Samsung Mocks iPhone Users In New Galaxy S II Ad [Video]



  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    HaHa, I love the add. I had two android phones before the iPhone4, its totaly just a better phone, sound is better, gfx better, os better and most of all, i dont want to walk around with a massive phone is my pocket. RIP Steve Jobs, just wish you were here to kick their ass.Steve
  • 4s Owner
    4s Owner Posts: 18
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    Ha this ad is very good! Made me laugh though Siri didn't see the funny side! Gosh you Apple enthusiasts need to lighten up and give credit where it's due! The world is full of outstanding tech from lots of different manufacturers/developers and for that I am truly grateful. :-)
  • Gayane
    Gayane Posts: 3
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    Samsung is making fool of Apple fans in its new ad?! That’s hilarious! You gotta watch it!
  • Gerard
    Gerard Posts: 29
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    This commercial didn't make sense to me. First, it looks like an iPhone. Second, they are calling people they are trying to win over stupid. Third, why do you need to bash another company to sell your product?
  • Hacker
    Hacker Posts: 95
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    It's funny how people bad mouth Samsung when they make components and chips for the iPhone and even displays. I only like apple more cuz it has more apps like 400,000 more apps and of course that means more bad ass video games have u played modern combat 3 it looks like modern warfare 2 and has all the games and weapons even go online and do domination if you video games and you even have killstreaks like airstrikes for customization there pretty much tied I got android ported on iPhone as dual boot which is f***ing awesome but I do like the speed on sg2 freaking fast and I love widgets which apple hasn't perfected yet and u got to love there navigation On the road voice guided which is free and better then apples so the way I see it I need both cause apple is my iPod touch for games and entertainment and Samsung better for a phone with better gps but I believe Siri will become smarter and improved in the iPhone 5 to become the king
  • Karthi
    Karthi Posts: 2
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    LoLs! i like the part when he says....'if it looks the same, hw wld ppl knw that i upgraded!' that's freaking hilarious! xD but that wasn't a healthy way of promoting stuffs alright....
  • Vinsanity
    Vinsanity Posts: 1
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    So are you saying if Apple released iPhone 5 with a bigger screen it will "suck" because it's too big to fit in your hand?
  • JB
    JB Posts: 110
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    All I have to say is I've never seen a line in any country waiting for the release of a Samsung phone. Case closed!
  • Extreme184X
    Extreme184X Posts: 7
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    I'm definately an iOS guy (ipad),'s obvious the Galaxy S2 way better phone in every-way when comes to hardware. iOS indeed was way better apps than android, but lacks of most important BUILT IN things that android has. such as: file browser, word editor, pdf reader, zip compression and decompression. These things are built-in all current operating systems wether pc or mac, rather and downloading or paying for horrible move releasing iphone4S, rather than releasing the infamous iphone 5 which would of compete with the galaxy S2. Iphone 4S is not threat to Galaxy S2, and samsung currently selling more phones than apple due to apple's unwise release. But very aware apple is gonna come out with some incredible gadgets next year.
  • IOwnedBoth
    IOwnedBoth Posts: 1
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    I actually have owned the Sprint Galaxy SII and the IPhone 4S. Regarding size, while the galaxy screen is significantly larger than the iPhone, I did not find it to be too large. The phone is about the same thickness and fit just as easily in my pockets. In my screen resolution comparisons, I called a draw (based off of actual observation and use, not mere specifications). Overall, both phones perform excellently but one thing I must say is the Galaxy SII has a clearly superior battery!! Not sure if is the iPhone 4S battery drain problem but my Galaxy outperformed my iPhone battery to the point that it would be embarrassing to give actual numbers. All that being said, I currently use the iPhone because my wife's phone broke while I was testing the 4S and she absolutely hates iPhones.
  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    comeon... iOS is missing alot of features.. and just with iOS 5 finally have some features that other phones had for a long time....Apple is behind on bringing things to the phone.. as they always been with the iPhone... starting with the original iPhone.. no MMS, no copy/paste, the list goes on... any piese of junk phone at that time had those features but Apple iPhone?! NOPE
  • You
    You Posts: 21
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    "I could never get a Samsung, I'm too creative" hahahahhahahahahha great line hahah
  • at&Th4t3r
    at&Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    get bigger hands you homo.
