AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Darrell
    Darrell Posts: 7
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    Third month in a row iv been throttled. It's bs. You really can't do anything on edge speeds
  • john carr
    john carr Posts: 1
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    Fax and Address for letters. Federal Communications CommissionConsumer & Governmental Affairs BureauConsumer Complaints445 12th Street, SWWashington, D.C. 20554Fax: 202-418-0232Attorney General of TexasConsumer Protection & Public HealthDallas OfficeFax: (214) 969-7615Randall Stephenson, AT&T CEO208 S Akard St. Dallas Texas 75202Fax: 214-741-0198
  • AlanEppstein
    AlanEppstein Posts: 1
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    Maybe if we all file a smail claims suit in our cities. And also write the FCC a fax we will get attention. WHAT HYPOCRITS, ATT advertises come to our network on TV and send us texts telling us the network is too croweded...this is unethical and contrary to FCC guidlines of transparency.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    I got the 5% notice last week, it sure seems like it more than 5% to me. I would sign up for a law suit, unlimited data does not means unlimited ! AT&T sucks !
  • h
    h Posts: 13
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    We are. Me and bunch of my friends are gonna leave AT&T . It took me 3 hours to download an app on my Iphone . This is B.s. AT&T . And I've been with them for 6 years.
  • h
    h Posts: 13
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    We are. Me and bunch of my friends are gonna leave AT&T . It took me 3 hours to download an app on my Iphone . This is B.s. AT&T And I've been with them for 6 years.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    So if we go to at tiered plan of 3GB, what guarantee do we have that in 6 months we aren't throttled at 1 mb? I was lured in by unlimited 3G, but now have unlimited crap speed.
  • Mvshtaq
    Mvshtaq Posts: 1
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    Beginning of your fall for AT&T! I'm simply DISGUSTED by att's GREED & MANIPULATION! This is my 3rd straight month of being throttled! Can't update apps, can't surf or even look up anything. Will have to unsubscribe Hulu, because I can't watch it either. Can't wait to switch! AT&T YOU'RE GOING DOWN!
  • PO AT&T Customer !!!
    via Wordpress
    Been throttled twice now. My data speed has been reduced to, i approximate, 90%. What takes a few seconds for a site to load is now taking 5 mins. Just timed myself at different locations with different websites. THIS IS FUCKING ABSURD. I work, and constantly need to be using my phones data speed and now they just cut me off and are asking for more money. IVE BEEN AN AT&T customer for 12 years with the same number. Great Customer SERVICE. **** YOU ATT&T.
  • Aaron Diaz
    Aaron Diaz Posts: 1
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    I'm getting the same BS from them too. I would sign a million times over! Mine is so bad that I can not even download a song on iTunes because it's so slow. I called an got the same BS that everyone gets. They are basically going to hold all of their Unlimited Data Subcsribers" captive until they switch to a tiered plan so they can suck us dry. This is sooooo not right! They offered it and now they want to take it back so to speak. We all have paid and elected to opt in for "Unlimited Data" for a reason. SCREW YOU AT&T!!! Your going to get it in the end with your poor business practices and I can't wait to be a part of it!!! I love telling everyone about what your doing to your customers and know that I have been successful in contributing to the loss of at least 32 new customers and what could have been 3 very large business accounts!!! Where do I join in? Let's ban together and let them get what they deserve, a lawsuit that is going to kick them right in the wallet!!!!
  • e
    e Posts: 17
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    Keep me posted on the lawsuit. I'm ready to sign!
  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    I want to be in on any lawsuit for the top 5%
  • Vipul
    Vipul Posts: 2
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    i support in what you are going to do
  • chuck
    chuck Posts: 15
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    What good is a law suit going to do? They will just figure another way to **** us over! They got away with it this long. Here's something to think about. I' m sure I' m not the only one who uses only 20 to 25% of their minutes each month, and the go to rollover. If they are going to stick it to us on the data then they should do better than rolling over minutes. Like buying rollover minutes back from us. It's the right thing to do. That's right I forgot they don't want to give, they just want to take and take. So rather than making a bunch of lawyers a pocket full of money first, crash their servers. So set auto lock to never, turn wifi off, plug into charger. Kick back with Pandora,YouTube or what ever you like. Let's show them what real unlimited is! We are paying them, not the other way around.
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    If AT&T can throttle my data, I can join a class action lawsuit. They can't hold me to the contract that they themselves breach when they throttle my unlimited data plan.
  • Billy
    Billy Posts: 39
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    Im all for a class action lawsuit. But AT&T will try and buy everyone off. If we won it should be for them to stop throttling the data. Not for money. Well maybe some for the lawyer. Lol but if they pay off everyone they can and will go back to their old ways. They have to make sure the people with the tier plans can use as much as possible so they can go over their limit and pay more. Btw. They have change thier teired data plans to 450mb for $20 and 3gb for $30. Not sure what the 5gb cost but as always they stick it to their customers
  • G D W
    G D W Posts: 1
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    Its a shame to have one of the best devices on the market..only to be step on my my carrier. Apple should respond to ATT and maybe something will happen.