Has AT&T Unlocked Your Off-Contract iPhone Yet? [Updated]



  • Saurabng
    Saurabng Posts: 16
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    @iphonehacks according to me,please all the customers should not restore the iPhone even after confirmation.Instead they can use the alternate method using sam preference through cydia or using redsn0w to deactivate iphone and then re-connect to itunes to activate it.Isn't it easier and safe???? Please update it if you think m correct??
  • Mohinder
    Mohinder Posts: 1
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    Hi Raunak, can I call u for advice reg AT&T unlock,I'm in delhi if u cld plz mail me or text ur no. at drvsb45@gmail.com or 9582900000
  • TheRealArabist
    TheRealArabist Posts: 3
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    I called from the uk at 2pm Gmt which is 9am in USA CST Time First caller I don't own the phone as I got it from eBay the lady found the previous owners details and filed the unlock for me with my email She said 16th April or before you will Recieve an email with instructions Check Out My Unloxk video on YouTube Just Search MrCinnamonChallenger
  • Saurabng
    Saurabng Posts: 16
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    cool i called at&t 15th or 16th time via skype+18003354685 and then a nice at&t representative replied me asked me for my imei i gave her all of mine and she told me to wait till april 17th night and i'll get my iPhones unlocked....cool
  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 34
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    Finally you can get rid of AT&T.
  • zk
    zk Posts: 1
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    you don't have to restore your Iphone to unlock it, pop in sim card from different provider, ie T-Mobile after you got email confirmation that your phone is unlocked and as soon as you connect it with itunes it will ask you to activate phone, and voila your phone is unlocked
  • Adeal
    Adeal Posts: 13
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  • JP32
    JP32 Posts: 12
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    I did not need to restore my iphone 4S. After I got the email confirmation, I put a tmobile sim card and restarted the iPhone and it was unlocked !! Thank you At&t!
  • anarogue
    anarogue Posts: 1
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    hi... i have a 3gs locked to att but i'm from greece and i cant call the support nor create an account since i dont have any wireless or internet status there...does anyone know how i can contact them?thanks guys
  • Harrison
    Harrison Posts: 7
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    i spent about an hour on hold last night just to have them tell me that they would submit my case to apple and i'd get an email by the 17th. so big waste of time so far. i reccomend just using the online service. we'll see if they actually unlock my phone because as we all know at&t is a network full of JEWS
  • ronak
    ronak Posts: 14
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    Wating for 17th to come as at&t made a case for my iphone unlock and assured that i will be informed about my unlock on 17th..Should i restore my iphone before that hoping that my iphone might have been unlocked..?? I am confused.. And worried that if i restore my base brand would get updated which would turn my iphone into ipod..Any one who have restored their iphones please help..
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Some once help me to call or to pass my iPhone 4 imei to at&t to unlock my iPhone 4.i didn't use before since the phone I buy please help me call or pass the imei to AT&T my imei is 012427008879620 and my email add is andytpm@hotmail.com please help I'm stay in Malaysia thank a lot
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Help me pls to unlock my iPhone 4 to call or pass my imei to at&t my imei is 012427008879620 and my email andytpm@hotmail.com please help me coz I'm staying in Malaysia so I don't no what to do thank a lot
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Please help me to call or to pass my iPhone 4 imei to at&t to unlock my iPhone 4.i didn’t use before since the phone I buy please help me call or pass the imei to AT&T my imei is 012427008879620 and my email add is andytpm@hotmail.com please help I’m stay in Malaysia thank a lot
  • Harrison
    Harrison Posts: 7
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    this is an imei unlock not a baseband unlock. so unless you plan on using a smart sim or waiting on ultrasn0w or react0r to come out for 4.11.08 or higher, you should be fine. baseband shouldn't affect your imei unlock just your ability to jailbreak.
  • Harrison
    Harrison Posts: 7
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    has anyone gotten their phone unlocked right away or gone into the store to have this done? just wonderning if there is a way around the wait time
  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    It is funny how I was complaining last week how is that possible that after paying your phone you do not have the right to unlocked and now they say this: "Mr. Peralta, thank you for chatting with AT&T today. I am happy to help you with your iphone unlock request". Then after a mild wait on the chat line they said this will need to file an unlock code request case. This will take about 5-7 business days to get the code and instructions. I hope I can find and have it unlocked before tomorrow and find a prepaid plan either on simple mobile or with att. Kirsten att said: You can contact prepaid at 770-995-9692. They can discuss all prepaid options and plans. Done with this step, now is to completely unlock and have prepaid service on my unlocked phone. To be continued...
  • ricengga
    ricengga Posts: 16
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    gevey sim cardbest bet....
  • Enrique
    Enrique Posts: 6
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    Just call today to unlock my iPhone 4, and they said that i qualified to unlock my iPhone 4, and that i should expect an email confirmation by April 18!Hope it work!
  • Harrison
    Harrison Posts: 7
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    you dont have to unlock the phone to do pre paid at&t
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Some once help me to call or to pass my iPhone 4 imei to at&t to unlock my iPhone 4.i didn’t use this iphone before since the phone buy in us with contract please help me call or pass the imei to AT&T my imei is 012427008879620 and my email add is andytpm@hotmail.com please help I’m stay in Malaysia now
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    Baseband has nothing to do with jailbreak. Learn your stuff first then comment about it
  • Adeal
    Adeal Posts: 13
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    Download skype and you can call from there because its a free number.
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    For faster AT&T unlock request call 611. It's way faster
  • Hugo
    Hugo Posts: 7
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    use an application called itools from the net, it will tell you when the contract was established. Then you know when it will be able to be unlocked.
  • Hugo
    Hugo Posts: 7
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    I Still haven't understood how is it possible they are unlocking iPhones 4 if the 2 year contract is done for any of them. it was only release on the 24th june 2010 so in principle it would be only eligible by june 2012.When i called i was told that mine was not eligible since the 2 year contract was not over yet.How did you guys managed it?
  • Zeke
    Zeke Posts: 3
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    I just performed the restore of my iphone 4 after talking to AT&T this morning. The phone number does say n/a now, and the SIM was inserted all the time, so what you said Saurabng is inaccurate. Please stop posting innacurate statements and getting people confused if you do not have a clue or if you are not 100% sure. People like you ruins the internet with false information.
  • Hoser
    Hoser Posts: 15
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    I have been jailbreaking and unlocking my older phones to hand down to my kids to use on AT&T plans without having to pay for data. If AT&T unlocks them, will I be able to use them the same way and upgrade to newest iOS?
  • Samuel
    Samuel Posts: 38
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    I bought my iphone 4 on craigslist and been using it with a Gavey sim... So i called Att this morning to have my phone unlocked and they couldn't find my IMEI number on their systems... could it be possible that this iphone is from another att carrier? Anyone know how i can find out? Thanks
  • iBimmer
    iBimmer Posts: 1
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    You didn't receive an "unlock date". You received a RESOLUTION date, meaning they will "resolve" the ticket you opened by that date. They may deny or approve your iPhone for unlock. Either decision will be your ticket resolution. Good luck!