AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Ghall
    Ghall Posts: 5
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    This month got my top 5% after 1.67gb
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I don't know if there is some fine print that allows them to interpret unlimited as not really unlimited, but I think one line of attack is to throttle down based on a percentage. A user has no way of knowing if he is in or nearing the 5%, and also no way to audit or verify that after the fact. It is completely new ground compared to signing up for a plan based on advertised speeds, then knowing what you are paying for, then seeing a bill which you can dispute if not correct. Basing it on a percentage I bet could be successfully attacked.
  • khristina
    khristina Posts: 1
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    just got this mssg yesterday and now it feels like im using a cheap razr phone from 8 yrs ago!!! LAWSUIT!!!
  • bert
    bert Posts: 6
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    Where do I sign , been with AT&T since2008 no issue till now. Just got message on jan 27th and I checked myData usage and it said 80.65 mb so I called them today. They have a data complaint dept now and the person toldMe that the message was ment for the dec billing cycle and not jan. ok I explained that AT&T is now stealing what we have rightfully bought in good faith and you know why this has taken place that's right folks we are footing the bill for the govt blocking AT&T purchase of t-mobile . Very bad buisness indeed. AT&T lost 7bill last quarter 3 bill to t-mobile and it gets worse they lose 1bill in spectrum. For data hehe we are the punished. This is what happens when govt gets involved with private buisness. We get screwed!!!!
  • bert
    bert Posts: 6
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    Where do I sign , been with AT&T since2008 no issue till now. Just got message on jan 27th and I checked myData usage and it said 80.65 mb so I called them today. They have a data complaint dept now and the person toldMe that the message was ment for the dec billing cycle and not jan. ok I explained that AT&T is now stealing what we have rightfully bought in good faith and you know why this has taken place that's right folks we are footing the bill for the govt blocking AT&T purchase of t-mobile . Very bad buisness indeed. AT&T lost 7bill last quarter 3 bill to t-mobile and it gets worse they lose 1bill in spectrum. For data hehe we are the punished. This is what happens when govt gets involved with private buisness. We get the shaft
  • Notyourbusiness
    Notyourbusiness Posts: 4
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    I agreed 100% !! Back in 2007 when i became an AT&T customer , there was only ONE Data Plan ; unlimited at 2g ( edge speed ) for $20 dollars per month !! In 2010 when i up-graded my phone from the original iPhone to the iPhone 3GS they ( AT&T ) said that my data plan was going from $20 to $30 per month !!!! I ask why and they ( AT&T ) toll me it's because it was i a 3g plan !!!! Now !! New customers that get the plan (ex. 2gigs for $25 per month ) are paying for the gigs that they use !! Us on the unlimited plan are paying for the speed because we got grandfather-in !!!! And when they slow us down , they make us pay for something that WE are not using !!!! I see a class action suit !!!!! WTF !!! Count me in !!
  • lawrence
    lawrence Posts: 5
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    I understand what your saying about the legal aspect of the contact that you signed, but that doesn't mean that it is ethical. Just as it isn't ethical to stream 20gigs off of a cell phone when you know that it isn't the intent of the agreement you made with the company. It isn't ethical to change the agreement or adjust the value of the service without adjusting the price paid for the service. You shouldn't rent from netflix and copy the move, but people do it because you can. Sometimes in business people sue to make the point. Bad press and a ground swell of support for this can make more of an impact then the actual legal points made. Sometimes companies make changes because they may win the battle at too high of a price. If they want to change the contact for those high users then wait until the anniversary date and honorably change the contract, offer the high users to leave without the cancellation fees, allow others to change with incentives. I had used 3 and 4 gigs in the past but they shut me down at 1.1gigs this month. A ambiguous level of service begs for people to be so upset with the service that they will do strange things. Making it so that the person on an unlimited gets 4gigs at the 4g speeds, 2gigs at the 3g speeds, and more at 2gig speeds is a level that is honest up front and easy to understand. That is all most of us are asking for. Keep it simple and straight forward. We pay our bill for a specific level of service.
