Samsung Mocks iPhone Users In New Galaxy S II Ad [Video]



  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
    via Wordpress
    First of all only because it is not an "apple' product that does not mean it is worse nor better, look at the specs and what it can give you. Most people just say oh not an "Apple" product it sucks. pure bias LOOK at at the whole picture!
  • Benji
    Benji Posts: 18
    via Wordpress
    First of all I am going to start by stating that the majority of you are idiots; it’s evident in your grammar, your way of thinking and the general lack of technical knowledge throughout most of these comments.The Samsung has better technology? I found this claim highly amusing. If any of you are actually going to bother comparing some real benchmarks check here: you can see the iPhone 4s destroys the S2 and even Samsungs high end tablet in both CPU and GPU performance benchmarks and if you look around the web you can see many real world tests where again the iPhone dominates, get over it.As for the camera, just check comparison photos, the iPhone again dominates the S2 in both video and stills.Ok so 4G? Well as some of you may or may not know; 4G currently uses its own individual chip and a second chip is used for 3G (Calls). This has a great downside, the battery consumption is awful but hey, you get fast data speeds! So while the S2 wins on data speed it suffers on battery life.The S2 has a bigger screen but it doesn’t have as high resolution as the iPhone smaller screen. It’s also worth mention that it makes it easier to use and accessible to everyone because of its size. Check out why here:’s face it, if you want a big screen on the go then buy a tablet…Both have similar sensors that aren’t really necessary to compare.While the S2 is slightly slimmer it holds up nothing against the solid build quality on the 4S, it just screams with build quality and almost any prime review states this.So the clear winner in technology is the iPhone, is not even arguable. So what about the operating system?Well most of you agreed that iOS is a better operating system and although this comes down mainly to opinion, the fact of the matter is it will always have better integration. Apple develops both the hardware and the software so they will always work seamlessly together. Apple may control the experience but because of it it’s made it better and to the users who want the extra goodness you can simply jailbreak. Although there is currently not a 4S jailbreak there is one in the works due soon. Let’s not forget the developer support is all Apple. All the best apps comes to Apple first as well as the best exclusives. Why? Because it’s where the money is at and with such an easy SDK compared to Androids (just Google it if you don’t believe me) it’s an easy choice for developers.iPhone is better, scream, cry, do what you need to get over it. Then go buy one.
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    What a douch. Before you say anything foolish..mua here.. iPhone 2, 3, 3G and 4s.. now prefers Mytouch 4G. Now using 4s and mytouch 4G but mostly mytouch. iPhone is nice, works well too and also a bragging right.
  • Kaylee
    Kaylee Posts: 0
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    Firstly, some iphone parts are actually made by Samsung, secondly you are a retard if you think the iphone 4g out does the Samsung Galaxy s2. Check you tube you will find lots and lots of videos proving this. Oh and one more thing, you should really stop buying your phones as a fashion statement without actually reading up on them first, because you are wasting your pocket money on a over advertised hunk of junk.
  • anik
    anik Posts: 1
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