Has iOS 5.1 Fixed iPhone's Poor Battery Life Issue?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageHas iOS 5.1 Fixed iPhone's Poor Battery Life Issue?

Ever since Apple launched iPhone 4S, users have complained about poor battery life and despite Apple's claim iPhone 4S' battery life was worse than iPhone 4.

Apple released iOS 5.0.1, which included bugs fixes that affected battery life, but iPhone 4S users complained that it didn't fix the issue in their case and in some cases users (not just iPhone 4S users) complained that they started observing the issue only after upgrading to iOS 5.0.1.

Read the full story here



  • @iLikeTech_
    @iLikeTech_ Posts: 9
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    I have my SHSH blob saved. I'm going to go ahead and update to it now, and see how it goes.
  • Joker
    Joker Posts: 18
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    What battery issue ?
  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Please note if you have iPhone 4S you currently cannot downgrade even if you have saved SHSH blobs. Read this post for more details:http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/03/iphone-dev-team-warn-jailbreakers-to-avoid-updating-to-ios-5-1.html
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I've been waiting for an answer to this since last night, my 4s battery sucks, if it fixes the battery, I'll give up my jailbreak, but if not I won't be upgrading, I'll be returning my phone to apple!
  • Retribution1888
    Retribution1888 Posts: 25
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    As far as I was told even if you save your shsh blob there wouldn't be a way to downgrade, not 100% sure but I am sure I read this regarding iPhone 4s, which is what I and my wife have!Mine is jailbroken and not going to upgrade till an unthered jailbreak comes out whenever that is, my wife never bothered jail breaking, but I did fix her battery issue drain which a lot we worked out was due to diagnostics and usage being ticked as automatically to send info back to apple whereas mine wasn't and we both use it roughly the same amount of time and her's was 23% battery drained compared to mine!In settings/general/about scroll down to the bottom for the diagnostics and usage tab and have a look at diagnostics and usage data and see how many times a day info is forwarded back to apple, I assume this is sent back by way of 3G usage and may explain why some of you suffer from battery issueBe interesting to see if apple switch it off or not to fix battery issues, I would say probably not due to apple gathering info on what you do with your iPhones!
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I hope they have, current 4S battery is terrible.
  • Scott Buschlen
    Scott Buschlen Posts: 5
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    My battery life greatly improved after my employer banned cellphone use at work. No texting, emailing, or calling. Don't even look at it. Reasonable request since I drive for a living.
  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    I have an iPhone 4s on 5.1 an my battery is at 19% and under usage it says 4 hours, 43 minutes and stand 7 hours, 15 minutes. Is that normal?
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Better than mine! I get about 2hrs 40minutes on a full charge with continuos use. With normal use, ie. texting every now and then, a bit of eBay and a couple of calls, I can just manage to keep it alive until bed time.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Just to put it into perspective, I used 3% writing the last message!
  • iRSX
    iRSX Posts: 70
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    Wow...and I thought my girlfriend's 4S has a battery issue...
  • april
    april Posts: 2
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    I updated my iphone 4s today at around 12:48 AM and my batter life seems to get worse. Does anyone know the solution to this? Also, I did reset my Iphone after updating it. Thanks in advance
  • Amit
    Amit Posts: 40
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    When i came home this evening i had 62% battery. When i'm home the iPhone is always connected to my WiFi. After 90min (now) my iPhone shows 38%. During that 90min i only read a couple of emails, and answered them, that's all. That's even lame then the last iOS...
  • Robert Clay
    Robert Clay Posts: 1
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    This battery life issue is strange. I have an iPhone 4. Battery life was always pretty good, but could always be better. I installed iOS5 immediately it was available ... then started reading all the takes of woe about battery life. But mine seemed to be holding up. When 5.01 came along, I read that a lot of people were getting poor battery life when they hand't before, so I held off updating. Battery life continued to be pretty decent. But then again I keep bluetooth and 3G switched off unless I need them. Then suddenly around the turn of the year the battery started draining really fast. I didn't change my habits. I didn't update anything. But overnight it would visibly go down from 100% to 70-75% in a few minutes of using it. Alarming to say the least, and it meant I had to plug it in as often as possible.I then had to deal with a family emergency a long way from home and because I was hopping in and out of my car constantly, in an unfamiliar area, it was easier to leave bluetooth and 3G on all the time. Despite this, a few days into this I noticed that batter life had suddenly improved dramatically, and even with quite heavy use I was still maintaining 50-60% of my charge after a full days use with both 3G and bluetooth switched ON.I can only imagine that either Apple must have downloaded some sort of patch overnight one night when the phone was backing up to iCloud, without me realising it, or that maybe switching 3G and bluetooth off is actually counterproductive as something else may have to work a whole lot harder, and thus drain the battery. But in either case it is curious, and I would love to know why I'm suddenly getting such dramatically better battery life despite keeping 3G and bluetooth permanently on.
