AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • sirhc
    sirhc Posts: 2
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    Because they can charge you extra when you go over. Ive been throttled after 2gb and was told if I dont like it I need to switch to a tiered plan. Ive never gone over 3gb so why should I have to pay more to keep from being throttled
  • tim
    tim Posts: 173
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    Ive made contact with some Orange County Attorneys who are very interested in taking this case. i will keep everyone here informed.. This is wrong and thankfully we live in this great country when something is just wrong we the people have the chance to change it.. Stand by.
  • VM
    VM Posts: 1
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    It's been very interesting reading all these comments since I just got the "5%" notification from AT&T this month after using 2.6GB of data. (I've been watching a lot of movies on Netflix while traveling). This of course is not my first time being frustrated with AT&T about their "unlimited" plans and the restrictions. The customer service person I spoke to told me the mention of throttling and the 5% was in the wireless users agreement online, but can't find it. I can only find the part, under section 6.10, that mentions they have the right to suspend your account if they believe your data usage is excessive, unusual, and it also mentions being imposed charges after reaching 5GB. Granted I didn't read it very carefully but wondered if someone knew what section the throttling and 5% are mentioned?Also when I called AT&T no one was able to tell me what speed they slow down your network connection to. The customer service rep told me normal 3G speed was 6-11 mbps but no one in customer support had that info or knew it and she had no idea where that information was. She said there wasn't one person who had that info and I had to contact the higher ups for that (like anyone would ever even answer me). I think that sounds kind of outrageous that they don't disclose that information to customers. I agree that suing won't work since they seem to have all this legalize or vagueries in their contracts we don't read (myself included) that cover themselves, but I do agree with some of the comments that they should be forced to disclose this information to the public. That is the part I think is, if not illegal, very shady business practices. I know other types of businesses and companies have been forced to be more open about their business practices (like credit card companies recently). I wish that would be the case for AT&T and other cell phone companies.
  • clinton
    clinton Posts: 6
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  • ErrIn
    ErrIn Posts: 1
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    I will gladly join a class action lawsuit! AT&T is throttling speeds when you reach 2G of data. AT&T built the company, for the most part, with all the original iphone users. We've had unlimited plans grandfathered into our phones because we have been customers for so long. Now their goal, it seems, is to get rid of us.
  • sirhc
    sirhc Posts: 2
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    Their goal is to get rid of the unlimited data plans. Their argument is that we still have unlimited data . The they are making it unsuable to an extent
    DGRAY Posts: 1
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    AT&T could suk it. They're slowing data for unlimited user because they want people who grandfather into the unlimited to say screw then and cancel cuz they don't want us to get unlimited LTE thats their criminal marketing stragedy. I spoke to one of their Rep. and the BS they gave me is cuz they don't have spectrum. Resolution then why the F@#$... Me the customer have to pay for your greediness and slow my Data from now on I will rape your Data plan til the end of this month I will leave Pandora playing 24/7 all nite long and whoever had their data slow.. They should do the same let see if you like been F@#$ with..Im hitting 13Gb take that.. WE NEED TO PUT A STOP TO AT&T..RIDING MY UNLIMITED PLAN TILL THE END OF TIME!
  • Prostrength
    Prostrength Posts: 1
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    Justin- u have to be the biggest P ' u ' $ $ s ' y on the face of the planet! Defending a t t like it's your momma's t ! T you've been $ukkin on and don't to let go. People bought unlimited data BECAUSE they wanted unlimited. And for a POS like u , may e 2g is fine. But some people travel fir jobs, life, etc... Some people don't have cable at home. Some people decided paying for unlimited data was worth the EXTRA cost. Don't come in here and go off defending amPOS company like att. They offered aPlan with NO restrictions when offered, they then found a way tommKe more $$$$ by blocking access to unlimited plan holders.I was told today by a top supervisor after i pissed her off and she got frustrated that yes att's was to make more $$ off the same customers, why because its cheaper to get $$$ mote profit from existing customers than to offer great service to new ones. I learned that in biz 101. And Justin u pos , att also has in contract they don't even have to have a functioning network and YOU still have to pay them. DEFEND THAT .... moron
  • wayne
    wayne Posts: 13
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    When a contract is ambiguous, it is in favor of whom ever did NOT draft it. That is us users.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    mann **** at&t!! i got the message. i just got a 4s and of course im excited to use it. i got unlimited data for a reason!!!! why am i being punished by these fucks?!
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    THROTTLED! It sucks! What good is it to have unlimited data if it is to slow to effectively use! I got the notice after using less then 2 gigs, the actual throttle started at 3.1 gb's after the first week of the billing cycle! Now i have to go until Jan 21st when my new billing cycle starts! I am pissed! The only effective way to express my unhappiness is to switch my service to another carrier!
  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 37
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    Im bring throttled as we speak. Netflix, YouTube unusable I'm sure when I signed my contract I did not agree to unusablePhone
  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Not only is Netflix and you tube useless. The maps application for gps is so slow it's useless as well . Something must be done, but what?
