AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Not2happy
    Not2happy Posts: 1
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    When'd I had the first iPhone , I was paying $20.00 for unlimited data at 2G speeds, when'd I up-dated my iPhone for the 3GS my payment went up to $30.00 for unlimited 3G speeds !!! Now they want to slow me down just because I use more than 5gig's ??? I'm paying $30.00 for 3G's speeds not 2g's !!!!
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    What's the biggest bunch of bullshit is that the top 5%'s data usage will continually drop until we're getting less than a gig a month and still be in the top 5%. What happens then? We just get pushed lower and lower because no one wants to be slowed down to that degree. The only way to prevent this is to do like others have suggested and push as hard as possible and keep the 5% high or AT&T sets a reasonable soft cap of somewhere near 10 gigs. Another thing would be to get all the people who use very little amounts onto the 2 gig plan so the throttle is affecting less people. I've got a theory for a workaround though and I'll let you guys know how it works out.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    So i'm guessing your all for this throttling business? Just out of curisoity what DO you use your iPhone for?
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Not necessarily, just because jailbreaking is legal doesn't mean you can legally tether using MyWii without paying for a tethering plan.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    anything in America is stupid. if you are Canadian enjoy your dope internet :)
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Haha. No I'm definitely not FOR throttling. But I am all for using data responsibly. I use my 3G for pandora, SiriusXM, Internet, and I even had it tethered pre-iOS 5.0. The most I used was 3 gigs. I'm not against using more than that, but when people say to "use more to prove a point" or when people stream videos while they drive, or other stupid things, it ruins it for others. The cell data network is a finite infrastructure. It does have limits. So when you use 20 gigs in a month, you can bet your @$$ that it's affecting other customers. It's like your faucet, where you can turn it on and leave it on for as long as you want without affecting others on your street. The biggest problem I have is when people don't get what they want, the first thing is to say, " I'm gpnna sue". Save yourself some face and actually read your contract. Your contract is a lot different than the ATT comercials. That's for sure. You should know what the limitations are before you complain. Has anyone ever thought that those top 5% might actually be consuming 30%+ of the bandwidth? AT&T doesn't care about making that top 5% happy, they worry about the other 95%. Sorry to disappoint, but it's true. They much rather dump your @$$ and replace you with someone's mom who will only use 500 Meg's a month and not put a strain on their network. again, its harsh but true. That's the nature of the business world.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I am not sure if this will help or not, but if many people file complaints with the BBB it may have at&t take another look at what is happening. I have heard that at&t has responded to BBB complaints in the past, and a lawsuit is not legally binding.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
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    @ thenipIts legal for me to buy a gun and the ammo for it, So shooting you should be legal.
  • R B
    R B Posts: 1
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    If you are frustrated, lets get our voice heard. Post your stories on this Facebook Page and let's get as many likes as possible and send a message to AT&Turd.
  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    Ok. I understand why this condition is being imposed. It is one thing to use 12gb/ 25 days and to have your speed reduced for 5. This month, I used 2gb in the first 4 days and my data is slowed for the rest of the month. Well, that relies on the assumption that there is a rate of data use that I will continue at. What if I were not in the country for half of the month (like this month) - when I signed up I did not agree to use a certain amount of data at a certain rate . I'm a second year law student and I'd really like to get a suit filed. Will the top 5% please stand up? Email Natasha.delange at
  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    Ok. I understand why this condition is being imposed. It is one thing to use 12gb/ 25 days and to have your speed reduced for 5. This month, I used 2gb in the first 4 days and my data is slowed for the rest of the month. Well, that relies on the assumption that there is a rate of data use that I will continue at. When I signed up I did not agree to use a certain amount of data at a certain rate . I'm a second year law student and I'd really like to get a suit filed. Will the top 5% please stand up? Email Natasha.delange at
  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    Ok. I understand why this condition is being imposed. It is one thing to use 12gb/ 25 days and to have your speed reduced for 5. This month, I used 2gb in the first 4 days and my data is slowed for the rest of the month. Well, that relies on the assumption that there is a rate of data use that I will continue at. What if I were not in the country for half of the month (like this month) - when I signed up I did not agree to use a certain amount of data at a certain rate . I'm a second year law student and I'd really like to get a suit filed. Will the top 5% please stand up? Email
  • Natasha
    Natasha Posts: 7
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    Ha ha ha. I'm very very very upset :)
  • Fack AT&T
    Fack AT&T Posts: 1
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    We don't sue AT&T for the above mentioned throttling. What we do is sue AT&T and make them release their 5% information and how they got to that conclusion and the steps they take after that to determine how the whole throttleing aspect works. That's how you get them at their Achilles tendon and take them down. I'm sure they spent millions in making sure they would win a class action suit about throttling but I'm also sure the steps they determine that decision are not legal practices so lets expose their weakness instead.
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    Been there done that. All at&t did was tell me they would let me out of my contract so I wouldn't have any early termination fees. They still couldn't tell me anything.about how or what I tethered, then they changed there stance to "you use a average of 10 gigs a month." Yes I use my phones a lot, Pandora , YouTube, streaming movies etc. I asked why I'm being punished for using my unlimited data, no reply....
