Samsung Mocks iPhone Users In New Galaxy S II Ad [Video]



  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    I think your some way right. But i like programing to. And think even a Galaxy is to small for that. I got a MacBookAir. But even realy love iPhone and iPad because the "Just work", and that's in some way even magical.
  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    do know how stupid you sound when say the the iphone needs a better processor....why? just to say it does? when it runs smoother than any other os.
  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    that was the point of his post.....he's saying they are arrogant and thats what he likes about them...
  • Sneak
    Sneak Posts: 14
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    I love my iPhone 4s but you people who say the screen size is perfect must have small hands.
  • sebastian
    sebastian Posts: 24
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    I got a Samsung and maby it's good, because now i know, I NEVER will buy one again. Service is horrible. A cheap copie. There are some smal different's and you can say you like that more. But Android is like Vista and iOS is Apple magic.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Fanboys Really Sucks!!! Make me feel Sucks...! :^/
  • devol
    devol Posts: 63
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    Wow. All the droid fanboys posting in here about the 4s running on 3G, it's STILL a more reliable device hands down. The s2 May be a good phone but it's not better than the4s, my shopmate just bought one and it's very chopy here in Tucson. And when the next iPhone comes out and looks new and crushes all other phones when it runs on a 4g network. I like to have my phone just as much as the next but I also like an amazing end user experience. The display, Siri ( and you know that if siri was released first on an android you would be holding it over the heads of iPhone users, so suck it!) the smooth operation of re os and the high end look and feel will ALWAYS beat out other smart phones. Have fun getting viruses and running theEquivant of norton antivirus on you PHONE. Suckers.
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    All phones have flaws. I have owned all the phone based os' and not one of them have been as smooth as iOS. I know practice makes perfect and the day will come when Android is like iOS, it just works.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Android users can say " get 4G". Well let me tell ya, 4G is only good in select cities. 3G on AT&T? Just about everywhere. I like that seeing how I travel everywhere. When 4G comes to iPhone? AT&T will probably have 4G everywhere. Android,... still hangin on to select cities. It's fine if you live in a city. There is a device for everyone. Play ground talk gets you no where (except maybe your face in the dirt). In other words let em mock, talk or even poke fun. In the end everyone will know which device or os will dominate. Or will they?
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    i also second this opinion. average users don't use android operating systems for penetration or such and android doesn't have the Apple powerhouse--which incorporates simplistic functionality of otherwise not so easy feats such as wireless streaming and home entertainment remote controls into point click operations--thus power and ease of operation appeal more than the tech savvy crown needed to follow an android exploitation uprise. yayuh
  • Mykel
    Mykel Posts: 23
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    Just a video still no match for apple.. Apple rocks!
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    I have a slide projector hooked to a t3 wifi connection but I can't understand why the big screen and fast connection aren't as fun as my 40" LCD with basic cable. I guess i should rethink my priorities. I know.. an 1989 Bronco with a big block motor vs a BMW i300 series. You can't trade a small upgrade in visibility with a huge increase in speed for an intensely tweaked view space with average speed. iPhone or no phone.
  • Marius
    Marius Posts: 3
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    The sgs2 is for hackers... Nope,it's for people who wanna "feel" like hackers. I've just gone from android to iPhone 4s and I ain't going back. The commercial is lame and clearly points out the average intelligence level of the sgs2 user... Fight time! ;)
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    iPhone has Apple (marketing genius' and billions of funding) to get their hands (apps) into everything from Viper Alarms to Home security systems and make it safe and reliable. Android has a bigger screen and faster connection?? Well androids do come with free malware and such. The iPhone 3gs is fast as hell on the right firmware--in comparison to todays 4 and 4G--and the 4G runs like silk on a factory issue safely clocked chip. It's just no contest.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    dast fanny boys sucks! that's not even an argument. Android is spread amongst to many hardware platforms. Apple focus' on one to four very similar platforms at a time (touch,ipad,iphone,whatever) and therefore can guarantees safety of data and reliability. I hate to follow the crowd because I was NEVER a macintosh fan and always will prefer a PC. But the best phone starts with a lowercase i.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    devol u rule. norton blows and android is mediocre. Samsung needs to stick to televisions.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    iPhone lacked basic features for years. pissed me off. as i look back im thankful they focused on basic reliability and security of my pr0n data. now they are cranking out the features with a good foundation.
  • The 53rd
    The 53rd Posts: 4
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    I just like how it took the piss out of that hipster.
  • Pravs
    Pravs Posts: 1
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    SGS2 is simply awesome, love the ad :D
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    iphone = point click winner mac = point click winner but no gamespc = point click meets freedom meets compatibility plus GAMESwho cares who slanders who. if you're going to slander..make it worth the mud.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    yeah, they made lots of valid points as to why S2 is superior. for instance the inability to be seen with an upgraded phone. thats IMPORTANT in my book. who cares about a zillion secure apps when you got a big screen and mofos saying "DAAAMN HE GOT A NEW PHONE SON"
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    one word. jailbreak. second word. simplisticthird word. powerfulfourth and final. boner-city
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    I enjoy the size because of my pocket. Sometiems i wish it was bigger...but then again the HTC is too big IMO.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    I like the S2 because it has big screens and big means good. I also like it cuz 4g is one number higher than 3g. Obviously you cant do math because if you could, you would know that bigger and faster is better. Nobody cares about track records and customer service. Oh and people are sooo over security. I'm done ranting here. i 4 life
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    sure it is. the ad was comical at best. targeted at the masses with simple adjectives and one uncommon noun. i bet the SG2 does kick ass..but lets not put em side by side cuz we all know iPhones can do it all except purify water.
  • Justinsane
    Justinsane Posts: 15
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    their TV's are second to none i think..or is that Sony?? IDK. maybe it was microwaves they did well. it's not phones because apples and lemons cant be compared. booya
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    It's all about what you the individual wants . Not got an iphone ? Want an Iphone , then buy one. Want an Android phone , then buy one .Apples Iphone was not the first touch phone out there . Microsoft had touch phones out before Apple . What Apple did that MS didn't was create an OS designed for touch screens, with an easy set up that didn't need high levels of knowledge etc to get it to do things .Apple funnily enough use Samsung to manufacture chips , seems a strange set up but Iphone or Android users will only suffer from these two companies trying to screw each other over . Its not about the customer anymore its all about domination . Seems very dictative to me and not customer focused at all
  • Stupid Prakash
    Stupid Prakash Posts: 2
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    Hahahaha. I'm so stupid