  • Megan
    Megan Posts: 9
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    I am an iPhone unlimited data user ... and a lawyer. I got the you are in the "top 5% of data users" message for the first time this month. I used 1.8 GB of data in January 2012. Over the last 12 months, I have averaged 0.82 GB/month. Section 6.2 of their contract states they can modify your service after "sessions of excessive usage." I was told by an AT&T rep that the average monthly usage by customers is 1.8 GB/month. Therefore, there is simply no way I come close to fitting in the top 5%. I have written a letter to AT&T and I think this is a breach of contract. We signed up for unlimited data, don't try to back door us into purchasing from the tiered plan.
  • mrh
    mrh Posts: 2
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    I have received this msg 2 mos in row. I travel for my work, my phone is my internet so I use close to 7-8gigs per month. Now they've reduced my speed to Edge, therefore I can't do my work. I'm definately in on the lawsuit. and I've put my complaint in with FCC and BBB. as far as AT&T goes, I call on a daily basis to complain, I've talked to 2 supervisors where I didn't say nice things! needless to say they don't like me, but I'll keep calling on a daily basis.I suggest like a few people post, keep using your data. Now even though it's at Edge, I keep my mail syncing every few minutes plus Pandora streaming 24/7 it buffers alot but goes along. it maybe slow but i'm not stopping, hopefully it'll hit 10/11 gigs! This is just until my contract ends in 2mos and I'll transfer to Sprint.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Sign me up lets sue AT$T.It is the Devil.
  • mrh
    mrh Posts: 2
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    in my case, i called at&t again to complain, as they tried getting me to go a tiered plan again (my reply was so you got bandwidth if I get a tiered plan and use 10gigs of data? they had no response) i'm not even screwing with these people anymore, went on amazon and crossed over to Sprint today. it's cheaper and still unlimited. getting my phone in 2 days and cancelling with att. still got 2 mos on at&t contract, i may have to pay a $50-60 bones early term, though i'm fighting it. but if so, screw it as a last resort i'll pay I'm done with this sillyness.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I found out today that I use about 500 mb a month. Yet suddenly I am in the top 5% . They say I have used 2056mb, but there is no way I am never on the phone or downloading anything. I just happen to have unlimited data. You notice the limit past 2GB but the 3gb plan is the same price we pay for unlimited. It not network congestion the just want us off the unlimited. This should be considered Harassment. Yes we should all use as much data as possible. Sign me up to a class action lawsuit. We need an app to monitor true data usage because AT&t lies also everyone should file a claim with the BBB for deceptive trade practices. This company snake needs it head cut off.
  • Brayden
    Brayden Posts: 1
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    Yah I was throttled at 2 gb! Already filed implants with FCC and BBB. They shouldn't throttle until at least 3 gb which is what $30 gets you know. Secondly throttling isn't limiting my speed, it's making the device unusable. Please guys FCC complaints! BBB!
  • Marz
    Marz Posts: 1
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    Let me know where I sign up for this lawsuit , im all in !!!
  • Muhammad Durrani
    Muhammad Durrani Posts: 2
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    I got throttled at 2 GB !!First I was told at 5GB I would be throttled, now 2 GB is where they put me for 150kbps, like a dial-up modem, on a 4G skyrocket phone. The irony is, I have naother line on which my spouse used similar data downloads and she did not get throttled, this means the message that come for 5 % user is just not valid, they just pick a user who might be streaming at a given point and they start throttling them randomly. I would like to sue AT&T,
  • Muhammad Durrani
    Muhammad Durrani Posts: 2
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    As I said, I got throttling message at 2 GB of data usage, and on the other line for the same usage I did not get any message. I went to AT&T store, they told me that I was top 5% user for the month because everyone else below 5 % were not using upto 2GB, then why the other line for me did not get the message as it had used the same data amounts?? I am telling you they are doing something fishy, The line that gets throttled for me is a 4G, the one that doe snot is a 3G iphone line,Imagine having a 4G phone with unlimited data plan and you get reduced to a dial-up modem speeds. AT&T are rip-offs and should never be allowed any future mergers by the politicains, infact they should be divided back into smaller companies, as it was done a few decades back to break monopoly. These people would never listen, you give them an inch they will take a yard, AT&T came back with mergers and acquisitions and now they are ripping us off by this. Its a shame for AT&T the tier1 customer, supposedly a household name of the World, but, their practices are of cheap service providers, shame on you AT&T
  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    Sue them I'm getting tired of this reduced speed. Why would I need an iPhone if I can't watch any web content. I am on my 3 rd iPhone and have 5 phones on my plan 4 of which are iPhones. This is a bunch of crap AT&T King of Bate&Switch
  • adel
    adel Posts: 4
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    If Dum AT&T like reduce ur data it's not from 400ko/s to 12ko\sAnd she need call app store delete Netflix app.
