Apple, Steve Jobs Respond To iPhone 4 Reception Issues: Fact Of Life For Every Wireless Phone, Avoid



  • FR
    FR Posts: 1
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    This is just not wright, you pay hundreds of dollars for a device, that they designed to "perfection" and because of apple's ego they forgot to hold it in their hands and freakin test it! And this guys ego responds to a complaint like sorry that is you fault, just don't hold it that way or put a case??, I can Imagine the Toyota guys responding like that to their complaint" Sorry just don't push the breaks when you have a car or a person infront"

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    IM going to return my IPHONE 4 now ...fucking APPLE is retarded. Steve jobs is fucking say dont hold you phone in the lower part.....idoit....come here steve jobs and ill throw youe IPHONE 4 in your face for free....

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    one more thing this design of phone are not meant for case, coz if u put a case on it the phone will look like not going to put case on this..

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    I, living in canada, am finally not dissapointed. If it was to come out in Canada on launch date, i wouldnt have known about the issues. Now i am debating whether I should buy one or not. Sorry for the people who have.

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    **** that pissed on my fire then. I was told it was an American issue due their **** network.

  • Albert
    Albert Posts: 17
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    Guess they better fix this issue now, or I'm buying the Evo or a Nokia...The strange thing I found on the keynote was Apple offering a case for the phone, something that had never happened before, I found that very odd back then...Guess now we know why...The all-perfect Apple has dropped the ball...I'm staying with my 3gs until they fix this issue...

    By the way Steve have some respect for your know the people that keep making you rich...

  • Hello
    Hello Posts: 16
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    I think you're trying your luck there. And the whole attenna issue is ridiculous. He praised his engineers for thier "revolutionary design" and to have this kind of an issue is just mind blowing. How long have they had to design this phone. Basically two years since the 3gs was exactly the same as the 3g. They must have known about this issue especially when they ironically sell an Apple bumper to cover just the antenna which should fix the problem.

  • Gerbil Slayer
    Gerbil Slayer Posts: 8
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    I have sat here at my desk with my hands fully wrapped around my iPhone 4 for 2 whole minutes. It still has 5 bars of 3G service. I had 3 bars of 3G service on my old iPhone 3G in this exact location. iPhone 4 is better by far. If you haven't personally tested it, then don't post an ignorant comment.

  • BuckXtreme
    BuckXtreme Posts: 1
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    As far as I'm concerned, iPhone 4, or iPad = NEVER! Until Steve Jobs gets his head out of his ass and puts a Flash Player in his OS, I will NOT be buying an apple product! Because that alone limits you to probably 50% of all web surfing. Anywhere where there is Flash being used is inaccessible! And that's UNACCEPTABLE!!
    Get yourself an Android phone. Until Apple pays the piper!!

  • Agreed
    Agreed Posts: 4
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    Exactly what I was thinking. I know this is an Iphone fan site but these issue comparisons to other phones especially the old Nokia phone is just pathetic. Why can't these "fanboys" concede that this is a big failure on apples part. Are they that blind to the fact that this is a serious issue especially when apples fix is to buy a case basically hinting at their bumper. If this was the issue for the competition these same fanboys would trash the competitors and praise the almighty Apple. The iPhone is a good phone but these fanboys need to open their eyes and see that this is a huge letdown.

  • Brooke
    Brooke Posts: 5
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    I am able to replicate this too. I can get it so that there are no bars left at all, but not to the point of losing the signal all together. Tried for around an hour to get it to drop my call but it just sits at zero bars. I have the 32GB version while my wifes is the 16GB and I am able to replicate this with both phones. Will try it from a couple of other locations in town (Spokane, WA) just in case I have an unusually strong signal at my house (I have 5 bars consistently here). I'll try it from a location that only gives me 3 or 4 bars and see if it's able to drop the call then.

    If this truly is a known issue before release to the public then I would assume that a class action lawsuit could be built for compensation or free hardware (ie, case, bumper, etc), if not the worst case scenario of a complete replacement. This complaint seems to be much larger than just a select few and I'm guessing this will leave a lot of egg on Apples face in the next few weeks as this issue gets looked into more and more.

    I've always been happy with my iPhones over the last few years and it's a slap in the face to have something this obvious in a design flaw make it all the way to release. I'm doubting very seriously that this can be fixed via software patch. I'll be calling or going into my AT&T store this weekend and start my complaint process to try and get a free Bumper or some other method to fix this. (Although from reading a comment above the Bumper might not even resolve this)

  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    Unfortunately these fanboys are to blind to see that fact. Oh well. To each their own.

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    Lmao, it gets worse

  • Rich
    Rich Posts: 35
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    same here,went to the apple store he gave me a new phone but it did the same thing told me just to keep my original one, they were out of bumpers so he said he didn't know what to say to just call the 1-800 number, i called and said i wanted to talk to a supervisor and how i am unhappy and refuse to buy a bumper, they are going to mail me a free one

  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    i completely agree. steve jobs really dropped the ball on this one and him saying it is a 'non-issue' is clearly just avoiding the issue.. which really is his only option at this point.

  • natim
    natim Posts: 16
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    Had same issues with new iphone regarding the loss of signal. Also had a problem when phone at rest getting incoming call, the unlock slider took 3-4 swipes to unlock by that time people hung up. Call Apple and senior advisor is sending me new phone. Incidentally while waiting 6+ hours yesterday there was someone giving away tshirts and what do you know free iphone 4 bumpers. they were promoting some new website.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I'm starting to think it may be the batch. I've tried to duplicate this problem but it doesn't happen on mine. I've tried palming both sides with both hands as well and signal was fine.

