Dev Team And Chronic Dev Team Comment On Geohot's Limera1n; Greenpois0n Delayed



  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    iPhone 4? upgrade to 4.1 using tiny umbrella and it preserves your baseband (stays at 1.59) jailbreak and unlock with ultrasnow. make sure you read the readme for tiny umbrella! and it only works on a iPhone 4. I am proof it works iPhone 4 4.1 1.59 baseband.

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    actually no he was the one who didnt care about preserving it. it was Chronic dev team who decided to not release theirs and use geohots in greenpois0n. He could have done it in a different way instead of being a big **** about it and forcing the dev teams to do it that way. He screwed them over twice now. I have no respect for geohot. I agree he is good at what he does. but he screws people over just for his stinking ego.

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    His own thing. yeah like being given things to improve and turning around and screwing over those who trusted him to do it (twice at that). Bull crap is what that is. Comex didnt give him the untethered exploit so he could turn around and release limera1n, but what did he do? he's a duche bag and i hope he stays gone this time. No respect!

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    He can stay gone for all I care. People have it all wrong it was Chronic Dev who made the choice not to release greenpois0n for that exact reason to not waste two exploits. not geohot he didnt care whether two were wasted or not.

  • Ngmead
    Ngmead Posts: 13
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    It's not the first time he has screwed the chronic dev team either. they gave him the exploit he used for blackra1n to improve it and he turned around and released blackra1n. he deserves no respect.

  • tahhaha
    tahhaha Posts: 1
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    actually he doesnt know for sure apple has patched it. he has a suspicion because of some code that was fixed thats simular to the exploit.

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    You succeded at being an idiot. If limera1n works on your device now, then it will work forever (just like greenpois0n). They are BOTH bootrom exploits.

    The difference is that in the next bootrom, the Limera1n exploit is already fixed. GeoHot prevented the CDT from exposing the shatter exploit which NOW has a chance of surviving the next bootrom iteration.

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    CDT doesn't do the unlocks, do they? I was under the impression that the iPhone DEV Team did the unlocks. There is more than 1 dev team out there guys...

  • I jailbroke with limera1n
    via Wordpress

    Inferior? Really in what way? O do you mean the fact it supports fewer Devi... Wait nope it supports more devices... Do you mean it doesn't wo... Wait it works just fine, anyone that can't figure it out needs to not jailbreak there device... So what's your next argument capitain idiot?

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    Try uninstalling ultrasn0w within cydia.

    If that doesn't work, simply restore your phone and re-jailbreak it.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    While I appreciate he did the work, releasing it like he did was a **** move. He should have been in communication with chronicdev and the dev team.

  • iLikeRSX
    iLikeRSX Posts: 8
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    So how will the new greenpoison be different from limerain? I'm confused.

  • Rupert
    Rupert Posts: 3
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    You made a wait , a day shorter. I don't understand why some mere jb users acting as if they know everything you spoiled their jb tool lol. You are the savior dude!!

  • Santiago
    Santiago Posts: 3
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    Don't know why some of you, are talking Shiat about the geohot release. Geohot I'm my opinion is awasome for fixing rather allowing me to jailbreak both my 4g and my 3GS. Without your hard work this would never have been possible.
    THANKS a bunch.
    Most haters are just hating because they couldn't do this themselves.

  • emimix
    emimix Posts: 5
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    "Survival of the fittest" ....

  • Happy
    Happy Posts: 11
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    The funny part is listening to the ones that talk trash about GEO is using his limer1an lol.
    the dev team are great people and work hard on jail breaking iphones geo worked hard on jail breaking iphones so it doesnt matter who did it 1st or what way they do it just be happy that there are people working very hard to keep all you jail breakers happy.
    Thanks Geo
    Thanks Dev team
    You both are great and im glad to have used both jail breaks.

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    And what about those of us with 3GS's??? Looks like you're the one who "sccessfully succeded" [sic] at being the "douch bag." [sic] You're obviously not very successful at spelling!

  • Posts: 2
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    How come it took Chronic weeks to 'develop' SHatter and it only took Geo a couple days to make limera1n? Seams fishy to me...

  • what???/
    what???/ Posts: 0
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    Wow someone gave you guys something for free and you guys still **** about it?

  • Krewzer
    Krewzer Posts: 1
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    Another simple JB (thanks again Geohot) and thank you to ALL the devs on the seen. My only issue is with Remove Backgrounds crashes my springboard. iPhone 3GS 4.01 to 4.1

  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
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    ultrasn0w was never installed because I don't see it on my iphone or anywhere in cydia as being installed but it does give me the option to install it, I did restore my phone and I did re-jailbreak it with no problem but when I look in my sources it is still there as being added, If this isn't going to hinder my phone operation and jailbreak should I just leave it alone? How would I go about uninstalling ultrasn0w through cydia? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Ed

  • yapl
    yapl Posts: 2
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    Will greenpois0n with limera1n exploit support iPod 3g 4.1 MC models? The limera1n is not JB this devices.

  • iLikeRSX
    iLikeRSX Posts: 8
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    If you have to explain it to them then there's probably no point for them to know the difference in the first place.

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    MC models are 3GS and not 3G. Yes... limera1n DOES support them. It has been updated at least 3 times to fix bugs. Keep checking the site...

  • Ed
    Ed Posts: 110
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    as limera1n is updated to fix bugs should we reinstall limera1n onto our phone and re-jailbreak or will limera1n update itself?

  • Drdirty
    Drdirty Posts: 37
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    I always said the dev teams software was bullshit vaporware and their canceling the release of shatter or shall we call it "shitter" proves I was right.

  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    Can anyone tell me what is 'unpatchable' jailbreak? If I jailbreak using limera1n, can I unjailbreak it back to original state?

    Another scenario: if I jailbreak using limera1n, can Iupdate apple future os just like that & my device stays in jailbreak status?

    Please help me on these questions.

    Thank you very much!

  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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    Very good work by both teams actually. But since Geo came out 1st, he got most credits. That does not mean that Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team do not have any. All those people involve in making the JB community must be given credits, for it big or small. Cheers to all who help in this JB thingy.

  • HH
    HH Posts: 2
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    Even though I like the idea of jailbreaking my iPhone 4, my main objective is to unlock it. I am presently still on 4.0.2 (8A400) with bas band 1.59.00. Is there presently a way of unlocking this phone or do I have to wait for the next jailbreak to come out?