  • mex
    mex Posts: 3
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    Lol :) So if there was not Ainstein we well not know about gravitation now?Besides not Apple invented tuchscreen phones. They invented almost nothing but miths :)The add shows you perfectly iSheeps
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Yea was a funny line , but you can only create what apple lets you unless you jail break the device . Again its dictatership on apples part.
  • at&Th4t3r
    at&Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    do you know how stupid you sound when you say the processor runs better than any other os ???? lol, nice one f***-obesides that you missed the posters point entirely. He is saying that if the 5 comes out and has a larger screen/better processor he will consider going back. However, for now will opt not too since the 4s upgrade merely consists of a better processor/siri
  • at&Th4t3r
    at&Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    more specifically this is Samsung taking a jab at apple has nothing to do with android.
  • at&Th4t3r
    at&Th4t3r Posts: 22
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    I believe the ad was not trying to make a point of the fact that the 4 and 4s are identical, more a point of how petty& gullible the users are.
  • mex
    mex Posts: 3
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    Speaking of "phone" only- maybe . But those devices are not anymore only phones, face it. The "phone" as device is dead . People need all-in-one device in the pocket. And "Phone" is only another app. But iPhone can not do anything else then phone with 3.5"- am I right?. Only the Messiah helps still the sell :)The add shows you perfectly iSheeps
  • mex
    mex Posts: 3
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    @JaveezyBut we are not talking here about "phones", we are talking about all-in-one devices , which iPnone can not be with 3.5". Isn't it?And G S2 is the smallest of the kind. Not as usefull as the biggest Galaxy Note for ex. But there is choice in between also.
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    So you are judging a phone base on it screen size?Last I check a phone screen is just a display, it doesn't make or break a phone. What's counts is how the phone is built and what performance it has. In this case, what other phone has a better camera then an iPhone 4s? At the release of every iphone, I see a huge line of people waiting to get there change in line to buy one. I never see people waiting in line waiting to get a new Samsung phone or android phone or any other phone in this case.
  • Mark
    Mark Posts: 267
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    Wow. Just makes me not want to buy a Samsung phone. Talk about alienating a potential customer...
  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    You must be stupid or retarded to leave such a comment. How in the world would someone get bigger hands?Next time think before you post, f***ing dumbass bitc h.
  • Amsterpelli
    Amsterpelli Posts: 28
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    I wonder how they plan to approach the recent increase in Android malware...As for 4G and speed of your phone...,32068,1266774999001_0,00.html
  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    Which smartphone os runs smoother then ios then? I have every major reviewer of mobile tech backing me. I totally understood his post which is why I responded Asking him why does he need it to have a faster processor. You apparentlly can't understand mine f***-o
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    Lol -- lots of the internal components of the iPhone are made by Samsung... So what does that tell ya...!? 4S vs Samsung Galaxy S II. Both phones hardware wise are great. The OS part iOS vs Droid is a tossup. Pros and cons for each...Droid OS is open and is not restricted but is easily compromised by malware.iOS is not open and is restricted which helps protect you from malware.So it is just a matter of preference for what device an user chooses.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Love the ad. I have an iphone 4 and an ipad and they are great, but fanboys do need to made fun of sometimes haha. Everything they say in the ad is true.
  • Tako
    Tako Posts: 2
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    Iphone maybe great but for those who like to be treated like sheeps , u can t do anything without apple s permission u do what apple say , no open os ,no memory card u make me laugh all those people , i used to have iphone 4 but now i am free i use android do what i want with my phone
  • asangha
    asangha Posts: 1
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    Next time do some research before blindly saying iphones a better phone. when it comes to hardware the samsung galaxy s2 is far better in almost everyway. i agree apple has the better software. but from a hardware perspective the galaxyS2 is a superior phone. apple has a lot of catching up to do