Samsung Mocks iPhone Users In New Galaxy S II Ad [Video]



  • City23
    City23 Posts: 25
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    iPhone is NOT the best phone unless it's Jailbroken. iPhone need to catch up with the big screen thing. If iPhone 5 doesn't get a bigger screen I might leave the dark-side. I have been an iPhone user since the 1st Gen.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Just gonna say as Steve Jobs once said..."They just don't get it".
  • original
    original Posts: 18
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    Please Accept the iphone 4S & Apple Are The winners . All you Haters On here talking So much **** about the iphone , i mean why yall so Mad ?, is Obious is A better Phone . No matter What the iphone Runs,Performes,Calls,texts,web Surfin,photos,camara & have Apps Better then Any Samsung phone Ever Made. The fact That ios 5 came out with some features that other Android phones have , Just makes the iphone Even A Better Phone .Screen wise , maybe Yes A couple of million iphone users want a litle bit bigger screen. Samsung is breaking there heads trying so hard to make a better phone then the iphone , they have i think over 100 phones Vs One Phone .A P P L E . That is all i have to say . <3.
  • lindnjoe
    lindnjoe Posts: 0
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    It was Newton not EINSTEIN that developed the theories on gravity. So if we are iSheeps then you are what dumb assdroids?
  • Apel
    Apel Posts: 62
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    Lol iv used the galaxy s 2 and it sucks. For something with high graphics to work you need to shut off all ram and then it will still lag
  • Apel
    Apel Posts: 62
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    Btw if you guys remember 4s has HSPA+ which is about the same speed as 4g exept is just called 3G were most companies use the same thing and call it 4g
  • Zvrk
    Zvrk Posts: 4
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    Only 9 hours more :) hahahaahahaha People is not about phones both phones are extra good , its about idiots in the line .Good advertising .Right in the center !Come on Apple strikes back .This is great !!!
  • FK
    FK Posts: 4
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    I'm wondering why android fans are checking out iPhone blog.
  • Johnny
    Johnny Posts: 93
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    bloody fan boys...
  • original
    original Posts: 18
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    Please Accept the iphone 4S & Apple Are The winners . All you Haters On here talking So much Sh** about the iphone , i mean why yall so Mad ?, is Obious is A better Phone . No matter What the iphone Runs,Performes,Calls,texts,web Surfin,photos,camara & have Apps Better then Any Samsung phone Ever Made. The fact That ios 5 came out with some features that other Android phones have , Just makes the iphone Even A Better Phone .Screen wise , maybe Yes A couple of million iphone users want a litle bit bigger screen. Samsung is breaking there heads trying so hard to make a better phone then the iphone , they have i think over 100 phones Vs One Phone .A P P L E . That is all i have to say . <3.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
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    Alot of phones out there have similar or better camera. HTC Sensation XE has a pretty good 8mp camera.
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    WOW at the amount of comments in this post!
  • Zak's
    Zak's Posts: 1
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    Haha iPhone lOsers admit u r absolete :p
    SHALASHASKA. Posts: 8
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    Some points consider before I kill myself over stupid comments ... Especially android I'm a hacker idiot who think cntrl+alt+del is programming...The Samsung phones' gps doesn't work with no sim car and no data connection and it takes up too much time compared to the iPhone .The samsunng s2 needs almost 25 seconds to take 5 pictures whilst the iPhone 4s does it in like 2The samsungs touch screen is nowhere as responsive as an iPhone ... U can try this with a piano app and place 5 finger and see what happens. I won't even bring up games since I've never seen a good game on androidApple has siri and android has iris???? Seriously check I outCompared tO the 4 and 4s the Samsung is sloooooow.. I know people will give me hell but I'm sorry it just is . There was a comment here about adjusting clockspeed and all that nonsense ... Wow roll over and dieI own both phones ... And bigger screen makes it unergonommic .. Chunky and the pixel density is low... Stop reading reviews and ask someone who's used both :)
    SHALASHASKA. Posts: 8
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    Very good point ... Who creates an add to laugh at his consumers???
  • isay
    isay Posts: 0
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    So you're saying I should leave my elegant iPhone and migrate to super cheap quality plastic crap , which runs super laggy Android . What's the use of powerful specs when ... Phone lags and graphics sucks ... Senseless !!... And this is where Apple™ are perfect at " Hardware and software integration " ... And I'm sure they'll never be able to copy this .
