Has iOS 5.1 Fixed iPhone's Poor Battery Life Issue?



  • Alibaba
    Alibaba Posts: 0
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    I noticed the battery life is still poor when location service for clock is enabled. Possibly due to the fact it stays on all the time when it should go off once local time is synced. So in my views it may have improved in other ways but not for location services. I guess it's not a big deal as you can manage time manually. Only thing I noticed on my 4s the time keeping was less consistent as it kept slowing!. May sound weird but I know I set clock and it slowed against other clocks in the house. Plus side it fixed the 3G option where you can still have cellular data on while having 3G off. Handy when you don't need 3G.
  • John Doe
    John Doe Posts: 11
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    The patch seems to affect different batches differently...
  • mj
    mj Posts: 13
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    Yes ios5.1has fixed battery issue now 4s last upto many hours
  • Hefnawi
    Hefnawi Posts: 1
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    hello, can any one give me a feed back on 5.1 on 4s because i dont want to upgrade and loose my jailbreak on nothing better please any one ?????
  • prakash
    prakash Posts: 1
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    ios 5.1 reall fixed the battery life for my iphone 4sUsage: 9 hours 54 minutesStandby: 3 day 3 hoursCurrect Battery status: 1%iPhone 4S:iOS 5.1
  • Aimee
    Aimee Posts: 4
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    The poor signal is likely a real-life reflection of what was really the case before the patch. It was giving the impression that reception was high, but it really wasn't. Now it's giving the correct signal reading.
  • Aimee
    Aimee Posts: 4
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    My battery life increased with 5.0.1, but has SIGNIFICANTLY decreased with 5.1. I wish I could downgrade. I'm using the phone the same amount and my battery life is at 26% near 2:00 in the afternoon where it had been around 70% at this time of day with the same amount of usage. It's crap.
  • kelly
    kelly Posts: 22
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    U probably need to clear safari from the multitasking bar
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Same here, my 4S battery life is a little worse than my 4 was, but I still get through a whole day without charging. I also stream sirius/xm radio app for 3 to 6 hours a day too, and use it for various other things throughout the day.
  • Turbogy
    Turbogy Posts: 1
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    yeah my battery life is now awesome and this is the reason I paid 600 bucks for an iPhone. Real good phone :D
  • Mihail
    Mihail Posts: 2
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    I have a 4S since Jan, using 5.0.1. My battery lasts about 2 full days with about 4-5h talk, 1-2h internet on 3G or wireless, but in the best case scenario it lasted 4 full days several times already (same total usage). In the worst case scenario it lasted one full day (intense traveling runs the battery down, I noticed that thing too)The one thing that I am religiously doing is charge it full cycle (almost) every time, using BatteryDoctor. So I the only full month that I had the IPhone (February), I charged it 11 times, out of which 9 full cycles, and 2 normal cycles. I do turn off wireless, 3G, bluetooth, and push services, and I am pretty happy with the battery life. I was going to update to 5.1, but after seeing your comments... I'd rather not!
  • Jimmy Wu
    Jimmy Wu Posts: 1
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    Did most of users of Iphone4S feeling good with battery life after they updated IOS 5.1?
  • laith
    laith Posts: 1
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    Dears,i think you didn't face such issue because you doesn't have 3G service, you just use the wifi on your Iphones .... me ... i am suffering from it ... and too many of my friends here in kuwait...btw.. still i didn't update .. waiting untethered jailbreak ... but i hope it will fix this issue ...
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    hahahaha that made me laugh, randomness!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    My battery life has gotten MUCH worse. 98% when I went to bed. In the morning after ONE 5min call it was down to 53%
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I didn't buy this phone to turn OFF all it's features. That makes no sense to me.
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    I haven't noticed any change in the poor battery life on my 4S
  • Kenny Tan
    Kenny Tan Posts: 1
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    Kingsoft Battery Doctor Free is the best battery management software that i have installed and tried so far. After upgrading to IOS5.1, and installed this, my battery life is prolong and last longer than my previous IOS5.01 on my Iphone 4S. Previously my battery will drained by 6-7% from full charged at 7pm to 7am, now with Kingsoft, it just drop 2-4% for the same period without any activity, wifi switch off, location service is off.Try it and you amazed.
  • dpd
    dpd Posts: 1
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    As soon as I upgraded to IOS 5.1, the battery started draining almost 1% per minute. Tech support hasn't helped much. Found 26 pages of people with the same issue on Apple community forums. The upgrade may be working for some in terms of battery life, but it seems that for about 10% of 4s owners, battery life has gotten drastically worse, not better.
  • Trice
    Trice Posts: 1
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    If u didn't update I strongly recommend that of you are happy ad comfortable with your jailbreak don't update sure the new update does fix this battery issue but one thing out there for AT&T users it also brings 4G connectivity which is non reversible so at the same time you got battery fixes and 4G to almost cancel it out almost completely so in the end it doesn't matter
  • MikeN
    MikeN Posts: 1
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    I had NO issues before the 5.1 update, now battery life is terrible. The battery drains at a rate of about 1% every 7-8 minutes. And the WiFi loses it's lock with my access-point and won't reconnect until i power cycle the phone. What gives Apple!! I repeat... I had no problems until this last update. Anyone know a way to downgrade?
  • morteza
    morteza Posts: 1
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    yes.i suggest everyone update their iphone to 5.1 battery life issues is complatley solve now.25 hours stand and 10 hours usage.and my battery is 30%
  • Dan g
    Dan g Posts: 1
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    Ios 5.1 on my 4s has cut my battery life in less than half.This is a nightmare. I even tried to go to 2g but the option seems to be gone.
  • kcspelunker
    kcspelunker Posts: 1
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    I upgraded my Iphone 4s on AT&T from 5.0 to 5.1. Battery life is significantly worse after the update.
  • Mihail
    Mihail Posts: 2
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    Well, I do turn them on when I use them :)
  • Benlego65
    Benlego65 Posts: 1
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    I think that my battery life actually got worse with iOS 5.1AT&T iPhone 4 user here.
  • Avid Apple User
    Avid Apple User Posts: 1
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    My battery slightly equally terrible since installing the latest iOS 5.1.
  • mustafa
    mustafa Posts: 19
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    they did fuk all, the battery is still the same. more like shyt !!!!!!!
  • mustafa
    mustafa Posts: 19
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    i think they wont solve this problem as long as we buy thier products. we no they done fuk all to the battery.
  • Gunner
    Gunner Posts: 2
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    im from kuwait as well..n use both 3g as well as wifi time to time..play games and music a lot too..barely gets me through a day..how about for u?