Dev Team And Chronic Dev Team Comment On Geohot's Limera1n; Greenpois0n Delayed

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imageDev Team And Chronic Dev Team Comment On Geohot's Limera1n; Greenpois0n Delayed

Geohot who had abandoned the jailbreaking scene in July surprised everyone by releasing limera1n a day before greenpois0n was released by the Chronic Dev Team. Limera1n can jailbreak iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G and the new iPod Touch 4G. iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team who...

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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    geohot is a douche he should have communicated with them weeks ago that way they could have been holding off on their exploit. but he needed to be the hero and he basically swooped in and wiped out their hard work to get it ready for release today. inconsiderate big time. i appreciate the jb but the whole situation could have been handled differently

  • Thebong24
    Thebong24 Posts: 9
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    Well at least they can preserve shatter for future...I'm using limerain and it works good!

  • gvtqc
    gvtqc Posts: 1
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    So once again to satisfy his bloated ego geoNot has screwed the community by releasing an inferior jailbreak. Why is this not surprising?

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    This isn't that bad. I hope that geohot comes up with an unlock - 'cause SHatter did that (right?)

    Now the good news is that the hackers are one step ahead the 'cat and mouse'game. So when Apple releases a new firmware, then SHatter will replace GeoHots hack.

    Win - Win situation, IF geohot releases a method for unlocking the iDevice, or if some other group finds a way to unlock it.

    Good job from both sides.

  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Everyone should work together and when will there b an unlock for iPhone 4 running 4.1
    Appreciate all that is done, especially since it's free. However to much info and options makes for a confusing situation for us novices

  • Samteeee
    Samteeee Posts: 1
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    I completely agree brotha. They gotta put these silly stuff aside and get together to stay ahead of the cat & mouse game.
    Also I don't believe the comments from Chronic Dev team as to
    "Oh it's all Geohot's fault"!! as Geohot's comments do make sense, IMHO.

  • socaljr
    socaljr Posts: 0
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    everyone forgets that these people are doing a service for us.. they are basically working for us and in most cases there working for free, not everyone donates and now it seems like people don't even appreciate it either.

  • Diablozoe
    Diablozoe Posts: 76
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    what everybody seems to forget is that greenpoison only works with the new 4g devices!!!!! And probably most of the people bitching have 4g devices!! So alot of 3gs people like me are happy to have a JB for 3gs devices. As in like snowbreez which upgraded my 3gs to 4.1 and preserved the baseband!!! People like Geohot who probably went about it the wrong way make programs for people that have a pc! dev team??? Seem not to be able to make a JB for the 3gs and then they will only make it for mac!!

  • Jermzimus X
    Jermzimus X Posts: 1
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    I think Geohot made a smart move.. maybe he went about it a little immaturely and in a quite "Kanye" manner but he did say SHAtter was superior.. I think Chronic Dev are acting equally as immature with their comment.. I don't see how his move was "irresponsible" at all.. if anything it WAS the responsible thing to do, as now SHAtter can be released for future devices ;) Either Way massive props to EVERYONE involved from Geo, to dev, to chrondev.

  • Shithappends
    Shithappends Posts: 1
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    Doesn't metter if it's his ego, it seems he is more capable then all these other teams.

    Look at it, the dev team and the others are working in teams of people, as I understand geohot is all by himself and still 100x faster. Nobull **** straight to the point.

    Good job geohot

  • Prophetz
    Prophetz Posts: 2
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    My take is that limera1n doesn't work.... I've fallowed your instruction to the very last letter and the rain drop comes on my iPhone n it sais it did it buuuuuut there is no file there when my phone reboots... I own a iPhone 4G 4.0.2 factory I didn't upgrade it it came like that I haven't upgraded to 4.1 I just tried to do it on 4.0.2 and it does not work (. I tried 15 x at least ) help me please my email is I'm all ears.

  • colin
    colin Posts: 28
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    if i jailbreak with this will i b able to unlock am on 4.0.2.many thanks colin.

  • colin
    colin Posts: 28
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    sorry my baseband 1.59

  • badboy47
    badboy47 Posts: 1
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    at GeoHot.
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    Go fuk youself in the @ss. Fuking moron. i wont be using your sh1tty software. Will wait for greenpois0n.

  • john k
    john k Posts: 1
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    I have a 3GS. Chronic Dev team's release won't help me. so geohot is still the hero.

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Ummm why don't you just upgrade to 4.1? I don't see why you would leave it on 4.0.2? What sense does that make? Do you like cheek dialing during calls? lol.

  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 19
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    Go GeoHot! Thanks, I never stopped loving your work!

  • mars
    mars Posts: 25
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    Wow!!! I'm pretty sure you have 0 reasons for your comment. Guess ignorance isn't bliss after all. By the way badboy47, I'll be waiting for you to post your Jailbreak solution. Meaning, one you did from scratch.

  • bear888
    bear888 Posts: 0
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    Bingo.... Socaljr statement is one of the most honest one. Just like anything else, geniuses don't work well together. It is just their nature. The competitive is what drive people to do better and that was what Geo threw out.

  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    I wish I had the ability all these guys have, well done for what they have done in the past and continue to do. We would all be lost without them! Hopefully they can sort any issues out between themselves, but thanks to all of them

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    Wow, why all the bad comments about geohot? He obviously had a good reason for releasing his version of the jailbreak. I have used it and it works perfectly fine. I think it was smart of him to release it a day before, so chronic dev would not release theirs with the other whole in the bootrom.

  • S41N7
    S41N7 Posts: 27
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    I can confirm that lime rain works 100% on the iPhone4.1. I updated from 4.0 (but that docent matter as the jb takescplace within. 4.1. Thus, it must be installed first) and do not experience any difficulties.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Errrr hello people ! GeoHot did the right thing, you don't show all your cards at once especially with 4.2 on the horizon.

    Besides, you complain when he doesn't release anything and then in the same breath complain when he does, no wonder he got pissed off and called it quits, I'd do the same thing too with all you whiney bitches. By the way did any of you donate cash for these jailbreak tools?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Actually its not superior or inferior, we have updated to say that SHAtter would be more useful for future devices (as its bootrom exploit for A4 chip based devices).

  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    Damn son that pic of the finger was awesome lol

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Upgrade iTunes to latest version then update phone to 4.1 then jailbreak, it does work!!

    Lol and yes the cheek calling no longer works!

  • dlbjmb35
    dlbjmb35 Posts: 0
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    I have a 3GS new bootrom and worked for me. I restore to 4.1 unmodified and then used limera1n and worked fine.

  • spacenug
    spacenug Posts: 2
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    The funniest thing is you were all kissing geohot's ass when blackra1n came out now you are all bitching I would say the hell with all of you. thanks Geohot for limera1n.

  • Hack3r
    Hack3r Posts: 1
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    the reason why everyone is bashing GeoHot is because he released it a day BEFORE Dev Team planned theirs, without telling them. This in turn ruined their release plans and GeoHot taking the spotlight, after the Dev Team have been planning this for months, anyone with a sense of dignity in the hacking scene would show some respect and tell the Dev Team, i _was_ a defender of GeoHot now i just think he's a media ****, where-as the Dev Team doesnt do it for the attention but for the community and to shove it in Apples face.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    If I use a mac normally and I use a pc to jailbreak using limera1n since the mac version isnt out will it mess anything up on my phone? Or do I need to wait for one of the mac tools to be released?