    I'll try it out again at various places later and see if I can replicate it. So far my iphone 4 works great and I plan on buying another one as soon as they have them in stock and the rush is over.

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    After a full charge, mine seems to be working 100%! I can't get it to drop signal at all anymore, where as this morning it was easy to replicate the problem. Hopefully sorted???

  • Daz
    Daz Posts: 6
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    Had my 4G out today for first time, lost signal twice, whereas my 3GS would never lose the signal in the same place.
    Iphone has a rubber/gel case on it, was in my top pocket the whole time,same way I carried my 3GS.
    I'm on the o2 network in the UK.
    So not just a problem in the USA.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    yup...your right man we should make a stand..especially those people who waited for day or hours in line...we should make a move let all do their part...let all go to apple, call apple all day, they think consumer are fucking dumb to ignore this..."LET ALL RALLY TO APPLE STORE".................... lets do this ppl

  • ItsLil_C
    ItsLil_C Posts: 8
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    Steve Jobs quotes in the WWDC presentation stating: Theirs 3 slits around tha steel band that turns out to be part of a brilliant engineering that actually uses tha stainless steel band as an antenna n that it has never been done b4.
    I think i kno y cuz it decreases tha signal strength Stevie lol. Im still pickin up my iPhone 4 today but maybe like sum fruits u get from tha market, either there gonna be sweet n ripe or sour n looks ripe. Either or its still gonna be a sick phone to use.

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Yep Jobs must have knackers the size of Apples to make such ridiculous statements in public!

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Yeah I'm keeping my 3gs until this **** is sorted out, otherwise I'm sure it's a decent phone, poor design and rushed sadly.

  • liltxcutie
    liltxcutie Posts: 9
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    exactly!!!!!! LMMFAO

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Here is the thing. You're obviously really close to a strong tower. I just ran my own test here at home using the SpeedTest.Net app. With it laying on my desk with 5 bars I get 864 kbps down. When holding my phone just as you were in your video, the bars dropped to one and the test won't even run. After a while I pulled my hand away a little. It finally started testing. It got up to around 20kbps and I tightened back my grip. The speed started dropping. It finished with the following results: ping: 56822ms and 8kbps down. I could hold my 3GS any way I wanted with good results.

    I stopped by my AT&T store today to see if they had docks in stock yet. I tried to show the guy working there the antenna problem because he was curious about it and hadn't seen it. I could not replicate it. At one point I lost like one bar. I didn't bother running speed tests or anything. He said they had 2 large antennas in the back. I'm sure there is a threshold when it comes to the bars. Anything over a certain db no matter how high reads 5. You are probably way over that threshold so when you're holding the phone that way you don't notice that your phone is actually losing signal.

    When I am getting 5 bars at home and most other places I am probably right at 5 bars. Any drop in signal is easily and quickly noticed. Maybe the signal where you're at is so high that you're not affected by it. Maybe this also caused Apple to be unaware of this issue. They probably only tested it in areas with a strong signal.

    I guess it can be said that AT&T just needs to strengthen their network. I am not unhappy with my phone at all. I love it. I'm just pointing out that this issue does exist. I'm getting tired of everyone saying that we should stop complaining and just put it in a case or not hold it that way. Also, just because your signal isn't affected doesn't mean that everyone else is as lucky as you.

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    I kinda don't understand what your asking. Who and why switch to Evo. That's 2 questions into 1. Search the internet, use YouTube for vids on the Evo. Somebody else's reason to have an Evo may not be the same for yours. The Evos battery life can be maintained by doing lots of things. Turning off services you don't or not using that period of time. I have seen Plenty of people get 12 to 36 hrs under medium use of the Evo. Even the Evo has a few flaws witch HTC and Sprint are working on a patch to fix. And/or Android hackers will fix lol. Now Sprint is finishing the Android 2.2 Froyo for the Evo witch gives better battery life, better phone and web browser performance. Also adding a feature to install apps onto the SD card. That's a great reason to own a Evo. But don't bail on Apple cuz the iPhone4 has a few flaws witch might get fixed. Be patient and wait.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    The not being able to unlock the phone to answer a call has been an issue for me with all previous iPhones. It rarely happens but I can assure you that it is nothing new and it isn't anything specific to the new OS either. Most of the time when this happens I am able to answer the call before it goes to voicemail if I keep swiping over and over again until it finally answers. I haven't experienced this yet with the iPhone 4 but I'm sure I will at some point. It's never been a big deal to me and like I said it very rarely happens.

  • g rod
    g rod Posts: 41
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    definately sux. i have the problem bigtime. my phone is now next to useless inside at my house reception drops so bad when i hold the thing.

    also i have an issue with the prox not keeping the screen turned off always when i hold my phone handsfree (you know like pinch the phone between your eye and shoulder like if you were talking on the phone washing your hands etc) on the left side of my face. i never had this issue before with an iphone and now the phone is always turning on the screen and putting people on speaker or hitting keys...etc.

    its so f'ing annnoying.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Not when you were going to buy a case anyways. Or you would be dumb not to. It's a classic case of a little kid. If nobody would of told you of the problem you would of went about your life regularly...but because it's said oh now it's a problem major...maybe now I don't feel like buying a case I was gonna get anyways. Maybe the problem should be fixed now that I want the option not to have a case on my phone that has a high chance of breaking when dropped. lmao really???

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    ???? If you buy and Iphone you have to get a case. Everybody knows it that owns one. If your new to the game then I'm sorry cause I calculated the case into the cost of the phone. Didn't you? Along with the screen protectors...but none out for the 4th gen yet or else I would of got that too. You should of asked the costs before you got the phone.