  • billybunter
    billybunter Posts: 2
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    What battery issue? What planet have you been on !!!!!
  • billybunter
    billybunter Posts: 2
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    Battery Life on my iPhone 4S (5.0.1) terrible. 100% at 9am - 25% at 1pm
  • teenbot
    teenbot Posts: 42
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    the worst comment i see today.....
  • EJessie
    EJessie Posts: 4
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    I have not been having any toubles with my battery I think. After upgrading to 5.0.1 on my 4s I can go all day with wifi, 3g and most of my push notifications turned on. Normal facebook during the day, not so many call, but I do play a lot of games. Unplugged it this morning at 9 o´clock. After a full day and even some bluetooth listening to music I still have 48 %. So is that normal or bad. Hopefully it won´t get worse if I should update to 5.1
  • M81
    M81 Posts: 11
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    48% remaining at the end of the day after all that usage is excellent, I wouldn't even get to the end of the day with no usage at all and I'm lucky to make it past lunchtime with minimal usage on 5.0.1 at the moment, I hope your battery life doesn't diminish after the update!!
  • Mcgrubbs
    Mcgrubbs Posts: 1
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    I have an iPhone 4. Upgraded to 5.1 last night. Battery life went from meh to friggin atrocious overnight.
  • AT&T rapes me
    AT&T rapes me Posts: 29
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    I have a 4s 5.0.1 unplugged it about 7:30ish and it's now about 3:30 and I'm at 76% and I use maps and email with 3G most of the day. With about an hour or so of talk time. And I'm on this site on my lunch playing. I'm sorry I use AT&T 4g... lol... So I think I get pretty good battery life. By about 10pm it will be around the 10-20%
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    I didn't believe you but I just pulled my iPhone4 out of my pocket and I am way lower than I normally would be at this time of the day. I upgraded yesterday evening.
  • kyle
    kyle Posts: 67
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    I have a 4S and a iPad 2. I had 5.0.1 jailbroken and my battery life was terrible. I decided to remove my jailbreak and do a clean install. I did not restore from backup. Normally, I'd be at 97 percent within a few minutes or so. I'm still at 100%. Perhaps the drain issue is in the data restoration?
  • McBob
    McBob Posts: 0
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    I wonder if the battery issue is device specific? My wife has an iPhone 4 with normal (?) battery life, going all day with no problem. I have a 4S and go all day down to 40% and I use my phone a LOT. Installed the 5.1 last night and haven't seen a dramatic change, although it may have gotten a little better. A few days of regular use will tell, but it's been 10 hours since I took it off the dock and I'm still at 70%. This is my business phone and gets a LOT of daily use, phone and business apps.
  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    What we really need is for Apple add quick toggles (swipe down from top left conner) to control all of the radios (WiFi, Data, Bluetooth and GPS).
  • Branden
    Branden Posts: 7
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    Before updating to iOS 5.1, my iPhone 4S's battery life was not as awesome as my iPhone 4; but it was still very respectable. Now, after just a half a day's use, my battery life is down to 45% whereas it usually only makes it down to 80% by now! I'm not willing to throw in the towel just yet, because my area has seen a gross amount of over-congestion in network usage, 'causing my "4G" connection to drop to speeds below 0.09 Mbps. This may be the hugest culprit to my newfound battery issues. Data speeds that slow forces the radio to remain fully active for far longer than usual; thus, rather than sipping on the battery, it starts chugging. I'm just glad that I was seated near an outlet today!
  • David 'HacKing' Dempster
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    I have the iphone 4 and the ipad2, when I upgrade to iOS 5.0 the battery life was poor. So poor that my iphone was begging for spare change and eating out of dumpsters. The the ipad2 was poor as well, and it started huffing paint. Now iOS 5.1 have taken them in and redeemed them, complete wiped, and running like the million dollar man. iPhone- has 83% @ 4:41pm from off charger @ 7:00am. 3G/Bluetooth used most of the day, push email, twitter checking. And ipad2 still 100% since 7am, have not used today. :-(
  • Rick Agee
    Rick Agee Posts: 3
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    I normally go two days before recharging on my 4S, with moderate usage, mostly on wifi.
  • Bogdan
    Bogdan Posts: 10
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    Battery life on my 4s was sort of ok before. Upgraded last night. Unplugged at 9 am. 12 hours standby, 5 hours usage, battery 15%. Most of usage was youtube via wifi, i believe it is decent battery life. Brightness is around 85%, 3g always on.