AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds

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imageAT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds

As you may know, AT&T started throttling data speeds for the top 5% of its smartphone users on unlimited data plans from October 1st.

It looks like AT&T maybe throttling the speeds down to 2G speeds for the top 5% of data users, according to TiPb.

TiPb reports that one of their users who happened to fall in the top 5% of the smartphone users got a message informing him that his data speeds for the rest of the bill cycle will be reduced.

Read the full story here



  • Fara
    Fara Posts: 8
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    First.....AT&T sucks ... Verizon started to follow the same steps as AT&T this is no good...
  • Kumar
    Kumar Posts: 18
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    i received the same message but it said from the next billing period. And ur in 5% if u use more then 5GB u will be throttled down to edge for rest of the billing period.
  • badboy303
    badboy303 Posts: 2
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    I would sue APPLE if you have an agreement for unlimited data and it does not specify how much data you could use they must honor your contract.
  • badboy303
    badboy303 Posts: 2
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  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    At&t are a bunch of rip-offs to begin with. I was told that "the network" picked up that I was tethering, and that I would be taken off unlimited data on the next bill cycle. They couldn't tell me anything other than that, not what I was doing or anything. Next billing cycle has already came but I'm still on unlimited ....
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Here's my question, does the throtteling only last through the specified billing period, or for the remainder of the contract?
  • geekinit
    geekinit Posts: 65
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    This is such a weird rule. I think the data speeds should be regulated by something other than being in the top 5%. For example 5 GB or if say you're overloading a particular tower. If I live in an area where there isn't much congestion, then why limit me? Just for the record I haven't been limited by AT&T as far as I know and ever since Siri and iCloud I'm only using 500 MB per month. Doesn't make sense! :)
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    Its been lots of people reporting that they are getting this message shortly after going over 2gb. There is actually and section on the AT&T suppport site that addresses what is considered the top 5%. In that sections the reply states , "currently the top 5% of users consist of users going over 2gb of use".So basically having the old "unlimited" 5gb plan does old customers no good. AT&T just screwed all their long term customers.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    AT&T sucks, nothing new here!
  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    This is why they should never be allowed to acquire another company (i.e. the T-Mobile merger), ever again.Honestly, they should be split up into multiple companies.
  • Motionss
    Motionss Posts: 3
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    Apparently im apart of the 5% an my data speed was tested at .01 Mbps lat time I checked. It's frustrating and rathe useless owning a smart phone if this continues .
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Heres an idea. How about we "throttle" back our payments to AT&T? You know. Send them an im telling them that they are in the top 5% of bills I have to pay each month and therefore I'll only be sending half payment for this cycle.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This can't b legal, does anyone know law and b willing to file a joint class action suit. I'm all in.
  • Theahbal
    Theahbal Posts: 14
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    I was thinking the same thing! It's not our fault at&t offered unlimited data plans and we are all grandfatherd. The tethering yes they have a point but even than i called them out on it it was made up in my case to get me to a tiered plan so they can make $$ they were unable to provide date, time or a MAC address of the device tethering off my Data plan! We need to start a class action lawsuit to stop this, oh wait we can't at&t updated their contract lingo a few years ago that the only way you can seek a suit is via Arbitration! I am sure we all remember seeing that posted here!
  • Tim009
    Tim009 Posts: 1
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    I got the text when i reached 2GB. The first notification is a warning, saying that if I reach "top 5%" again next billing cycle, they will reduce my speed. The reduced speed should only take affect for that billing cycle. You will return to normal speed on the following cycle, assuming u dont reach top 5% again. They explained it somewhere on their website. Its lame because what's the point of paying for unlimited data when i can simply pay for the 2gb plan. They need to think of a better way to handle their problems.
  • Motionss
    Motionss Posts: 3
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  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    Rest of the billing period.
  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    So call a lawyer yourself, you ignorant half wit. Prepare to be disappointed.
  • Korum
    Korum Posts: 15
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  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    I use over 2gb and i think im just shy of 5gb, but reguardless, ive been att sence iphone first came out and i have a unlimited plan.... I cannot believe they would actually swoop to this low of customer relations. But makes me wonder, is this a action by At&t to push out thier unlimited data plan holders? My first thought with reading this was to switch to sprint, cause verizon has a limit too. Maybe at&t wants to weed out these customers and then beable to cap and charge for usage beyond cap. These bastards! >=\
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    The big issue is that all of the users who were smart enough to keep their unlimited data plan slacked off. They should have been putting it to good use (5-10gb a month). I myself have this plan, and used to use 3~6gbs a month when I was using my jailbroken 3gs. Now that I upgraded to the 4s and kept my unlimited data plan I still use ~2-3 a month. Each unlimited data user needs to understand, the top 5% can only be the top 5%. If all of the unlimited users push up this cap, there will only be a few at the to 5% while the others can take advantage of the unlimited data. I personal run internet radio apps and netflix even when im not using them just to make sure I use the data that I'm paying for. "Use it or lose it"
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    I consistantly go over 5gb a month and have never got my speed throttled. I think the highest i've ever hit is 12gb with an average somewhere between 5-8 gb.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I'm a ignorant half wit....
  • mStrovis
    mStrovis Posts: 2
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    Cas I just say LAW SUITE waiting to happen.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Yes actually they throttled me my last billing period and I have no idea how I was in the top blah blah blah screw AT&T. I'm moving to Sprint
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    AT&T, its not like you were the best carrier before this happened. You just happened to be the only carrier available when i got my phone.
  • Kidd
    Kidd Posts: 11
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    I'm not sure the contract says "unlimited data on the 3g network"... mine sure didn't. If the contract does not differentiate 3g or 2g networks and you throughout it unimportant to have that in your contract when you signed it... the fault lies with you.
  • Necter
    Necter Posts: 5
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    I second you. In fact, I've already dropped AT&T. Then they sent a balance bill, I sent it back to them telling them that I owe them nothing per no contract. they aren't in my top 5% priority to pay. They not in any at all to pay.
  • Necter
    Necter Posts: 5
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