AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Please email me mattocks at soundhere dot com . Im throttled as we speak.
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Please e mail me mattocks at soundhere dot com . Im throttled as we speak.
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Call 3862990547. Im throttled as we speak.
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Call 386 299 0547. Im throttled as we speak.
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I'm forming a place for us to congregate for this lawsuit. Call me or text your email. 3 8 6 299 0547
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I'm forming a place for us to congregate for this lawsuit. Call me 3 8 6 299 0547
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I'm forming a place for us to congregate for this lawsuit. Text 386299 0547
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I'm forming a place for us to congregate for this lawsuit.
  • Peter Pan
    Peter Pan Posts: 2
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    You all have it Wrong A CLASS ACTION WILL JUST BE BOUGHT OFF. every-one IN EVERY STATE needs to use small claims court. just think how much it will cost them to send an Att to every trial. That"s how to do it. Just like we did with Pay Pail if they don"t show YOU win. If we all get together in one lawsuit they will just give us $2.00 each like last time. Funny thing is band with & GIG costs them NOTHING it"s just a elect impulse. They made it up just to be able to charge us. Think about it
  • Tino
    Tino Posts: 1
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    Im regulary using around 5GB, every month, since there was HSDPA+. A few months back switched to LTE phone (SamSung GS2 LTE - Skyrocket). I kept my usage, if not even higher.Yesterday was the first time when i got throttled down from LTE speeds to EDGE speeds. this 5% is a BS and a lie used by ATT to wrongfullly justify illegal decition. They just broke my contract.I was a customer of ATT since they introduced GSM...nd were called ATT Wireley should be legally split again into several smaller companies and be done with them. Yes , everyone should file a complain with FCC. If there is a class action lawsuit - should be with very loud noise!!
  • David Reide
    David Reide Posts: 1
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    Thank God the Govt had oversight in this decision to monopolize the market even more. I have been a long time AT&T customer since 97, I'm glad for market competition like T-Mobile!
  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    im now throttled down to 10.8 KB/sec and since ive had my iphone for about 8 months, ive downloaded 17.3 GB of data.
  • Vince
    Vince Posts: 31
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    Why 5% and why all you losers will still roll over like a little b***h...Why 5%?By throttling the top 5%, you basically bring down the average speed of all users. For example, the first time they "check" for the top 5% user, the 95%-100% users get slammed down to the bottom. Then the second time they check, the 90%-95% people get slammed. If I do this 10 times a month, then EVERYONE gets throttled.Fair use?There's also a question of what "fair use" means. AT&T will of course argue that it means "fair distribution" of network capacity to all users, but is it really "fair use" given the proliferation of online/mobile software? The way smartphones and carrier plans are packaged clearly imply a much higher level of usage than what actually gets used. Yes, it is perfectly understandable that my grandma, who got a smartphone cuz they are on promotion now, uses less data than my niece does. But can my grandma actually be considered as a fair user? She clearly is not expected to leverage the full potential a smartphone can offer, but my niece definitely has a better grasp on the apps available thanks to Apple and AT&T's own advertisement.Why you will still roll over like a little b***hWell, AT&T wants you to quit AT&T. Why? Cuz you're a liability to the company. Why would they keep you when they can sell your 10GB bandwidth for over 3X the price you're paying? Sure, you'll go to T-Mobile and what not. Then T-Mobile can deal with your high usage and congestion problem. T-Mobile raises its prices, and then you'll come back to AT&T for the new tiered plans! In addition, no lawyer wanna fight a battle like this. Unlimited data users are now the minority, and AT&T would paint you the opportunistic villains who took advantage of their business plan at the infancy of smartphones. Is there really shame in being an early adopter and reaping the benefits of your foresight though? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all simply adopted to a new strategy and run with it. So for all you 2GB users blaming the 10GB users... NO, IT'S AT&T'S PROBLEM WHO ISN'T UPDATING THEIR TOWERS FAST ENOUGHIn summary, AT&T has adopted an excellent strategy from game theory to limit your usage without sounding like the villan using ambiguous language, forced your view on the legal interpretation of your existing contract, calculated your most probable exit option (quit AT&T), and measured that you look like a jack ass in court. They are jackasses, but they definitely aren't stupid.
  • steph
    steph Posts: 6
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    it is complete BS! its discrimination, plain and simple. why should we be punished for having our unlimited data that they sold us? I should be able to get the same speeds as everyone else does, even if i used 100 GB's a month. just because they realized that they were losing money on the unlimited data plans doesnt mean i should have to suffer for it. the lady i talked to said its because there is such a high demand for mobile data that they had to slow mine down because its unlimited which is such BS! im so sick of having to "abide' by there bullsh*t contract when they keep giving me the finger. me and my husband are going to have a lawyer look through our full contracts by them and also into this matter, i dont care if i pay more than i would to end my contract early, i would rather give them the finger back than bend over to them.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I would be in for a law suit! This is a bait and switch.
