Has iOS 5.1 Fixed iPhone's Poor Battery Life Issue?



  • bitbot
    bitbot Posts: 1
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    Your battery life SUCK BECAUSE you use 3G or 4G LTE (obvious)your connected the entire day to the mentioned connections so it keeps sending data and retrieve data AND THAT COSTS ENERGY seriously ppl use your brains and turn it of! and use WIFI and also turn the backlight lower then 75% (less bright increases battery life) i use an 3GS NO Problems here dont even use 3G or 4G LTE and put my back light lower then 50% (can run an entire day on the battery with wifi on!)HERE IS FOR AS FAR I KNOW A GOOD ANSWER FOR YOUR BATTERY PROBLEM
  • Seth
    Seth Posts: 17
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    it does fixed da battery issues for me
  • Reggie Hayes (not from Girlfriends...)
    I have the iPhone 4S now on AT&T (formerly iPhone 4S on Sprint from 11/5/2011). My battery life on Sprint was ok. Not a full day but, about 9 hours... Now, on AT&T, I am about 13 hours with BT on and heavy data, voice and texting. The update two days ago has bumped me to about 16 hours! Heavy user here!
  • RJ
    RJ Posts: 13
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    Iphone 4 32GBattery life has gotten worse.... I have not made any settings changes and by the time I leave the office I am less than 20% battery whereas I was usually somewhere between 45 and 60%..... I also get funny screen delays, to the point that I must hard reset the phone. Not pleased that apple stopped signing 5.0.1 so soon. Actually I'm pissed off.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    iPhone 4s verizon ios 5.0.1 60% left on the battery with 2hrs 5min usage and 9hrs 57min stand by. No idea what battery issues people are talking about I'm even jail broken with a number of tweaks.
  • RJ
    RJ Posts: 13
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    5.0.1 isnt the issue.... 5.1 is the issue. stick with what you have. Apple is not signing 5.0.1 anymore.
  • Eric Harrington
    Eric Harrington Posts: 1
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    Anyone know a programmer that might be able to hack an Iphone to use an external camera, such that the iphone is a real time monitor for the camera?If so, please contact me at ejh at earthlink
  • Ginny
    Ginny Posts: 1
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    Mine is no better with the upgrade. I would have just kept the iPhone 4 if I knew the battery life is this horrible..
  • Quinton
    Quinton Posts: 1
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    I just got my iPhone 4s 32g on Monday and the battery was dying soooooo quickly and then I updatedy iPhone to 5.1 and now my battery life is amazing there's no more problem with it and it lasting me all day even being on it for hours
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    Just updated my old bootrom 3gs. Thank god for the untethered jailbreak on 5.1. Seems like the battery issues are not fixed! And my 3gs has a new battery that replaced myself! Oh well. Lets the next gen iphone does it better!
  • Giggs
    Giggs Posts: 1
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    My IPhone 4s has been updated to ios 5.1. I've used the iphone for 2 hours and 45 minutes and the battery life is at 56%. I also charged my iPhone fully
  • JiX
    JiX Posts: 2
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    Installed 5.1 on iphone 4 last might and pulled it of in the morning now at 3pm i have 40% of battery with really moderate usage. So no battery improvement for me even a bit worse. I think we wont have any better battery life for this battery capacity . Waiting for iphone 5
  • sergio
    sergio Posts: 13
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    I gave yesterday a negative evaluation of 5.1 regarding battery life – that’s only an issue I was in touch with, since I bought the device (4S). I was wrong – it works for me. Since 2,5 Hours sleep time (but inkl. all battery life diminishing configuration options ) still 100%.I did a hard reset and configurated the device as a new one – very important, don’t use an itune or icloud backup. You have to empty the buttery completely und after it’s recharged , it should work. What I didn’t new and what deterred me going this way in the past – your files aren’t get lost after “configuration of the device as a new one”Good luck Sergio
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I took the plunge, lost my jailbreak for the battery fix and the 3G toggle. Now my 4s battery is even worse an I don't have a 3G toggle! WTF! Apple is having my 4s back! They can replace it and will keep replacing it until the battery is sorted, as it seems to be only some handsets!