  • Bran
    Bran Posts: 6
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    You don't know people's situations! I never went past 2GB of data use. That was until 3 months ago hurricane Irene hit new jersey and my home was flooded! Which left me canceling every service in my home but my cell phone. I didn't know about throttling and was using Netflix on the second month pretty consistent and reached 10GB. Not because I wanted to but because I had no other wifi options. I received a warning message and understood what happened. Now in about 15 days into my billing period WITHOUT using Netflix and just reached 2083MB of data within 1 minute of saying I may see reduced speeds my speed tests were 15 kb/s. If you were to look at my monthly data since the first iPhone I never past 2GB, I would go even as far as 1.2GB! This is a unfair situation where I have been a loyal and normal user of my unlimited data plan and when my situation turns for the worse I have to suffer because AT&T wants to throttle unlimited users. Out of the MILLIONS of customers I highly doubt 2GB is the throttling point. I think that AT&T just came up with that just to force unlimited users into higher tiers. This is outrageous, and I will be calling att tomorrow morning to file a complaint about this situation.
  • Dave t
    Dave t Posts: 1
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    called my senator and explained to his staff why I believe at&t should be investigated for this policy. at&t just lost out on merging with t mobile and congress and everyone else needs to be reminded that this policy is the prime reason why do you never ever grow any larger example of how a large monopolistic company
  • Ernesto
    Ernesto Posts: 4
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    Our service should not be affected because others reduse to use there's.
  • Ernesto
    Ernesto Posts: 4
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    We need a class action lawsuit... Sign me up.
  • dtbraun
    dtbraun Posts: 1
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    Anyone continued to used MyWi or PDAnet since AT&T's warning to quit this summer? Curious if the new features to hide tethering from them actually work? Although now that iTransmission is out anyone with a Jailbreak can "use-up" their unlimited plan very quickly.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    I got throttled last month for using over 15gb which I had done since the unlimited came out. Just the way I used my phone no tethering just a lot of streaming since wifi is not available to me when away from home. I got mad and called AT&T and bitched to no avail. So no more streaming this last billing cycle and at 1.5gb they sent me the warning. Today they shut me down with 2.1gb used. This isn't even as much as their tethering plan which offers 4gb with it. I agree that they should let us all know what the 5% number is. In fact they should be forced to.
  • Wally
    Wally Posts: 1
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    I agree to suing them to release the contractural information they came up with in their policies, when the policy was convirved, and how this so called top 5% is determined.On a side note on their silence to it, they are clearly acting like they are hiding something illegal behind it. Sadam Husain used the same tactic of not letting people in to investigate WMD's. What they found was evidence of genocide....In other words, AT&T has something to hide, the top 5% bit may be a tip of the iceberg thing...
  • Johnny
    Johnny Posts: 93
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    How can you penalize a unlimited customer who goes over 2gb during the month when you offer a 4gb tier plan without penalizing them? The threshold should at least be 4gb!!! This is a lawsuit waiting to happen!!!!!
  • joselito santos
    joselito santos Posts: 1
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    sign me in Natasha
  • Ghall
    Ghall Posts: 5
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    I was warned last month after my wifi was accedently turned off and I got to 4.2 gigsI was throttle down this month after just 2.1 gigs.I signed a two year contract for unlimited data, now they limit how I use my phone and they won't let me out of my contract. This is illegal! I will gladly join a class action law suit!
  • Nel
    Nel Posts: 3
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    Please someone start a class action lawsuit. I will gladly be part of it I agree AT&T should be forced to make their 5% data available for all to see.I don't have WiFi. I don't want to pay for it. I decided to invest it in a smartphone that would allow me to do everything. What right does AT&T have in telling me 'use wifi' ???? Don't tell mr how to use my unlimited plan! I hate people telling me what to do with things I already paid for. And yes really how come the 4gb plan people don't have to deal with throttling when AT&T claims 2gb is the limit before they throttle?!!!
  • Ipay43g
    Ipay43g Posts: 1
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    At&t, Verizon, T-mobile, and others. All have started "throttling". At&t and Verizon are using the same ambiguous 5%. Which is an obvious marketing ploy playing off the greater good mentality going around. If they are useing the same language they were givien the go ahead to do so. By there legal teams and feel that they can all get away with it. So its not likely to go away with a lawsuit. Complaning and protesting are useless. They don't want you to utilize the service that they marketed to you. That you pay for. That locked you in to that 2 year contract. That will cost you around $2500 during that 2 years. Most people also have free nights and weekends or unlimited talk. See where this is going. Push back. Show them you can utilize much more of there net work then you do. In a billing cycle there are 28,000 night and weekend min. Use them all. If enough of us do they will all get the point. They need to know that the consumer still has power. They work for you. Here is how you do it. Set up a free voip number (just search free voip) any one will work. Put your phone on it's charger. Call that number at night. Your computer and your phone will talk for free all night to eachother. They can't afford not to listen to there costumers with there net works under that much strain.
  • Ghall
    Ghall Posts: 5
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    I was warned last month after my wifi was accedently turned off and I got to 4.2 gigsI was throttle down this month after just 2.1 gigs.I signed a two year contract for unlimited data, now they limit how I use my phone and they won't let me out of my contract. This is illegal! I will gladly join a class action law suit!
  • Ghall
    Ghall Posts: 5
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    Don't be so smugg, it's lot like you can alter the contract before you sign it.In my contract no where does it say I will be throttled for heavy data use
  • Ghall
    Ghall Posts: 5
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    You resort to name calling, and their ignorant?