard background
    * no dock
    are standard customization features, looks like a Jailbroken iPod touch to me.

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Can this be an APRIL FOOL's joke???

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    iH8Snow reports it being an iBoot loophole and others claim it to be a one time key and tied to a single Firmware.
    If the Pad comes with an updated bootrom, modem s/ware etc then it's a case of shutting stable door, horse etc
    If it works, then why not release now when it's needed by many rather than sit on it and possibly lose it all??
    If I had a working JB, I'd get it on Cydia for 99c, but I don't!
    If people thought out possibilities of what could be then life would be more interesting, too many read a tagline, watch a video and become blinkered to the fact that it may not happen
    I can sit smug knowing that my SHSH is safe, and for no reason other than curiosity, restored my iPhone, just to see if it worked... and it did work, biggest pain was creating a one time use, direct link with notepad to act as a file editor. Now I know how, I'm happy
    As for this topic/thread, I didn't know a Touch was used, I do now, just bought a touch to see for myself if I was wrong, find out tomorrow when mine & a JB Touch arrive here.
    I hope for many peoples sake that this hack works, but then there will always be the 'Accidental Upgraders' that can't see a 200Mb+ file being downloaded and those who buy the new os models and instantly start honking.
    I say what I say, some like, some don't. Ain't really worried either way, those who present a real argument I respect, those who jump in for the sake of it become easy to annoy, and I have plenty of time for that :-)
    Prefer a good discussion over a slanging match

  • ghilliesniper
    ghilliesniper Posts: 1
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    You are right, if he wanted to show that it was jailbroken on 3.1.3 he would have done the exact same..BUT he would have gone to settings-general-about and proved it was on 3.1.3 and 3rd gen. good point man

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Yeah, emailed the Admin about the post button getting covered up but appears to be fixed now
    Was having to click on website box then Go on kb to post anything
    Not had prob with lines dissapearing at bottom, top of reply/post can be a pain to edit later

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Dude it s not april we still in march

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Hats off to you Joe and a standing ovation as well. I couldn't have put it more elegantly. Everything you've said was well put and to the point.

    I would like to add that if ppl actually followed Geohot they'd remember that he has released jailbreaks when the devteam refused to. Not once has he lied to the public. I would also like to make note the reason why he's showing an it3g is bc there aren't any untethered jailbreaks for it yet. So if the it3g was running something other than 3.1.3 it was still an accomplishment that no one's done yet.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    In all honesty this has happened to the community before. I don't know when you started using an iphone but I've been with it since day 1. My original was an iPhone 4GB. I was 1 of 3 ppl I knew that had that particular one b/c I was too cheap to fork over $100 for 8GB when I was already paying $499 to apple to begin with. Yes, I say $499, like I said, bought it on day 1 and then like 4 months later apple decides to discontinue the one I bought and give the 8GB a price cut.

    But anyway that's beside the point, point is if you're a long standing member of the jailbreaking community you'd know that this sort of thing has happened before. DevTeam withheld their stuff several times until new firmware came out just to keep apple from patching the exploits they found and it does indeed work. The last time this happened I think was.... 2.2 maybe? It was when Geohot first came into the scene and thought that it wasn't right of the DevTeam to hold their stuff and released his own. That's why I stand by what I said and I honestly think it's going to be at least another week before we see anything out of him.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I've been with the iPhone since almost first release of the 3G 1.x.x, the one before 2.x was released and 3Gs for past 5 months, 3.0 onwards
    I agree that the dev's sit on & hold out for the new firmware release and adapt it from there, but, if it IS a One Time Use for the iBoot then that's what gets changed on each update (correct me if wrong here) so that makes the 3.1.3 hack potentially useless (I'm assuming it's iBoot from iH8Snows Twitter amongst others) He has it, many need it so he makes a pisstake video that's screams "you can't have it ner-ner"
    People all over the Blog'o'sphere start chucking cash at him in a desparate hope
    He states that a facebook page claiming he's working on 3.1.3 is fake, shows no interest in responding to people offering to help him, plays all coy with Tweeted hashes that mean nothing then pops up with a video claiming he's done it
    Yes it's a gamble holding off, but so many more people have learnt to hold off with updates that it has to be worth a release, even if he chose via cydia with a silly low price he'd make a fortune.
    No software is perfect and immune to hackers, but to have something that people want & need and not use it is a big mistake.
    Would you not feel gutted if 3.2/4.0 etc came and you had to wait more months before able jack comes through, I know a lot who could do with it now, not later
    No, I don't demand it to be released, but neither do I respect someone who in my eyes is toying with people like a cat with a mouse

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    Oh my. :O
    Would this be for the 3GS iPhone 05.12.01 firmware?

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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