  • nizar ghosn
    nizar ghosn Posts: 9
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    ?... The s2 is just awesome phone, it gather everything the man would expect in a today phone. ?. And. ?... Apple, yeah this is the begining of the down slope, you, people at apple, you where creative but the holly madness of steve(god bless) would bring you down unless the new manager could help, i am an iphone user since 2007 till the s2 shows up. .. Cheers
  • Alexander
    Alexander Posts: 13
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    I am a Samsung phone owner and I can't say I'm an iPhone fun... I think people are usually buying iPhone just because of the brand, not for the specs or something... Anyway, I love this ad! :)
  • Emo
    Emo Posts: 0
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    I think this Galaxy SII ad is set to kill the good vibes that Samsung brand has build so far. (Just like Creative Technology.) It's pissing off lots of raving fans of Apple rather than "selling" them on the features of SII. The Apple campaign on “i’m a mac, i’m a pc” sells attitude (of a winner). People love it. It's a totally different feeling with this SII ad. Look at the whole list of responses, apple fans are not taking the "bite", more are just pissed off with Samsung.
  • Jk
    Jk Posts: 16
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    I live in Korea and I was using an older Samsung T-Omnia phone for a couple of weeks while I waited for the 4s to come out here as I lost my 3gs a couple of months ago. A very painful couple of months to wait I may add! I visited Samsung after service a couple of times and have never seen people freaking out at the poor young salary men engineers like this before. Went 2x in 2 weeks and the last time I was there, they had to call the police because some guy was going to kick the service manager's a** because of the poor quality phones. I agree their phone's look sharp but their GUI and text input systems are seriously lacking in comparison to an iphone. Sorry Android... the Koolaid tastes better.
  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
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    iPhone has a huge base and track record, updates IOS often, keep above others, keeps current, and fresh. No other phone with so much capabilities with a single manufacture has done this. If you have a problem with the phone, service is there for you. AND if you want a larger screen, GO LARGE and get a ipad! If you want HUGE SCREEN handheld, get plugin glasses with LCD for you to get a 80" Screen with iphone. Others can say we are 'iphone' cable, better than iphone, but isn't is a wonder WHY others compare to iphone? Well, iphone IS #1, that's why all this discussion and comparison is happening. Sure there maybe something Better than iphone in some aspect, but all over iphone still is the best, and will rule. It's higher technology and will trump others always. iphone 5 will trump what others have now, and so life goes on. There are also MORE apps, which apple monitors (thank goodness as many apps now have scams, hidden costs, exploit operations, etc).
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    WOW! you retards are honestly arguing over the littlest differences.. CLEARLY its about a persons preference. One phones faults is another phones strength. Every phone has a good and a bad. Stop being dumb stupid nar nar Sheep and pick out the phone that you like best. A year from now every phone thats out is gonna be considered a obsolete piece of dogsh**ttt. Why does it matter what other people think?? have you really been brainwashed by all these companies to think one is way better then the other?? I switched from the Droid Incredible 2 to the new iphone 4s. The incredible had a way better camera and cracked the phone to make my battery last for almost a week at a time. I picked the Iphone 4s because I have a macbook pro, and a mac pro. everything syncs amazing now on and off the phone. I can control my computer with my phone wireless and the same with my phone. THAT IS WHY I PICKED IT! Who cares about processor performance, most people dont even use there phones full potential... so whats the point?!?!
  • at&amp;Th4t3r
    at&amp;Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    go **** your self you worthless pile of ****.
  • at&amp;Th4t3r
    at&amp;Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    suck my nuts faggot
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    the camera on the sensation is 8mp, however, the aperture on the lens and the lack of brightness from the duel LED flash makes it a worse camera. I honestly think my 4s would give my 14mp compact a run for its money. and yes, the SII may have better hardware, but... iOS doesn't need that power as the software is so light and will run perfectly on even less power than it is currently getting from the A5 processor.I agree that it is very narrow minded to come out and say 'iphone is the best, end of.', but everyone has they phones that they feel suit them, or give them what they need from a phone. I have an iPhone 4S because personally i think you get everything you need from a phone... and more.Rant over.
  • at&amp;Th4t3r
    at&amp;Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    I don't think anyone understands your retarded ass reggie bullshit.
  • at&amp;Th4t3r
    at&amp;Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    no one understands your dumb fu<king bullshit reggie.
  • dom
    dom Posts: 11
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    "Check out this thing, it's huge!" Huh? The ad actually makes the devices seem the exact size. It almost sounds like a play on Samsung itself there. Samsung is trying its best to steal the "awe" from the iPhone. The add is funny though. At the end of the day, for me and many others, it's all about the experience, which Apple delivers nicely.
  • Critical Thought
    Critical Thought Posts: 0
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    the galaxy s2 is much better. I have an Iphone 4 and my friend's Samsung beats it in every way. He can have every app running and it's not even close to maxing out the hardware. He can also play movies in the 16:9 format. I wish the Samsung was out when before I bought my Iphone