Should Hackers Release Jailbreak for iOS 5.1 or Hold Off Jailbreak for iOS 6?



  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Yes release it now please I have 4 iPhone 4s with 5.1
  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Leave tomorrow for tomorrow why we have to wary about ios 6 we have to deal with 5.1 first
  • JIN
    JIN Posts: 3
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    soryy for my bad english firstthey should release 5.1.every new firmwire has its own weekness... if we had bad luck and ios 6.1 is too different than any other previóus ios.. they have to discover a new jailbreak without releasing the 5.1 jailbreak. that would be a big waste of efford and time.
    EZFiXNY Posts: 19
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    Most likely iOS will be released with next Apple Device and it looks like this device is next version of iPhone. Now sure 5.1 does not provide nothing to die for however iPad 3 is with this new software and if new JB works with it it should be released. I do not have new iPad but but I do own a older one and I remember waiting for new JB to come out. Then again pod2g feeels that new jb will be almost impossible to find then wait.
  • TheRealMoe
    TheRealMoe Posts: 22
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    LOL shut up. as others have said wait for iOS 9 then dont ever jb till then, even if its out.
  • Ninad
    Ninad Posts: 1
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    i cannot understand this thing Why you need to release all of the 5 exploits ?Just release one of them //isnt that cool enough ?
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    What about iPad 3 users? They never got a jailbreak unlike other Apple devices. They deserve some love at least.
  • iMolen
    iMolen Posts: 2
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    Remember...they do for free for all iphone dont blame it again...!!! We wait ...... Til the time is come....idiot
  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    Mmm currently ios is 5.0.1 , already jailbroken ...So i have nothing to concern about ios 5.1 . Already have a jailbreak or not .Btw , i have voted to releasse the unthed jailbreak , coz when i am in 5.0.1 i know the feeling of wating the jailbreak progress was simply awfull ...Every day just check in the web.So if Wait till ios 6 isn't that unfair for the ios 5.1 user ? , So my own opinion is to release ios 5.1 to the guys who have recently buy a new ipad / iphoneCan feel the jailbreak funs :) / or the people who accidently upgraded their idevice :)Thanks to the hardwork on jailbreaking idevice u guys are the best !!
  • at33397677
    at33397677 Posts: 3
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  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    If you wait till iOS 6, Apple will worst case patch it by iOS 6.0.1, or have already found the exploits for the release of iOS 6. I miss when Geohot was doing this, jailbreaks would be out in a week or two max. It's been well over a month now and no jailbreak..
  • bikki
    bikki Posts: 0
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    i wanna **** a there someone ready to get fucked in ass....?
  • Ivan
    Ivan Posts: 32
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    If u're akin' me, release it! If ya'll dev team need money for let's se iOs6,to JB it, we gonna donate u for that JB! We r a big comunitiy, if ever1 gives 1/2 bucks, there will be a lot of money for the dev team! This is my opinion..!I have 4S 5.1, and i can throw away that **** if i dont have it Jailbroken..
  • Richard M. Mañalac
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    Yes, I agree that they must realease the 5.1 JB. Because most of the people who wants to upgrade to 5.1 needs it. And the ones who have upgraded their tethered 5.1 JB needs it too. Yes, I need it coz I want to have an untethered JB on my 3GS. :)But the decision remains to pod2g and team if they would release it.I just want to say thanks. :)
  • benny
    benny Posts: 10
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    NO no no Option 1 Wait until iOS 6 comes out to Released the Jailbreak.Come on guys hive a break to the DEV Teams and other until iOS 6 everybody be paysient and what i wuold like is the Jailbreak to wait for iOS 6 and the 5.0 - 5.0.1 -5.1(Tether) exploid for the Restore shuold be released and the Jailbreak for iOS 6 will Wait...
  • Izz
    Izz Posts: 23
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    +1 for this guy.Im glad u think of ur fellow humansRespect!!
  • Ali Imam
    Ali Imam Posts: 18
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    Need IOS 5.1 jailbreak for IPAD-2, waiting waiting so tried.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Why does NOONE consider that there are FIVE exploits... Why not use one for 5.1 and save the other 4 for 6.0??? DUH?
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    Please, please release 5.1 Jailbreak!!!
  • JIN
    JIN Posts: 3
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    i think apple will change a lot of thing in ios 6. it's still unsure if the new 5,1 will work on ios still do mistakes... just look at ipad 3 -> ios5.1 JAILBREAKED within 2 weeks so every new release has its own weekspots.waiting for ios 6 is like waiting for the expiry date..why don't we wait for ios 7,8 or 9 ???-which jailbreak meants to last forever?-
  • flo
    flo Posts: 3
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    Please release the jailbreak!The iPad 3 must be jailbroken NOW. The hackers could search after the release of the jailbreak for more exploits to save them.
  • Done1
    Done1 Posts: 0
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    Not everyone had a choice... And you are an idiot altogether.
  • Ivan
    Ivan Posts: 32
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    sooo, u're comment is irelevant!
  • Bladetrk
    Bladetrk Posts: 0
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  • Zabuzaxtr
    Zabuzaxtr Posts: 3
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    Release And find look for new exploits . İf you however Choose to wait i have 1 question WHY DİDNT U WAİT FOR 5.1 man You just cant make Everyone happy in this world now 5.01 users are fine but us 5.1 user are desperate
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    Well I have a IPhone that's jail broken and it's great I bought the new iPad 3 and it came with the new iOS 5.1 there lots of ppl that have the new iPad and would like it jail broken but it came out with 5.1 and waiting 6 + month for ios6 and a few months for a jailbreak 2 cum out all becus apple might fix the jailbreaks that have already done. Release 5.1 and c wht happens there's bound 2 be new exploits 2 be found.
  • Jb now
    Jb now Posts: 1
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    My new iPad is on 5.1 from original, so I really need the JB cos I have not upgraded n stuck on 5.1. Release the jb please Pod2g!
  • mess1ah
    mess1ah Posts: 5
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    I don't believe that they have actually found any viable exploits for 5.1....unfortunately, chalk one up for Apple.
  • Wtf?
    Wtf? Posts: 1
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    Don't you ll g it??? Websites get paid for hit, po2g is collecting every time you bit that site. He makes money just lik this stupidass site. Wow people are lie sheep, just plin dumb!!!