Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?



  • Duh
    Duh Posts: 13
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  • Joao Reis
    Joao Reis Posts: 10
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    Stupid Question deserves a stupid answear.Delay till iOS 7 please.Of course its to release 5.1 JB it will be always like this, who in the name of stupidity would prefer JB only in iOS 6 lol
  • Tyrell
    Tyrell Posts: 1
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    Both options have their advantages. As long as you have a running iOS 5.0.1 you don't have to worry. But the other day my 5.0.1 untethered jailbroken iPhone 4 crashed and didn't boot anymore (seemed to be an issue afer uninstalling Spire, just a guess). Even though 5.1 was out already I found a way to reinstall 5.0.1. But then I was stuck: It wasn't possible to restore my backup. iTunes just said that it can not restore to a 5.0.1 device. I had 5.0.1 again, but a blank installation is useless when one can't restore the backed-up data of all apps! And that is an issue for everyone who sticks to an out-dated iOS: as soon as something is fucked up you might have the problem that you have to upgrade to a non-jailbreakable iOS. So option 2 is relevant for all iPhone 4S users who have a jailbroken 5.0.1 since there is even no tethered 5.1 jailbreak for the 4S avalailable until now. (Perhaps I missed a point: Did anyone manage to re-install iOS 5.0.1 without iTunes complaining that it cannot restore yoor data?)The other option, pod2g should wait: There is no jailbreak (tethered) only for iPhone 4S's with 5.1. All other devices running 5.1 can be jailbroken - at least tethered. Miraculously my iphone 4 with 5.1 reboots semi-tethered without having the Semi-Tether fix installed (is this already part of the redsnow jailbreak? I used 0.9.10b6.). When booting semi-tethered I can still make phone calls, send text messages, browse the web (but not with Safari) and read and send emails (using Sparrow). If there is a real chance, that there will be an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 by keeping said five exploits a secret, pod2g should do so.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    The jailbreak community has always been on offense keeping Apple on defense. If they switch now to a defensive posture then Apple, on offense, could announce a new iOS update every month and be assured that a new jaibreak is never again released. VICTORY ... APPLE!New jailbreaks should be released as soon as they are ready. VICTORY ... JAILBREAKERS!
  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 39
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    How about working on way to downgrade or upgrade jailbreak- able iOS instead of releasing and new jailbreak
  • shadowxpr
    shadowxpr Posts: 17
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    I could not agree more...
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    yes, they should release the jailbreak now for ios5.1 especially for us using iphone4s...
  • noma
    noma Posts: 2
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    you dont know that for sure. nobody does, people can live with a tethered jailbreak. i would say to wait and see till june, if no ios 6 then yes release the jailbreak.
  • Amit
    Amit Posts: 40
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    Release the **** !!!
  • free
    free Posts: 3
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    Be smart, sign 5.1 with tinyumbrella and don't worry about downgrading. Use tethered and wait to see what pod2g and others do.Or just be like me, tired of fighting Apple and move to Galaxy S2.Just an opinion, do not take offensive please iPhone fans. I used iPhone a lot and is an excellent piece of technology but I can't work with so restrictive software. Be free. Be opensource!
  • noma
    noma Posts: 2
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    wow everyone. dont upgrade to ios 6 so fast just stay on 5.1 and if apple does close the loopholes in ios 6 then maybe dev team will release the 5.1 jailbreak. its simple as that.
  • b2k.zg
    b2k.zg Posts: 1
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    i0n1c already sold himself to apple. its just a question when pod2g does same. i guess, though, maybe he is also sold and now trying to find alternatives. why? at once they all showed off they have jb their s!"#t. suddenly, kaboom, nothing is ready for public. makes man think :) and one has to admit, jb was lon enough in the game. apple earns more if it is out of use. i0n1c and rest earn also peace of cake from apple. and rest of suckers that buy ios, well, they sucked on it and thats it :)
  • barfi
    barfi Posts: 1
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  • sina
    sina Posts: 6
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    release it, we need jailbreak 5.1 for ipad2
  • Chad
    Chad Posts: 26
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    if they give us a way do downgrade an A5 and/or A5X devices from iOS 5.1 to 5.0.1 or 5.0 soon then i say wait for iOS 6
  • Legion
    Legion Posts: 2
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    This is the situation as it stands. People on 5.0.1 JB will be screwed if they wait till 6 and they have patched it. Once 5.1 stops being signed then most will have no way to move to 5.1 and JB. People on 5.1 are safe. Even if apple does patch all of the exploits, the JB can be released and people can use it. IOS 6 vs 5.1 Jailbroken can't be much of a question. Jailbroken phones can,90% of the time, emulate or improve on apple factory implementations. I have a iPhone on 5.0.1 JB and a iPad 3 on 5.1. I feel the JB should be released ASAP because apple is sneaky and if Pod2g has found a low level exploit it doesn't matter because we will still have a tethered JB for the rest of the devices life cycle.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    One thing that you can guarantee is, there will be screw ups in ios6, as with ALL major updates, that apple will fix with 6.0.1 etc, which will again kill the jailbreak! Release 5.1 jailbreak while you got a way to do it! Tethered or not, it's better than no jailbreak at all.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Before u say it's no brain question, let me ask if u know what are those exploits used if they were to release jb 5.1. Those exploits include bypassing ASLR, ROP, payload etc. All gonna burnt for the sake of tiny 5.1. Do u know how to reverse engeneer the code or method to inject exploits? Shut up if u don't.
  • paserack
    paserack Posts: 1
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    I´ve bought new iphone 4s with preloaded ios 5.1. my friend too. and other friend bought ipad 2 also on fw 5.1I would not want to wait. In ios 6 exploits coulnd not work.. there is no promises, that even if we will wait, that there will be jailbreak ready on ios 6
  • JoeAngel
    JoeAngel Posts: 1
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    Hell yeah I hope he releases 5.1 jailbreak I just updated my ipad2 64gig to 5.1 from 4.3.3 just because hes working on the 5.1 jailbreak, so I lost everything just to get the jailbreak he's doing now. Don't want to wait even longer that's cold.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Not really. When i bought 4s with 5.0, it was still on jb 4.3.3. I waited for over a month n never **** on my pant.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    Oh billy pls do more homework.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    I thought it's comex. Not ionic, though i agree he likes n enjoy the attention. Anyway i guess u won't even donate.
  • JoshW
    JoshW Posts: 1
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    Not certain if his JB will apply, but if this will JB my ATV3 and I can install XBMC, release it! ATV sticks without a JB. A whole bunch of ATV3 users looking for a 5.1 JB.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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  • markimark
    markimark Posts: 3
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    I think the JB'ers should wait to release a JB until apple release iOS 100.9, this should answer your questions... retards!
  • markimark
    markimark Posts: 3
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    You're a moron! so why not wait until iOs 7? iOS release are geared towards nothing but to thwart JB and a few stupid things here and there to say it is an "update"
  • Faslane
    Faslane Posts: 12
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    if there was an iOS 6 around the corner soon I'd say wait a month, but if it's any longer than that just release the 5.1, there are MANY people out there on 5.1 with iPad 2 and the new "3" and 4S users enough to REALLY appreciate it. Apple will probably find the expoits anyway and so far there's always been a jailbreak so I say got for it, release it! :-)
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Totally agree wait and go for the gold. If it don't work then release 5.1 JB and we wait again for 6.0
  • Titanss
    Titanss Posts: 31
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    Release the 5.1 JB a few hours before the release of IOS 6, while it is still being signed, so Apple does not have time to fix the exploits. They are not going to delay the release of 6 to fix a couple exploits.