  • Mckinley
    Mckinley Posts: 4
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    AT&T IS ****!!!It's the sixth of the month my new billing cycle restarts on the 19th and they are already sending me this ****." AT&T Free Msg: Your data usage is approaching the top 5% of users. Use Wi-Fi to help avoid reduced speed for this bill cycle. Visit"
  • Mckinley
    Mckinley Posts: 4
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    AT&T IS SH*T!!!It's the sixth of the month my new billing cycle restarts on the 19th and they are already sending me this sh*t." AT&T Free Msg: Your data usage is approaching the top 5% of users. Use Wi-Fi to help avoid reduced speed for this bill cycle. Visit"
  • Dez1530
    Dez1530 Posts: 1
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    On January 30 eight days into my new month of service I also got slowed down to a crawl. This is BS. I really hope that AT$T gets reamed in court really good like they're doing to us.
  • Willl
    Willl Posts: 1
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    I am furious they have throttled me after 4 gigs of usage. Top 5% is so bogus, i don't care how much data other people are using 4 gigs is not all that much on my UNLIMITED plan! I was never told that i would be throttled back when sign a 2 year contract. Also how do i know they are really targeting the top 5%, I want to see the #*&$ing usage data. I would have been a lot less upset if ATT had just told me that when i upgraded I would have to give up my unlimited plan, but this is a SCAM!
  • Ed Jean
    Ed Jean Posts: 2
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    I am ready and in all the way for the lawsuit! they just want more $ email me when the lawyer is ready! anyone got a lawyer?
  • Ed Jean
    Ed Jean Posts: 2
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    I am ready and in all the way for the lawsuit! they just want more money email me when the lawyer is ready! anyone got a lawyer?
  • Curtis
    Curtis Posts: 4
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    I was throttled a couple of weeks ago. I was 10 days into my billing cycle and only had used less than 2 Gbs. I am angry.I am considering switching to Sprint because of the "truly unlimited" data plan. I read the terms of use, though. It says the retain the right to throttle people's speeds.I am writing an Op Ed piece for the local paper. Hopefully, it will go further.I consider this a breach of contract, as I was sold on the fact that I would not have to worry about my data usage with the unlimited plan. They say I still have unlimited data, they do not guarantee speeds. Who knows how far it could spread. It is the topp 5% of users today, tomorrow it could be 10 or 15%. You have unlimited nights and weekends. They could start blocking numbers to and from your phone that you frequently call, and say that you still have unlimited nights and weekends, they don't gaurantee connections to every number.I am also going to be contacting the Better Buisness Bureau, and the Consumer Protection Agency.
  • Curtis
    Curtis Posts: 4
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    I was throttled a couple of weeks ago. I was 10 days into my billing cycle and only had used less than 2 Gbs. I am angry.I am considering switching to Sprint because of the "truly unlimited" data plan. I read the terms of use, though. It says the retain the right to throttle people's speeds.I am writing an Op Ed piece for the local paper. Hopefully, it will go further.I consider this a breach of contract, as I was sold on the fact that I would not have to worry about my data usage with the unlimited plan. They say I still have unlimited data, they do not guarantee speeds. Who knows how far it could spread. It is the topp 5% of users today, tomorrow it could be 10 or 15%. You have unlimited nights and weekends. They could start blocking numbers to and from your phone that you frequently call, and say that you still have unlimited nights and weekends, they don't gaurantee connections to every number.I am also going to be contacting the Better Buisness Bureau, and the Consumer Protection Agency.
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Just submitted my compaint on FCC website. I'm grandfathered in on the unlimited 3G data plan. This is truely UNFAIR for AT&T to use this "bullying" tactic. Go to the FCC website and submit your complaint!!
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Please email me @ . Im throttled as we speak.
  • Mattocks
    Mattocks Posts: 10
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    I am starting the class action lawsuit. Please email me mattocks at . Im throttled as we speak.