  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Talking to anyone at AT&T about throttling is a complete waste of time
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    I've spent quite a number of hours talking to salespeople at numerous AT&T stores, people from tech. support and high level managers in the tech. dept., all to no avail. I've asked repeatedly what criteria makes me fall into the top 5% of data users in which the typical answer is "the local network decides.". They tell me my "unlimited" plan has not changed, it just may be slower if I fall into the 5%'s. The word "unlimited" means without limits. Where does AT&T get the idea that slowing my phone down and limiting my data usage is not limiting or a change to my initial contract? I've been offered to switch to a new tiered plan which offers more than double the data (40GB) I use on average in a billing cycle. How can AT&T tell me I'm the reason their network is slow and they're throttling my phone for the good of all and in the same breath offer me an un-throttled plan with 40GB of data. Logically speaking none of this makes sense. It's mathematically impossible for me to be in the top 5% of "unlimited" data users when I use under 20GB a month (on average). I'm looking forward to hearing AT&T's response to my complaint filed with the FCC.
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    Oops. I meant 2GB where I put 20GB, as well as 40, I meant 4GB.
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    This is only being done because apple allowed more carriers in the game,so the money has to be made back some way. ItsAbout the money. AT&T told me if I didn't have the unlimited data plan I could buy as many gigs as I want only if I pay for it. Apple Claims they dont know anything about the 2gig speed we now received.
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    Robert,I think we should get a petition together to fight this injustice to the "unlimited" customers. No one can explain why my 2GB usage clogs up the network more than a new customer with an un-throttled, tiered 4GB plan.
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    They had the nerve to tell me today, "that if speed was an issue for me, I'm welcome to switch to a tiered plan."
  • Nate
    Nate Posts: 58
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    I just used 2.1 gb, (2nd time ever in the past 4 years going over 2gb) and have this same issue. I hear the 2gb and 4gb plans don't have this throttling? ATT is a massive scam. At the VERY LEAST, I would like $5 back for every month after the $25 2gb plan was introduced that I didn't go over 2gb. Why? Because it turns out that once we go over 2gb, we essentially don't have data, so there is no point of an unlimited plan of $30. I mine as well have switched to the $25 plan back in the day. I'm switching to verizon as soon as my contract is up. At this point, what does ATT even offer more than other competitors? A little faster 3G data plan....maybe....and that's about it. They have bad service, and bad coverage. I switched to ATT after 10 years loyal to verizon to get the iphone, and well, I'm definitely switching back. If anyone is doing some sort of lawsuit...i'm in.
  • Missy
    Missy Posts: 3
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    Umm what?!? Ok so MAYBE I used my iPhone a little frequently my last billing cycle but this billing cycle I got an iPad that I frequently use on wifi and I don't get it. How am I in the top 5% again this month? Something has to be messed up with their statistics here!
  • Pattycake
    Pattycake Posts: 1
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    44 gigs this month all on 3G Suck it ATT !!!!
  • J black
    J black Posts: 2
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    JB isn't illegal any more...technically it just voided the warranty. If I buy a car and modify the fuel injection I don't go to jail it just voids the warranty. It amazes me that Apple got away with there scare tactics for so long..
  • J black
    J black Posts: 2
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    We looked at our original contact in regards to the "unlimited plan". There wasn't any cap given. So legally they can not say you are Grandfather and change the terms. Any court would that AT&T should have has better lawyers when writing the contracts. Many countries have "unlimited" plans for $30 or less US dollars. Smartphones are built to use data period! For some people having "unlimited" is important to their job and should be given an option to pay more (fair price that is) for true "unlimIted". Imagine if they rationed gas for truck drivers too.un·lim·it·ed[uhn-lim-i-tid]- adjective 1. not limited; unrestricted; unconfined 2. boundless; infinite; vast 3. without any qualification or exception; unconditional
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    F*ck AT&T. They just started to throttle me. I just ordered my 4s from sprint. AT&T isn't getting another dime out of me.
  • Doc V
    Doc V Posts: 1
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    Let us know what happens
  • Paul Cramer
    Paul Cramer Posts: 1
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    Don't believe AT&T lies about "Data Hogs" or "top 5 %" or other such nonsense. They have in practice begun throttling at usage as low as 1.5 Gig! Imagine, you are paying for at least 3 Gig by their own standars, yet you are prevented from even using that. There is no way such low usage puts you in any category which justifies such treatment of their customers. There is now a special complaint division staffed by rude and abrupt employees who tell you to LEAVE. Thats right, he will even offer to assist you right now, and of course collect all the early termination fees and penalties. Unbelievable. Att is the worst company ever, period. You would be better served to make a pact with the devil than do business with them. The customer rep even told me that there is no benchmark in place to begin throttling at could even happen in the near future after YOUR first 100 MB, thats right, he basically admitted the policy is designed only to get you to relinquish your unlimited plan and he offered, very rudely I might add, to get me on the 4 Gif plan and end my frustration which is really all of my own doing and they are just a company trying to keep on the leading edge...yada yada yada.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Please direct me to class action lawsuit! I got this message eventhough I have only used 2 GB of data!! In Previous months I have used up to 5 times this amount!! They seriously need to be b*tch slapped, they're not even being honest about it!!!
  • Cameron
    Cameron Posts: 11
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    That's a total deception. Unlimited is unlimited. Don't slow me down because I use the phone you sold me with the plan you sold me. I'm wanting to join a class action.