Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?

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imageShould Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?

Couple of days back, pod2g had tweeted that though they had all the exploits required for the iOS 5.1 jailbreak, there was still quite a bit of work to be done and he had "no clue" when the jailbreak will be released.

With 6 weeks to go for Apple's WorldWide Developer Conference 2012 where it is expected to unveil iOS 6, some users have felt that the pod2g and team should not release a jailbreak for iOS 5.1 as Apple will fix those exploits in iOS 6, if not earlier.

Read the full story here



  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Release it, it's almost certain that apple will find and fix the exploits in ios 6!
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Why do not wait till iOS 7 ? there is no doubt, iOS 6 will com out after 5-6 months from now...I do not know why make a this kind of no brain question.
  • Elvis
    Elvis Posts: 39
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    Please let us have iOS 5.1
  • Superatoy
    Superatoy Posts: 1
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    Please release it as it will take time for apple to fix the exploits for new ios 6 if that is true..
  • Andre
    Andre Posts: 64
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    release it, apple most likely will find and fix the exploits so...... let us be happy now :-)
  • passerby
    passerby Posts: 16
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    If holding out for about 6 six weeks is all thats required for a high chance of an IOS 6 JB then I say wait. If dev team discover that the exploits don't work on IOS6 then they can release the 5.1 JB. I think the potential gain outweighs the potential risk and pain it may bring to people.
  • notoday
    notoday Posts: 0
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    For me waiting for 6 would be fine. But for others they might not like that idea. Need a release sooner for one reason or another
  • Surf mike
    Surf mike Posts: 0
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    Release it !! as soom as 6 come out then they will stop signing 5.1 an below , so you will not be able to use it ,, an all,that work for nothing ,, an it will go nicely with the new unlock from sam
  • Mark Mintram
    Mark Mintram Posts: 12
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    What a ridiculous question, surely it's better to wait until iOS 6??
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    Are you kidding. There not gonba release that thing until September if we're lucky. Come on, do you guys really think they would release it at the conference. Or anytime soon after that. Not. There's no way to even downgrade. To jailbreak or restore. If iOS 6 was like 2 months I might think about it if I was the hacker but most likely were talking a long time from now and that's just not how it's been done in the past by waiting around.
  • giet
    giet Posts: 13
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    Again the questions remain: Why with a huge userbase and huge community is there only ONE programmer working on it in the whole world? I don't get it.Why don't they just say "pay for it" instead of dragging it out for donations like they currently do?
  • Amit
    Amit Posts: 40
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    I have iphone 4s 32 GB IOS 5.1 It's Posible to jailbreak , Plz revetRGD,AMit
  • Jacky
    Jacky Posts: 9
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    It goes like this:People who's running 5.0.1 will say HOLD OFFPeople who's stuck with 5.1 say RELEASE IT NOW YA BASTARD
  • Diane Peske
    Diane Peske Posts: 1
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    To quote a phrase:FFFRRRRREEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOMMM!Freedom means release should be available regardless of the Masters!(Geesh, I miss my Droid and my own abilities to root and tweak the device!)
  • Macrosporium
    Macrosporium Posts: 2
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    Release the 5.1 jb! Apple's almost possitively gonna fix at least half of the exploits and a lot of people are missing out on having their device jailbroken, if we wait then we'll have to start waiting from scratch when apple releases the 6.0 ios and it turns out most of the exploits are fixed. Its gonna take at least another 2 or 3 months until we get a new jailbreak, meanwhile those of us on 5.1 are screwed
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    I'm on 5.1 and have the tethered jailbreak. I wouldn't mind having an untethered one. But so far I've been without issue. So it's no big deal to me. I thank them for their hard work either way.
  • uglyFugly
    uglyFugly Posts: 3
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    Relese it , who knows when will be out and how hard it would be to jailbreak it.
  • City023
    City023 Posts: 55
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    If you were dumb enough to upgrade from 5.0 and you lost your jailbreak, then you deserve to wait till iOS6.Your quick to forget that it took around 6-7 months to to get the iOS5 jailbreak. Then you fell for apple when they said this upgrade would fix the battery life, which it didn't.
  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Is it a iPhone 4s you have cause you can't jb 5.1 on them yet can you?
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Says iPod Touch 2G supports iOS 5.1, typo, should say 3G.
  • shadowxpr
    shadowxpr Posts: 17
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    Release it, it might get fix by the new iOS even without apple knowing about it.
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    iPhone 4, and you are correct, there is no 5.1 JB for iPhone 4S.
  • sure
    sure Posts: 1
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    hold off for ios 6, then hold off for ios 6.0.1. then why not hold off again for ios 6.1, 6.1.1.. etc etc.I always find speculative articles... kind of silly.
  • maui
    maui Posts: 1
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  • alo
    alo Posts: 9
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    Who know what happen tomorow.You have $ spend itYou have car drive itHave food eat it. Why save. It is usa. What ever you have use It,who care about ios6. When it come out willHack it again,it a fact by the way i dont needA jailbreak,if you guy want to save go live inChina :)
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    It seems like every time a new iOS is released lately, half a dozen exploits are found in the first week anyway... it's the implementation of those exploits that takes them a while to package it into something everyone can use. So releasing on 5.1 sounds logical because when iOS 6 comes out, the same pattern will (hopefully) hold where they find exploits very fast but take a while to make it into a public release.
  • Mark Mintram
    Mark Mintram Posts: 12
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    F**k it.... I'm on 5.1, release the hounds....
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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  • javatechnic
    javatechnic Posts: 8
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    this is what I think....if the JB already done then might as well release it since some of us are not dumb as city023 mentioned above but accidently upgraded their phones to ios 5.1. if it is not, then we could wait until Apple releases IOS 6 since with the IOS 5.1, we are fine with the tethered JB as Olaf said two cents......javatechnic
  • Mark Mintram
    Mark Mintram Posts: 12
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    My wife is on 5.1 also, her iPhone 4s cannot be jailbroken.... this means that until the jailbreak is released, I have a more capable phone than hers... in a way. On that note, let's vote not to release it thus continuing my superiority over her with a mobile phone haha.