Apple, Steve Jobs Respond To iPhone 4 Reception Issues: Fact Of Life For Every Wireless Phone, Avoid



  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Have you seen the XBOX 360 lately??? Heard of anything related to a red ring of death?? NO? Well guess what...people are still buying the system known for a 33% failure rate lol. Update yaself.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
    via Wordpress

    But why would you take the case off?

  • iphonefann
    iphonefann Posts: 2
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    I think, Apple is taking advantage of customers trust. sorry to say this , but this one of the poorest quality phone released by Apple so far, taking customers for a ride. Now it is a open secret that apple is covering up the design issues the iphone 4 has. Apple has to admit those basic design isssues and take the necessary steps to rectify it.

  • original
    original Posts: 18
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    This is a phone we're talking about, and the way a lot of ppl hold it is causing it to malfunction. This is borderline insanity, there's no way Apple didn't see this coming if they already had the bumper ready to go at the damn keynote. I've been an avid iphone fanboy for years, but even I have to admit this crosses the line in terms of blatant bullshit.

  • mee
    mee Posts: 3
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    True : Most cellphones suffers a slight degradation of signal quality when held.

    No other phone besides iphone 4 renders it completely
    useles when "held the wrong way" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Being left-handed i repetedly "hold it the wrong way"

    Steve ... get your head out of your ass and fix this issue and give me a replacement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A former apple fanboy ... (not anymore!)

  • Fkdkg
    Fkdkg Posts: 1
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    What's your point. Either way it's wrong. And at least you can still play games with the "flawed" system. With this Iphone design you get antenna issues which cause the Phone to lose Signal and even have dropped calls. This a phone which should most importantly be able to make class.

  • Jupiter
    Jupiter Posts: 1
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    You're clearly missing the point. Having to buy a case to protect the phone is one thing but having to buy a case to solve a hardware issue is another. This was supposed to be a "revolutionary design" and to have this kind of flaw on a phone which is meant to first and foremost make calls is just ridiculous.

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Well I'm confused here. I tried a live ip4 in Orange and didn't induce any signal issues at all.
    And I've just tried four more in O2, all performed flawlessly, so what's going on?!?!

  • 4
    4 Posts: 0
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    You don't get it. The new "never before seen" antenna design was meant to boost reception. What's the point if you have signal being lost by just holding the phone like everyone normally does. I had this issue even before seeing this news. This is a design flaw and a mistake on Apple's part. I think the reason why so many people are mad is due to Apple's response and their irresponsible claim that it's a non-issue. If you don't have the issue than lucky you.

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Apple should recall those that claim to have the said issue. And put it right.
    I actually wonder how many units they would actually recieve back?!
    Maybe not that many afterall?!

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    More Bugs????......

    In my o2 store i've tried some of these, granted none had reception issues BUT,on one, when i went to the photo gallery, it went crazy - the pic roll randomly whizzed up and down, wtf??

    Secondly, on another phone, i went to type a SMS, and the font was HUGE!, surely thats a bug too?!?!
    I asked the salesman and he didnt know what to say!!

    And lastly, just my observation, listening to many other ppl trying these out around me - lots were not impressed and walked off..

  • Cicatrix
    Cicatrix Posts: 2
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    Apple says " Gripping ANY phone will result in some attenuation of it's antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for EVERY wireless phone".

    1. Any comment on the above from blackberry users?

  • Cicatrix
    Cicatrix Posts: 2
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    To Steve Jobs:-

    2. If Apple was fully aware of this"fact of life" issue with wireless phones, this was the best they could come up with design-wise to solve the problem?!

    3. At what point did Apple discover this "fact of life"?

  • Salvadorean
    Salvadorean Posts: 46
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    The ones manufactured directly from china cost less than $10 bucks.

  • Salvadorean
    Salvadorean Posts: 46
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    It is "a fact of life" hehehe...!
    If Steve Jobs is showing people to handle iPhone 4, I would also show him what's the best response I get while I grab my GF from the right spot.

  • Phil
    Phil Posts: 87
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    If some work and some don't, obviously it's a manufacturing fuckup which will be sorted by the time i can get one.

  • Brooke
    Brooke Posts: 5
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    you're going to have to take it to the apple store the get them to connect to iTunes it is free and a waste of time but you can't reset your phone from the computer. It's dumb I know but it's the only was to go.