Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?



  • mess1ah
    mess1ah Posts: 5
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    Who cares if the make money when people visit the sites. ( although I think they need ad clicks more than just page hits. )If there is an exploit(s) to JB 4S/5.1 or to downgrade 4S/5.1 to 4S/5.01 publish it.This "let's do a poll" thing smacks of "We're coming to the end of beating Apple" (at best), or "We've already been beaten by Apple" (at worst).
  • Hollewood
    Hollewood Posts: 1
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    I say release 5.1.0 jailbreak. My phone eff'd up around the time of the 5.1 update so I had no choice but to update. And once iOS 6 comes, don't update once you get the jailbreak until one comes out for 6. It's simple.
  • i41642
    i41642 Posts: 2
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    An untethered Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 has just been released by the Greenpois0n Team.
  • Rune
    Rune Posts: 2
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  • Lee
    Lee Posts: 153
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    @ wtf :) Don’t you ll g it??? Websites get paid for hit, po2g is collecting every time you bit that site. He makes money just lik this stupidass site. Wow people are lie sheep, just plin dumb!!!"i think you need a new keyboard" hehe going back on whats said i just this week bought an ipad 2 brand new and it came with 5.1 installed and there is no way of downgrading so what about us newbies we want to get on the bandwagon and become part of the jailbreak revolution!!!!!!Lee
  • Apple big money
    Apple big money Posts: 14
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    If you want the iOS 5.1 say we want it now.
  • Richard M. Mañalac
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    we want it now! :)
  • The Truth
    The Truth Posts: 19
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    I say Release it. For the following reason: Apples main reason for updates is to close exploits and the windows in which to jailbreak, this is unavoidable and is sure to happen in IOS6. The iPhone 4s is one of the most popular phones in terms of sales that has yet to have a JB for 5.1, to wait longer would cause people to lose faith in the jailbreak community. People are getting tired of Hackers keeping the info to themselves....What is the point in telling everyone you can jailbreak or downgrade, posting videos and tweets just to keep it for yourself or to hold it back. I though the whole point of "hacking" was to expose the vulnerabilities to the public and be proud that your the best at it! I agree that finding new ways to JB is getting harder with each IOS but it's part of the game, hackers just need to adjust. Plus, with the signing windows closing quickly The longer you sit on exploits the worse off for people new to jail breaking. The JB community has a responsibility to its fans, followers, members who use it and keep hackers famous. The community needs to recruit new talent, work together, and challenge themselves. If they are worried about exposing the 5.1 exploits what does that say about the future of jailbreaking? LOL Come on people...this is getting ridiculousness
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    You forgot to mention that option one complete leaves out the users of the new ipad...who dont have an option "to stay on 5.0.1".... Believe me...oh I wish I could
  • kellen
    kellen Posts: 4
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    As much as I want them to release their jailbreak, it seems that the only way Apple finds the exploits is by waiting for the dev team code writers to exploit them. I mean really if they are not exploited by these hackers apple would less secure over the past five years. Cat and mouse game is a loosing option the jailbreak teams should write code to hide what they have exploited not an easy thing to do. But they will lose to apple everytime and ultimately for good just like Ultrasn0w. Then Sam got patched
  • kellen
    kellen Posts: 4
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    I really don't get why the hackers tell everyone how they are exploiting or even what they have found. That to me is like jumping into the cat bowl. Domestically speaking! But I guess once they put the software out their apple could disect it. I don't know?
  • kellen
    kellen Posts: 4
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    Maybe someone could explain to me why the hackers are so loud about their exploits. Is it that they want to be noticed by Apple or that it doesn't matter? In fact if the hackers were smart they would only allow jailbreaking done on their own secure server just like apple. And keep shsh blobs of their own....
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    No pod2g shouldn't release it yet because if apple finds it, we will all be screwed
  • mess1ah
    mess1ah Posts: 5
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    This time around, they haven't really told us anything.They say there are 5 exploits. I'm calling bullsh1t ! IF there were 5 exploits available, they'd pick a stable one, go with it, and save the rest for 6.0.Collectively, they've done a great job in the past, but I believe that for 4S/5.1 , they are stumped so far. There is no shame in in admitting that they are stumped so far, but leave the "let's do a poll" crap to the marketing minds at Apple.
  • Richard M. Mañalac
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    Is this all about money again? I thought JB is free? dafuq..
  • mess1ah
    mess1ah Posts: 5
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    This time I don't think so. I think it's more about ego, and keeping it from being bruised.
  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    I think your jailbreak is not ready yet, maybe even u don't know how to do this (also i don't know) You are pley with us for time. If will be ready you will release it!!!
  • amej
    amej Posts: 3
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    release offcourse..........
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    i reall want the iOS 5.1 jailbreak. ios 6 may not come out in june. it may come out in september or october. you guys already have the exploits! it would be a waste of time if you threw it away!
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    we want it NOOOOOW!
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    RELEASE THE IOS 5.1 JAILBREAK! sorry for caps
  • :)
    :) Posts: 3
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    true. i had to restore my iphone4s 5.0.1. i restored when i didnt know i actually restored it to ios 5.1. ios 5.1 should have a jailbreak because ios may come out in 6 months or so
  • Frank white
    Frank white Posts: 1
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    I agree with you. They need to release the 5.1, so we could all not walk around with a boring ass phone.
  • rik
    rik Posts: 15
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    wait, and have life meantime
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I am not into mobiles much but took out an iphone 4s 5.01 on contract. A mate advised me to jb it. Instead I was sent a message from apple saying 5.1 now available and has many great advantages over 5.01 . I upgraded and ever since regretted doing so. I personally can`t wait for the 5.1 jb. Many many thanks to ppl like pod2g and hope it will not be too long now.
  • Alexandru
    Alexandru Posts: 3
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    what a big deal....
  • pod2g
    pod2g Posts: 10
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    Hey guys, chillax. If Pod2g, who knows something about iOS and is not an idiot, is considering the options, it must be because he has good pros and cons for both. Somebody else has said it, but the issue is that if you have 5.01, you will probably want to wait, and if you have 5.1, you'll probably want it now. I have 5.01 JB 4S, so I don't give an F about you 5.1ers. I rather wait, 5.1 will give me nothing that I need. It's not being an idiot, it's simple math. Nevertheless, if it's based on the poll pod2g is running, looks like we'll have JB for 5.1.
  • Vin
    Vin Posts: 4
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    Please, release it now ! It's gonna take 6 months again before ios 6
  • prot
    prot Posts: 0
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    I have 4.3.3 still, I cannot upgrade to 5x anything now if I want a jailbreak. :(Does anyone know how to go from 4.3.3 to 5.01 ??
  • Dboy
    Dboy Posts: 5
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