Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?



  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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  • The Truth
    The Truth Posts: 19
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    it doesnt makes sense becuase two of the most famouse IOS hacker wrote a book called" The IOS Hackers Handbook" exposing how they jailbreak iphones and now their worried about saving their exploits?....LOL Let's be real here they are playing the public, if we are to believe they have a reason not to release the 5.1 jb. The facts are that apple knows what's going on, what's there to hide. The hackers need to PUT UP or SHUT UP! (4s 5.1 has been successfully JB weeks ago) Stop wasting our time telling us a 4s 5.1 jailbreak is possible and then showing us videos they done it and posting tweets about it, what good is that to us? Are they a bunch of show off's now!? If your going to jailbreak.... it's for the public good, so let the public utilize it, and stop playing games with us!!!THE TRUTH*
  • nino7050
    nino7050 Posts: 2
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    Hello everyone, I'll leave my opinion, namely that: I think new ideas should not be kept jailbreak why: First IOS for the next 6 could be made ​​with a totally different kernel which means that r: 1) New weakness of the new kernel 2) impenetrable, meaning that anything you know today our hackers would not be related to the new system, but Think after that to those who did not have option to jailbreak in ver 5.1 and have updated the new version of his mistake say 6, what will they do? And that last point: "Better a sparrow in the hand than one hundred flying")) good luck Thanks to all Developers for proper work, so continue the apple guys want to steal us
  • nino7050
    nino7050 Posts: 2
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    Use iFaith with your shsh from olders SOYou have eny older shsh ? What iphone you have if its the new one 4s you can not doo enithing like downgrade sorry
  • xilla
    xilla Posts: 1
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    there are still months to go until iOS 6 .. i think dev-team should consider releasing the 5.1 jb. since theyre a good team i don't think they will have problem finding vulnerabilities in iOS 6
  • joepa
    joepa Posts: 2
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    Release 5.1 jailbreak for IPhone 4Snow and we will wait until fall for ups 6If and when it is released with new effortsto jailbreak if needed.Yesterday is history,.....
  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Release ASAP please :)
  • devtester
    devtester Posts: 2
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    I have complete faith in pod2g and other talented jail breakers to continue finding exploits in IOS 6, IOS 7.... No code is perfect and I'm certain future versions will have new exploits to be discovered. So I voted for a release of 5.1 now.
  • Bryce
    Bryce Posts: 17
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    I say release it also. when the new iphone comes out just like all other previous iphones will be obsolete
  • jello
    jello Posts: 4
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    Hey guys I just found this site that's better than having a jailbroken apple tv 2 it will allow you to watch every movie and tv show that exist for 100% free right on your computer at the following site
  • Apple big money
    Apple big money Posts: 14
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    Please let us have the 5.1Jb now
  • surfmike
    surfmike Posts: 11
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    release it before they patch it there no way to just update to 5.0.1 any more an as soon as 6 come out they will stop signing 5.1 so use it or lose it
  • Susie
    Susie Posts: 1
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    I want some advice I have an I phone 3gs ios 5.01 software. I dont know much about jailbreaks but have seen my brothers I phone and theres an obvious difference. When and how do I jailbreak my phone??
  • Iphonefanboy
    Iphonefanboy Posts: 5
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    Waiting is part of the whole chase. Once it's done the wind is sucked out of my days I'm then back to refreshing Cydia and installing apps again...ho hum.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    i think it is best to release the jailbreak, specially the most obvious one. Just like hackers, Apple works on finding exploits and bugs to fix for the next release, so what makes you think that these 5-7 exploits arent already detected by Apple and have plans to patch them on the next release. There will always be a way to JB, so no need to panic.
  • Alexandru
    Alexandru Posts: 3
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    Everyone its waiting for....
  • Skeddadle
    Skeddadle Posts: 1
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    If the internet has taught me anything, and it hasn't, its the world is going to end in 2012. RELEASE THE DAMN JAILBREAK AND LET IT BURN!
  • tpike1296
    tpike1296 Posts: 2
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    Granted I do not know much about the process of developing a jailbreak, I believe it requires the use of multiple exploits, to gain complete control over all processes, (The boot, the root account, and the user account) They may require all 5 exploits just to jailbreak the OS. Again, I know next to nothing about the process, this is just a slightly educated guess.
  • periklis
    periklis Posts: 4
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    is better if they realease the jailbreak for ios 5.1 .. than to wait sooo long time for 6.0 ,so i vote for 5.1 jb!!
  • goingdown2hell
    goingdown2hell Posts: 8
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    please release the jb for us stuck on 5.1 pre-installed on our recent iphone 4s phones we recently bought, please release it, or give us our donations back for the ones who do donate, once its jb i will donate again, keep up the good work, please release it!!
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    I would go with most of the people here saying to release it. but its still up to the people making it and what they decide, right? :)
  • tedy
    tedy Posts: 2
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    release it.Many new users purchased the 4S and iPad 3 with 5.1 already on there/including me/ and many old users suddenly upgraded 5.1 they wait to release it (same)
  • tedy
    tedy Posts: 2
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  • Daniel Alzugaray
    Daniel Alzugaray Posts: 1
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    Save your SHSH blob and you will be able to downgrade *without* apple's signature
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Whats with all the name calling? Seriously... I see both sides of the argument, and have been jail breaking long enough to make an informed decision (jailbroken since iPhone OS 1.1.4). In my opinion, they should develop a jailbreak for iOS 5.1 and see how many of the vulnerabilities it takes. If it doesn't use all of them, release it. If it does, it gets a bit tougher. I would probably still release it. I am willing to bet that anything a small group that works for free can find can and will also be found by Apple, so you should release it while it works. If you are like me, who uses your iPad almost all day every day, jail breaking is a major gain. I WAS jailbroken on 5.0.1 with my iPad 2, but it was knocked out of my hands and broke. Instead of paying $250 to fix (the actual amount Apple requested) a product I got for FREE, I upgraded to the iPad 3. I also have an iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.
  • phunphreakin
    phunphreakin Posts: 1
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    I'd settle for a working way to downgrade from IOS 5.1 back to 5.0.1, til you guys decide....stupid stupid stupid for upgradin without knowin' what was up wit de Ipad2, save the hacks just get me back, seems like a itunes knock-off would be great that doesn't call home to verify the OS, and the ablity to do it without .shsh backups...
  • zayedm28
    zayedm28 Posts: 1
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    Please let us have iOS 5.1
  • Finalbrez
    Finalbrez Posts: 5
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    At least release a tethered jailbreak for ios 5.1 a5 for people who never turn off their devices
  • Nadge
    Nadge Posts: 0
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    release it ASAP don't wait around! who says they wont already do summot different in IOS6 that means the exploits don't work anyway!! evrybody is just assuming that these exploits will work in IOS6!! Plus what im thinking at the moment is What about 5.1.1 is this going to delay the jailbreak as they may have patched summot in this
  • strangerdanger
    strangerdanger Posts: 1
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    you misspelled engineer..