Geohot Won't Be Releasing Tools To Jailbreak And Unlock iPhone [Update]



  • Not A Lemming
    Not A Lemming Posts: 0
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    dont blame him and wouldnt blame the rest of the the jailbreakers for leaving. seen so many people bitching about what they do taking to long ect ect for the money u cant complain and for the idiots who cant figure it out they did it for FREE. the people telling geohot goodbye GFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Not A Lemming
    Not A Lemming Posts: 0
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    dont blame him and wouldnt blame the rest of the the jailbreakers for leaving. seen so many people bitching about what they do taking to long ect ect for the money u cant complain and for the idiots who cant figure it out they did it for FREE. the people telling geohot goodbye GFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • blonsky105
    blonsky105 Posts: 0
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  • blonsky105
    blonsky105 Posts: 0
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  • bob0917
    bob0917 Posts: 15
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    I was going to be generous and give him a thanks for past efforts but thinking about it he goes to Paris telling everyone he has this solution that will solve the jail-breaking problem forever and that it will work on the iPhone 4 now he tells us he is quitting the scene. First the picture of his iPhone running Cvdia is a fake and now he doesn't have to prove he can do what he has reported he can do which I think is bologna a big scam nothing can be made to not be plugged back so I know he is a genius but I think he is falling behind either from lack of time or skills but he has picked a convenient way to get out of some pretty hard statement to fulfill. I think he needs to get back to the work and forget glory and do it for him or shut it down if he can't handle it anymore.

  • scrum
    scrum Posts: 1
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    Advertising does not necessitate a financial transaction dip-****.

  • Joe blow
    Joe blow Posts: 12
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    BREAKING NEWS: Geohot scratched his nuts!!! Come on, stop sucking his **** and move on, he is done helping the community, of his own admission, so quit posting stories about him and move on.

  • Dre
    Dre Posts: 22
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    If he did that would be POPPIN!!!

    Fact is- somebody is gonna come up with a jailbreak but if George is getting a bunch of money to not do it and its gonna feed him/family.. I say Hooray homie! Good job..

    suck it up all you dunce people who refuse to research and study to be able to do it yourself!

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    hey man how the hell did u do that?! ive been trying for days and i can't seem to downgrade from 4.0 to 3.1.3 and jailbreak...i just bought a used 3gs and the asshole upgraded before the jailbreak came out

  • Vic Martinez
    Vic Martinez Posts: 5
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    he should put limera1n out then retire with a big bang ... to shut all this people. he was doing this free for everyone and look what you annoying morons did ... now you gotta wait longer and longer bc the best at this is not doing it no more... i hope you are all happy. the new update should be done soon they have the unlock done and everything. but Geohotz would of had it done by now ... so thank you, you impatience moron....

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    dumbasses like you are the EXACT reason why he's left the scene. Thanks dipshit.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Your comment, just like Jason's, is also stupid. Are you sure you even know what you're talking about? What do Nazis have to do with his decision? The fact that you've decided to share your negative opinion re-enforces the decision Geohot made to leave the jailbreaking scene.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    I thank you both Dave and Sayem for what you've both said. I feel that Geohot did indeed work to give the community something and didn't expect anything in return for it. It's really disappointing to see all the morons open their mouths and let their verbal diarrhea flow.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Keyword "AFTER" you dumbass. They were showing appreciation for his hard work. You seriously need to look up what a scam artist is. A conman or scam artist get you to BUY a non-existent product, not DONATE to cause. STUPID!!!

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Do you have any facts to back up this claim?

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    If he did, I congratulate him. I know if I was as brilliant as him and was offered the same I'd take it in a heartbeat, no second thoughts and no looking back. It would just go to show that his hard work was recognized by someone out there.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Did you learn how to count from a crack addict?

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    Why? Sounds like it'd be a pointless life to lead

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    WOW.. dont you "haters" get it? YOU guys are the reason why he going to stop anyways. You guys are greedy ignorant fucks! Be thankful for what he's been trying to do. Honestly thanks to him, hes the only reason why your phone should be jailbroken. So be nice and thank the dude.

    I know someone might comment on this, about how im some stupid fagget ****... well before you type it and waste your time. I DONT GIVE A ****, GO **** YOURSELF ****.

    But anyways THANKS "Ge" for your help. Greatly Appreciated!

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    At the end of the day if geo doesn't release the new unlock dev-team/comex/musclenerd/planetbeing will do, And if not them someone else.. People in the know will be more like to come forward and attempt to crack it knowing that someone with a head start is not going to jump in last minute and beat them to the punch in creating a viable jail-breaking solution..

    There are a lot of people around the world with the skills to do this, All that lacks is the motivation which will be increased knowing that someone else isn't going to do it for them.

  • Sameazel
    Sameazel Posts: 5
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    Geohot I thank you for all you time you gave already put
    into all the jailbreaks and unlocks.You are a great guy and I don't blame you for your choice after all it is a free choice and thats how it should be.Thanks again and peace to you.

  • Johnny
    Johnny Posts: 93
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    This is the only senario that makes sense to me. If not, geohot is one stuck up pos.

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Personally I think this has more to do with the latest PS3 update. Geohot hacked the PS3, which caused Sony to release an update to remove the ability to install Linux on it. A lot of people were pretty pissed off about that because they used their PS3s as their home computer. He couldn't hack the new PS3 firmware and felt like he couldn't admit defeat because its such a great responsibility.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    No one will miss him when the new TOOLS come out.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Lol I love the smell of raging trolls in the morning. Personally I'm thankful fir what geo's donated to the iPhone using public. it's just too bad that the public's full of ungrateful bastards.

  • bobonaknob
    bobonaknob Posts: 1
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    hopefully he stays away and we never hear from him again.

  • Gert
    Gert Posts: 1
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    Geohat, has a few months ago contact with apple, they offered him a job but he refused. Something in me tell me that it is different. I don't think he refused but he accepted it, and now after the screens he's working for apple and help them with closing the firmware so that the jailbreaks won't work anymore.

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    Your the sissy Jason. Why don't you go get some skillz and do it yourself!

  • 534
    534 Posts: 0
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    "we dont have to smarts to accomplish this feat"

    ...or the discipline to do anything but sit around and complain about someone who is no longer giving you something for free. Stop your whining.