  • Guilherme
    Guilherme Posts: 1
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    I updated to iOS 5.1 last night and then I went to bed when it was 100%. I woke up today, 9 hours after, and it was 96%, but the problem is that I forgot 3G turned on ALL NIGHT. I'm gonna do the test tonight again and tell you guys :)
  • andr
    andr Posts: 1
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    old iphones dont have that problem, it's an iphone 4S issue.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Hi,my Iphone 4S battery life improved from 16 hours before to 30 hours by same usage!!!! Finally, I have waited soooo long. But Id still like to know what they screwed up before....
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
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    Good tip. I have never had a battery issue with my 4S. I went to look at diagnostics and usage, and it was set to "Don't Send". Maybe this is why my Iphone has lasted me 2 days without a charge consistently.
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
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    I have a 4S which has never had any battery issue. Actually, I think the battery life is incredible. My phone always lasts a full day even with extreme usage, and usually still has 40-50% at the end of the day. I've gone 2 full days without a charge many times. I'm pretty sure anyone who has issues does not know the importance of fully cycling lithium ion batteries. When you get your phone, let it run to 0 with the original charge it came with. Then charge it up all the way to 100% and do not dare put it back on a charger till it hits 0% again and turns itself off. I did this 3 times when I got my Iphone. A few times a month, I let it run all the way to 0% and charge to 100% with no interruption. I laugh at all the "poor battery life" comments.
  • Harry
    Harry Posts: 57
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    Iphone 4S batter life is incredible for me. Cycle your battery fool.
  • mac_user
    mac_user Posts: 1
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    I updated my iPhone 4S with battery problems under 5.0.1 to 5.1 before the update it lost 20-30% over night with 3g on, wifi and apps off. After the update I lost only 5% until morning and I'm very happy! My iphone 4s is now on for 36h and has 50% battery left after some time on facebook, about 1h talking and some minutes of playing!
  • aka_bigpun
    aka_bigpun Posts: 3
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    updated my iPhone 4s last night to iOS 5.1. I've used my phone for 5 hours and 40 minutes and the battery life is at 11%. The phone was also fully charged to 100%. but when I was on ios 5.0.1, my phone had better Battery life. Because at 11% battery life my iPhone did about 8 hours of before going fully dead.
  • aka_bigpun
    aka_bigpun Posts: 3
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    8 hours of usage. And also the iPhone has been on stand by for 20 hours And 30 minutes
  • aka_bigpun
    aka_bigpun Posts: 3
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    Does anyone have a clue how long would it take to get an untethered jailbreak for the IPhone 4s iOS 5.1.
  • KLQ
    KLQ Posts: 1
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    You're a fucking moron who failed to read the internet for the last 4 months or so. Just because you got a phone without problems doesn't mean a million others didn't. Use your fucking eyes before posting another embarassing post like this. GTFO
  • JohnU
    JohnU Posts: 1
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    While I agree with you about the Mophie (had one on my last phone for long trips)being a pleasing product , you (the consumer) shouldn't have to spend more money to use/enjoy a defective product. The manufacture should fix it's product/issues. If they (apple) claim that the "updates" will fix issues, they should actually fix issues, not more of the same. It's the principles that count.
  • yady
    yady Posts: 1
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    hi!i upgraded to ios 5.1,but it still a battery life same...i mean so bad::::::::
  • Fortuna
    Fortuna Posts: 1
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    The battery got really better
  • PJI
    PJI Posts: 1
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    I have had my 4s since early December. I did manage to run down the battery in about thirty hours at first, constantly playing on the mobile. In normal use, I get at least two and a half days, with photos, some internet (wifi and 3G), telephone calls, SMSs, calendar, reminder etc.. If away and using it for calls, messages and a very little email in the evening, e.g. last week while cycling the French EV6, it lasts me just about four days without problem, evenusing Google maps and location services one evening and some music every evening for a few minutes. I notice with all mobiles that fast travelling, e.g. car or train, runs the battery down in double quick time, presumably because the mobile is constantly seeking and switching to new cells, coping with reception holes etc.. I do disable unnecessary and unwanted services when not using them, such as wireless and location services. The Apple diagnostics was off by default and I do not want or need email to be pushed at me. I often, not always, use flight mode during sleeping hours (prefer not to be awoken other than by the alarm). So, bearing in mind that this is a powerful computer as well as a mobile telephone, while not up to the standards of my last Nokia S60 (over a week till the battery wore out), I think this is very reasonable.
  • Poch
    Poch Posts: 1
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    Agree, battery life after installing iOS 5.1 has gone from bad to worse!