Has iOS 5.1 Fixed iPhone's Poor Battery Life Issue?



  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    No better with me either. Downloaded 5.1 last night and fully charged it before going to bed. I unplugged it from the power and by morning (7hrs) it has lost 5%. After a 10hrs day and sending out 4 text messages, the battery was at 54%. This is terrible. Great phone, crap battery. This is a 4S.
  • josh chanin
    josh chanin Posts: 1
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    this is what jailbreaking is for
  • Sumit Mukhia
    Sumit Mukhia Posts: 1
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    updated to ios 5.1 on my 4s at 2:pm today. it's 11:47pm now and i Have 36% battery left . I don't call much but i surf the internet , check mails very often. I don't think the update has improved the battery life on my phone....Apple sucks.. i think i might go for banana next time :)
  • ...
    ... Posts: 34
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    Yeah, me neither. A 3GS user. :D
  • LordNemesis
    LordNemesis Posts: 2
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    Definite YES YES YES. Battery life is definitely much better on my 4S.Just a point, the battery probs tackled were for the 4s . If you have a 4 or below don't winge; the 4s life was SERIOUSLY bad before 5.1...
  • LordNemesis
    LordNemesis Posts: 2
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    Bless you! Go grab another hour's sleep, you might feel better! (or hide in a cave and bash some rocks together...)
  • JJ
    JJ Posts: 48
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    I'm regretting updating to 5.1. Not only is the battery life even worse, now I am getting poor signal indoors (no bars) where I used to have at least 3. Texts won't come through until I step outside where there is service and they all hit at once. Anyone else having signal issues on 5.1? Great job Apple!
  • sergio
    sergio Posts: 13
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    Regarding battery issue… It was bad enough. Now it’s worse than ever before. I am really disappointed.
  • Arrabonae
    Arrabonae Posts: 1
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    Usage: 6 hours 34 minutesStandby: 1 day 3 hoursCurrect Battery status: 60%iOS 5.1iPhone 4S
  • Gaurav
    Gaurav Posts: 9
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    I want to update ma iphone 4 so guys plz help me out whether to update aur notand i havnt jailbreak my iphoneits simply unlocked
  • Ronald
    Ronald Posts: 17
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    Why are you people complaining? The pupose of the phone is to use it what its meant to use. Just like driving a car. It runs out of petrol!I'm pretty sure u have access to a power outlet where you work at or if you work in the office.... Bring a charger or the USB cable, buy a car charger.At least you don't have to pay for electricity. I'm a truckie and I use my phone for navigation and gpsand Bluetooth eats up your battery and I use a charger in the truck. At the end of the day my phones still 100%Stop bloody whinging.
  • bex
    bex Posts: 2
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    5.1 has fixed nothing
  • Elaine L
    Elaine L Posts: 1
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    I found that my battery life on my 4s is a LOT better than my 4. I actually like it :). I updated to IOS 5.1 and it seems to have improved it even more!Hope that helps.
  • mc72185
    mc72185 Posts: 1
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    i had a jailbreak 4s (verizon) and i never had any issues with my battery. i upgraded to this new software and now my battery life sucks... just a heads up.
  • Poor1
    Poor1 Posts: 31
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    It helps to switch off push-notifications, bluetooth, 3G(if you dont use internet facilities) and GPS. They are the main users of the battery. The Retina display is a blessing and a curse with 100% backlight active but thats why i bought my iphones 4 and 4S'. Oh, 1 more thing....i never leave my crib without carrying at least 2 iphones (one for calls and texts the other one only for internet use). The 2 iphones which are not jailbroken and upgraded to 5.1 still have the same battery life, signal/reception and sound problems as with 5.0 and 5.0.1.iOS 4.3 still is the best choice for now fror my other (jailbroken) iphones.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    It;s funny seeing that 4G up there since going to 5.1 andit's great (for me anyway) that I can go 2 days before rechargingnow instead of every day, so yeah, the battery life is better :)
  • Apple 4S 3G user
    Apple 4S 3G user Posts: 1
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    5.1 has defi. improved the battery life. Maximum Standby Time (with 85% usage) I achieved was 6.5 Hours. Post IOS 5.1 Update, it has increased to 9.5 Hours on the first day.With the additional option of Disabling 3G when I dont need it. Im sure i can stretch it to 10-11 Hours. Honestly speaking, thats more than what I have come to expect from Apple.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    the update seems to work well at improving batt. Updated my 3gs (go 'head and laugh) from 5.0.1. I test by charging the phone over night and let it sit doing nothing all day to see how much the battery drains. on 5.0.1 the battery drained to 41% after 10 hrs (again the [phone was just sitting there being pretty) after the update there is still 96% left after 8hrs it is clearly not a placebo affect
  • sizar UK
    sizar UK Posts: 1
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    The battery life of my 4S has definitely improved after installing 5.1 after full charged last night now is 1hour usage 11 stand by and i still have 91% but b4 update for 5.1 without using my phone it was dropped to 60% thank u for apple im really happy with my phones battry life so i thought to share that with u guys:)
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    iPhone 4S user here. Never had a batter drain issue on my phone since 5.0 and all is working fine. Even on 5.1 it's still working fine, no sign of battery drain.
  • Austin Smith
    Austin Smith Posts: 1
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    Well I found some bugs for my 4S battery in system strings via iFile on iOS 5.0.1 Untether Jailbreak that improved my battery a lot (because I removed Both of them)
  • Hm...
    Hm... Posts: 6
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    The link in your name contains a trojan according to Kaspersky Robert Clay...
  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    Typo. Batter--> Battery
  • Floyd
    Floyd Posts: 3
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    Same here. I have never had any battery problem with 5.0.0, 5.0.1 but last night after upgrade to 5.1. I can see the battery drains a lot quicker. 100% at 6:00 PM and died around noon the following day. It used to last a full day or more with normal usage. I always have 3G (now 4G), Wi-fi and bluetooth on. Hotmail account is always standby, notification services are on for Facebook, Twitter, and such. I'm not happy with the 5.1 but I always take the OS upgrade.
  • Carlos
    Carlos Posts: 45
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    My 4S goes down about 10%per hour with music playing all day, I'm on 5.1 and not complaining about the battery. I suggest updating if you want an easier camera shortcut and the 4G icon to shut up the trolls who bash the 4S for not being 4G. :)
  • Carlos
    Carlos Posts: 45
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    In short, I did see a slight improvement in the battery, nothing dramatic but it gives me a little longer time of phone use.
  • angara
    angara Posts: 1
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    I have pulled the plug out at lunch time (now it is midnight) It is at 96% with Usage showing at 38 minutes and standby at 11 hours and 48 minutes.
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    iPhone 4. After the update to ios 5.1 the battery life is really worst. It's under 5% after 8 hours, usually with the same usage I have almost 50%... Yesterday it was the same. Let's test for some days more but I want back ios 5.0.1
  • Patrick Pennarts
    Patrick Pennarts Posts: 1
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    Well I just updated to 5.1 and the battery is still the same, in the morning it's 100% and in the evening I have to put it in the adapter or else it won't make the next day.Can anyone tell me, IF it will be fixed some day how long it's supposed to work with a full battery?
  • Milla
    Milla Posts: 1
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    Du har tydeligvis en almindelig 4'er, kan jeg høre.. Det er s'erne der er batteriproblemer i.