  • Manda
    Manda Posts: 4
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    I just filed my complaint with the FCC. I've called AT&T twice in the last two weeks regarding the text I got after reaching 2GB, trying to get a REAL explanation of this scheme. I talked to five different people (three of which were supervisors) and every time I get a different BS answer. I got so frustrated with the last jerk I talked to last night that I told him since AT&T could care less about keeping me as a customer that I would take my $300/month somewhere else. This is ludicrous and they need to be stopped now. We should not be punished for being long time customers. And yes, they SHOULD cater to us, seeing as how WE keep their pockets fat. We are very capable of taking our money elsewhere.
  • dom
    dom Posts: 11
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    were do i sign up for a class action lawsuit? im an 8 year att customer and this is how they treat me? screw them
  • michele
    michele Posts: 8
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    Not a good idea. They will just make it the top 10% or just anyone over 5gb. Unlimited users, DON'T LEAVE!!! That's what tgey want- they're not making money on you. The other networks are doing it too. I'm sure they have checked it over with their team of legal experts and it probably isn't illegal, so a class action probably won't work. ( still worth running by a good lawyer. Any takers out there?). I think the way to deal with this issue is through public awareness and outcry. (note recent success in the planned parenthood/ komen fund fiasco). Use your phones! Text 5 or more friends the link to the story ad tell them to do the same! If everyone who owns a phone does this, the public relations dept at at$t will go batshit trying to bring back goodwill. Meanwhile those at Apple will feel the backlash as people will wuestion buying a phone that they can't use. ( like buying a ferrari to drive on the highway, kind of a waste if you plan on not breaking the law).
  • michele
    michele Posts: 8
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    Yes, but you know that ahead of time. What if you leased a car and the next day they told you that you actually could only drive it once a week?
  • michele
    michele Posts: 8
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    There is a lawsuit pending against AT&T alleging that they unfairly charge customers for services not rendered, but it's in such small increments that nobody notices. My concern is, if tthen are not being accurate to begi with, then how can they throttle people with any fair estimation of who is in the top 5%? I said this before: They have lawyers, and you signed a contract. Do you really think that they would open themselves up to a suit? Public outcry is the answer! Look at Bank of America- they backed down on their new fees when customers expressed displeasure. Text 5 people and have them do the same. Get the word out there! Use your phones! If enough people are outraged, it will hurt AT&Ts bottom line. Unlimited folks DON'T LEAVE!!! That will only save them money. Instead, let potential new customers know what a sleazy company AT&T is. Do that by plastering the airwaves with info about this ridiculous plan. If enough people are talking they have to listen!
  • Boatman56
    Boatman56 Posts: 2
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    We need to make noise and lots of it. AT&T knows how this is going to play out . The main objective of AT&T is to get rid of the unlimited plans. Either by forcing you to drop it of your own free will or getting rid of you as a customer. They know what this is going cost to go to court , which they will , but they also know the profit from data sales will blow that out of the water. Tough it out! Don't drop your unlimited plans. Call the BBB, call your states Att. Generals office. Call the FCC or complain to these agency's online. AT&T does not like the noise, they are just like our Govt , a big corporation and just go along quietly.
  • Boatman56
    Boatman56 Posts: 2
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    AT&T is very smug when you call them about this. That's because the ppl you talk to have been instructed to treat you less than courteously. The reason for this is make you angry so you'll make a move. As AT&T well knows your basically powerless. AT&T does not care if you have been a customer for 15 minutes or 15 years, all they want is for you to give up your unlimited plan quickly and quietly. Let's show em how powerless we are. MAKE NOISE!!!!
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    Richard,Just a bit of background on what happened to you. AT&T uses the standard APN login as a means to differentiate between phone data and tethered data. MyFi as an app does not allow you to use the same APN as the phone for your data passthru. Get a copy of PDA net and it has all of the features you need to keep them out of the middle of which sort of data you are using. It all comes out of one bucket after that.I saw the same threat letter from them as a means to force people who do not respond to the higher cost plan. They were obviously hoping for consent via silence. You best lodge your protest loudly and quickly with them. Call them and tell them you do not agree to any changes. Make that clear so that if they try to unilaterally change the contract again, you have a clear and concise communique on your exact position. This will be useful once this all gets to court. This is certainly a bait and switch as well as a few other things. Rip em a new one!
