Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?



  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 39
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    You do your homework you can't upgrade or downgrade iOS on A5 devices
  • asif
    asif Posts: 22
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    Hi everyone!! My vote is to release the iphone 4s 5.1 JB. I am a big fan of apple. I bought a iphone4s and was unlucky to already have iso 5.1 already installed :( im sure that as happen to alot of people who have bought the 4s recently. I hope they bring out a jailbreak for 5.1 for the iphone 4s. Im sure alot of people are like me and are a big fan of the jailbreak te and cydia. The work they do and the time they spend i thank them for everything. Im sure alot of people dont mind waiting for iso6 but im sure alot off innocent people who did not update their phone themself is stuck with 5.1 are really upset just like me. I say plz jailbreak 5.1 on iphone 4s and leave it from there. If apple deside to make another update eg: 5.2 and people deside to update their phone, that will be there own fault and will have to wait for a JB for that or just wait for iso 6 firmware to come out. Plz plz plz make a jailbreak for iso 5.1 for iphone 4s. If we could downgrade it then that would Of been a different story but we cnt :(. Hope u bring out a jailbreak for 5.1 for the 4s and again thank you for all the hard work and time spent working on all your jailbreaks.
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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    Theres no point waiting for the release of new ios to come out there always gonna keep patching ios.i would just release the jailbreak and yes im waiting for it 2 .this is my second 4s and it come preloaded with 5.1 so for all those people saying were not bothered weve got tethered.some of us dont have any jailbreak.and were trying to be patient but its killing me waiting i just want to be free.the team that do these jailbreaks do it as a hobby,THEY ENJOY DOING if ios 6 comes out patched then its just more fun for them.dont get me wrong i and everyone else really appreciate what you guys do but if apple stop patching you all would be bored shitless.
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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    no it isnt possible have to wait for it like us.sorry
  • Flavio Piu
    Flavio Piu Posts: 3
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    Wait for iOS 6 of course !
  • Francesco
    Francesco Posts: 21
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  • javatechnic
    javatechnic Posts: 8
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    i totally agreed with Asif and so thankful to ipod2g and other hackers out there who spent a lot of their time to develop the JB tools.....thanks again
  • Gorspot
    Gorspot Posts: 15
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    release exploit only cause rise in temper. Over the hill is not too far, then jailbreak!!!!LET THE MAN TALK!!!Gorspot8008
  • at33397677
    at33397677 Posts: 3
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    Release the JB for 5.1. Many new users purchased the 4S and iPad 3 with 5.1 already on there (myself included). iOS 5.1 should be where the line is drawn to the JB community. Moving forward, if you dont know how to use TU, and resist from upgrading to new iOS versions (ie 5.2, 6.0, 7.0, etc) then you lose.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    You failed to do your homework. Go check if you ever read thst ih8sn0w has a working exploit n successfully downgraded 5.1 to 5.0.1 on A5. Don't believe ask him on tweeter or else stfu.
  • Adrian
    Adrian Posts: 20
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    come on guys u should b heros not zeros!! just release it please!!
  • filthyjason
    filthyjason Posts: 21
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    uhh, it took 3 months, iOS5 came out w/ the 4S basically, around Oct 14th. there was a jailbreak 3 months later around Jan 16th. Not sure where you got 6-7 months from, the final version hasn't even been out 7 months.Also, notoday is saying he can wait but others may not want to. sounds like you get an "F" in attention to detail and a "D" in grammar, it's "you're" not "your"
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Ok, let me summarize.TU idiot = loserResist upgrade pass 5.0.1 = loserUpgraded of factory 5.1 = loserThe whole world full of losers.
  • at33397677
    at33397677 Posts: 3
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  • Dee215
    Dee215 Posts: 1
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    I believe that the jailbreak should be release because iPhone 4/iPad can be downgrade with tinyunbrella but people with the new iPad iPad 2/4s are stuck with an ordinary iPhone wich it is wack if it's not jail broken. Hackers no best
  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Release it. The cat and mouse game will never end. There is no guarantee io6 will come out after the conference. If the exploits are by chance patched in the next update, the work they did on 5.1 will have somewhat been in vain.
  • AppleCider
    AppleCider Posts: 18
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  • Hayel
    Hayel Posts: 1
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    I think that they should release the jailbreak for 5.1 because a majority of people need their unlock for 5.1.
  • Crazy Asylum
    Crazy Asylum Posts: 23
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    I'm perfectly fine with my 5.0.1 JB on my 4S. I see no reason to update until ios6, so my vote is to wait.
  • Izz
    Izz Posts: 23
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    They should release it!!!By the time ios 6 hits itunes, the exploit will be patches!!! That ionic dude wants money so he'll sell the exploits to apple.BOTTOM LINE: release it. Better enjoy it now then never.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    u have 5 exploits, y don't u just use the one most likely to be patched by apple for the 5.1 jailbreak and then keep more complex ones to patch and use that for the iOS 6 jailbreak.
  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 39
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    Is it out, NO! If you know so much why don't you come out with a jailbreak yourself and call it axe-hole. You stfu quit trying talk sh*t behind a computer.
  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    I think they should release it because people who have bought new ipad 2's that have come with 5.1 from new wont have the chance to enjoy the glory of a jailbreak until 6 is released.Does this mean that when 6 is released will we wait for 7 to come out before we get a jailbreak for 5.1 its a never ending circle :( the gys do a great job hacking the software and its really appreciated but don't hold us to ransom with these exploit stories and keep going round n round in circles :(Cheers for reading Lee
  • PoopDeck
    PoopDeck Posts: 1
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    If we wait for IOS 6.. why not wait for 7 too? or even 8, holy crap what about 9 :) I mean if we release it in 6 they will patch it in 7... wont they? ... The jailbreak is going to be patched... unleash the exploit, then find another. Wait Wait Wait.. If you going to Wait, then Wait correctly, and wait forever. ;) Just don't even release a jailbreak if your concerned about it getting patched. Because it's ALWAYS going to get patched sooner or later... Idiots
  • Tao
    Tao Posts: 1
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    For ip'siir didnot come out for Chinese,I think you'd better wait for few months and expect a huge progress on IOS6.Though partly folks would be upset, but for further development ,be calm!!
  • Atef
    Atef Posts: 2
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    they should wait not to loose it again
  • iPhoneDev
    iPhoneDev Posts: 7
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    You are fooling yourselves if you do not think that some of the jailbreak team members are not swapping info with their buddies who are building iOS products for our company....
  • DJ BDuBB
    DJ BDuBB Posts: 1
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    What about those who don't have computers and will rely on untethered? Needless to say they would use a friends computer for the JB. I have an iPad 2 on iOS 5.1 tethered. I have to go through a lot to keep my iPad battery from dying and make sure I don't download anything from cydia the requires a reboot. Such a pain in the azz. It would be very helpful to have untethered for 5.1
  • Stewart
    Stewart Posts: 3
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    Couldn't put it better myself
  • SkyLast
    SkyLast Posts: 1
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    Please release jailbreak 5.1 for 4S