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    I am with you Mike. This is a bait and switch for sure. I am pretty sure the blackmail tactic they have used to force you to upgrade is probably illegal and we all know a bait and switch is illegal. The plan was clearly sold as being unlimited. Without question this is the customer's expectation of service. I think the one point that will really bite AT&T is the sliding window of what is 5%. Without defining what triggers such a service sanction explicitly, AT&T is deciding to alter the level of service without a real legal notice of such and they are doing so without you ever agreeing to it. Another thing that is going to bite them in the butt is the auto upgrade feature. By auto-upgrading when they don't receive an explicit consent they have chosen to try to bind you to a contractual arrangement you did not specifically agree to. Which is the crux of this being a bait and switch. AT&T, you are so going to get sued! See you in court!
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    You were obviously lucky because they throttled me just a few days into the month. Now I have confirmed that I am getting dial up speeds even though I am in a major metro area with full signal. AT&T needs to get sued or they will just continue to cheat their customers out of what was agreed to.I hope you are listening AT&T! The tmobile thing has nothing to do with me or anyone else who uses your service. How dare you try to pass along the risk/liability of doing business on to the consumer.
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    To answer your question, yes the PDA net cloak feature does work. I have used it for months without getting the tethering message from ATT. MyWi did not have the cloak feature when I switched. So far so good. Does the new MyWi version have a cloak feature?
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    Seems a fair analogy Michele. This is precisely the situation these consumers are in. Justin, you sound like one of those uptight people who would tattle on anyone they could in elementary school for chewing gum. Do you have the same sort of sympathy for rape victims? What is at issue here is the agreement here is being altered unilaterally. Justin's lease agreement analogy is not relevant because the lease you sign is not altered unilaterally. You can be sure that if the lease was altered in this way to penalize you for driving too much when that was not originally part of the agreement, it would surely be illegal. Something that is an obvious point of contention is whether or not unilaterally changing the agreement violates contract law and I believe it does indeed do so irregardless of the fine print. You cannot agree to something illegal in a contract and then expect that contract to be enforceable. Most contracts include a clause to allow invalidated sections of the contract to be ignored as to not invalidate the rest of the contract. You cannot agree to a bait and switch because it is illegal. It may require a judge to make that determination but it seems clear that AT&T has subjected unlimited data users to such an illegal marketplace swap of services. This is a scummy business practice that has been known in used car circles for years, the folks over at AT&T in their ivory towers obviously do not feel those sorts of laws apply to them as well. It will take a judge to set this right, but you can be sure it will be set right. After AT&T gets spanked for their behavior and treatment of customers who pay for a service in good faith only to have the other side of that agreement be violated. I also see a few folks out there who say that everyone should stop bitching and hire a lawyer. Well I will throw in the first $100 to see AT&T get taken to task on a business practice that would be illegal if it was attempted in other markets.
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    So then Justin, are you the one who is to decide what is reasonable? What if the guardian of reasonable is the little old lady who uses her phone to call the pharmacy once a month? What ever you think is reasonable is materially irrelevant to what is being discussed here. You fail to address the point/issue that these plans were sold as "Unlimited". You can insert all the fine print to the contract you like, however it is a deceptive marketing practice if the fine print deviates from what is being advertised. This is called a bait and switch and it is illegal. Inking your name to an agreement that says "I consent to you ripping me off later and billing me whatever You like" Still does not make it legal or enforceable in court.Your assertion that consumers who are not "being reasonable" with their data usage is ruining it for everyone else is absurd! They are simply using a service in line with the service expectations they were agreeing to at the time of the original contract signing. Justin, you obviously place judgment on ways data can be used that you consider to be reasonable. I am calling you out because whatever your usage sympathies tend to be, what is reasonable for you may not be so for someone else. Lets use a doctor as an case example,who uses their phone to review medical images that are sent to them, when they are away from the office. This data usage even saves lives. If that doctor, nurse or medical technician entered into this sort of service agreement with the full expectation that unlimited really meant precisely that, how is that any different from someone else who just wants to watch netflix? This is an unfair and illegal business practice and your argument has failed to address that point. This is the point the court will decide and not what is reasonable. The bottom line is AT&T agreed to "unlimited" and that is what they will be held to account for. If the contract AT&T had you sign did not specifically state classes of service, then defining what was a single class of service into a tiered class of service requires a completely new contract, with a signature, to be enforceable.One last thing Justin.I really have to say that you sound a great deal like the paid apologists companies put out there to represent their interests on forums like this.
  • Vivian
    Vivian Posts: 8
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    Richard,Your question really cuts to the heart of the matter. Why are you being punished for using the service quality you agreed to. A very valid question!
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    I have been an AT&T costumer since 2006, having an iPhone since 2009, just got that message from AT&T this morning. I commute to & from Chicago by train daily, a two hour commute. And now my unlimited data plan, that already went up because the 3G iPhone 4s is considered by AT&T a "4g" device, is being capped... This is rediculuos & all I've seen since I got this phone is that AT&T taking advantage of me & my family, charging us extra for anything imaginable, just because they can. I will fight for these unrightful actions.