AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    They are slowing my Internet and I'm not happy .. If there is a class action im in is a site that seems to get results.. Im going to start lookin into it
  • Andrea
    Andrea Posts: 7
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    I just got the notice today. My total data usage on my phone since I got it in Oct of 2011 is a little over 2gb. Yet AT&T is somehow saying I used that much in one month. Seems to me there are a lot of people who "make up the 5%". I think it's BS. Maybe 15 or 20gb is the 5%, but not 1-2 gb. I'm sensing consumer fraud here...
  • Quoc
    Quoc Posts: 3
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    Yes they basically are screwing all the long-time customers because we are "grandfathered" in to the old unlimited data plan. They can't get any more money out of us so they throttle our speeds in an attempt to blackmail us into using their tiered data plans so they can squeeze more money out of us. I haven't been paying over $120 a month on my mobile bill to be hampered now. If anyone starts a class-action lawsuit avaunt AT&T, I'm in. AT&T = a bunch of greedy assholes
  • Quoc
    Quoc Posts: 3
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    You can try calling buddy. But you'll get the same thing I did. Some idiot **** reading off a script saying the same thing over and over and convincing you to move to their tired data plans. This is just AT&T's way of punishing those of us grandfathered in to the unlimited data plans. I WILL be moving to sprint when my contract is up. Until then we all just have to take it in the ass from AT&T until a class action lawsuit springs up. In which case I'm on the front line!
  • Quoc
    Quoc Posts: 3
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    What u fail to understand is that we would drop AT&T if not for that ridiculous rule they have of charging us an early termination fee. On top of paying more per month on a mobile contract versus every other provider, they'd gladly charge us a fee to leave them
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    The major issue is the lies about the connection your device claims to have a 3G connection after they throttle you , but they are forgetting to make the device see what your true connectivity is when it's not 3G I comes up edge in real time , what att is doing is using there servers to cap your speeds down to 2g "edge" this is illegal an has nothing to do with the device it has to do with att using unfair deceitful practices and I have already put a compliant into the bbb att called me I called them back and there computers are down , if there is a class action suit against att count me in!
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Hi all,Just read everything and now I'm just more angry than when I started. Lol I do think using as much as possable is the best idea for the unlimited users because it would raise the amount of data the top 5% would use alowing the other 95% to fall under that 5% much easyer
  • j.c.
    j.c. Posts: 1
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    I would join a class action in a heartbeat. I've had AT&T for 10+ years (including the Cingular switch), and a iPhone with unlimited data since it became available. I don't stream movies or Pandora much and have used my phone the same way for years. Only last month (dec '10) and this month have I received the 5% message. How I accumulate so much data is beyond me. Right now I am at .04 Mbps. I can't even use anything because it won't load due to lack of Internet.
  • Luis
    Luis Posts: 67
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    Thank you ... Last time I call AT&T customer service, my words were as simple as yours. The representative told me my contract was not unlimited, I replied to her yes it is. She talked me about part 6.2 in my contract. After she was done talking I asked her if she actually saw my contract. So I told her, since it was my day off I was going to read her my contract. I did it on purpose, but very seriously. Also since my kids books were in my car, I got the dictionary, looked for the word in question "unlimited" and read her the definition. I know she had to be very pissed, but it's not my fault ... say thanks to your lawyers for their incompetence. Funny thing, back in the day when the Iphone 3G came out I bought it directly from Apple and there AT&T insisted also called me every other day almost forcing me to get internet on my contract. After some weeks I asked them for no limitations on the service and they agreed, now they just got amnesia ... but my contract does not. For now they haven't throttle the usage again, but if they do it again next visit will be to the Consumer Affairs Office. Amazon was sued for discriminating customers, what could happen for not following a contract?p.s. nice web-site to visit
  • John Rambo
    John Rambo Posts: 2
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    I do use a lot of data and when I say a lot is more than GB a month, I watch at least 2hr of TV Monday to Friday and around 45 mins of music everyday. plus Facebook, email, twitter, browsing. So yeah I use a lot of data but then WHATS the FUCKING point of having unlimited data plan???????????????????????????????????????**** ATT **** THEM ALLLLLLLLLL
  • John Rambo
    John Rambo Posts: 2
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    Mora than 8 GB of data :P
  • Derek d
    Derek d Posts: 1
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    Just got throttled was averaging 1.5-3Mbps now .9-.12. I am pissed im 17 days into my billing cycle and according to the Att app I have used 5.34 Gb. Which is about average for me ever since Ive had a smart phone I've averaged 6-12 Gb a months. I'm down for the suit let's get something started.
  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    I agree. I bought the iPhone 4s specifically for Siri and now I'm throttled, it's impossible to you siri
  • Beau
    Beau Posts: 3
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    I found this petition at Please sign it!
  • Beau
    Beau Posts: 3
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  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I got the text at 1.6 gigs. We should start complaining. Thats not fair. They should give a specific number like 5 gigs. Im paying for my uncompromised data use as per my contract. I smell giant lawsuit who's in.
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    My issue is that if you throttle the top 5%, shouldn't those just below the cap eventually catch those that have been throttled? And, there's a huge difference in using 10gb on day 7 of a billing cycle and using the same 10gb over the course of 29 days. AT&T is being lazy and greedy. Their new unlimited or pay as you text (10 per text) is high thievery. If other carriers were different I'd leave. But they are all the same.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I was "throttled" for the first time this month (January 4th, 2012). I pled my case with AT&T for two days, with a final point that there was nothing that would be done. I spent the weekend picketing AT&T stores in my area, scaring business away, but not enough to get any useful attention. This week, I began putting a case together against AT&T Wireless. My transfer speed were reduced from 5.2 Mbps to 0.07 Mbps, with only 7 minutes notice (time from warning text, to implementation text). At those speed, while I still retain "unlimited data", the phone is rendered unusable, which can be legally equated to a premature termination in service, and a violation of our agreement. I will win this lawsuit in small claims court. I am suing for the cost of my 32GB iPhone 4s, A month of service, The early termination fee, and $5,000 loss of life (due to impact of having no reliable form of communication), which is the closest I can get to the $10,000 possible/allowable in small claims court. Remember that it's all about what you can prove. I am saving a few points of interest, pending a class action lawsuit. I know $7,000 out of the pocket of AT&T won't make them change their policy. My goal is to gain attention, and raise awareness to what AT&T is doing. Apple produced an amazing product, with unlimited possibilities. That is why I paid AT&T for the ability to explore that vast frontier, and AT&T was more than happy to accept that money. Then, something happened. People believed that they were free to explore all the iPhone has to offer, and AT&T wasn't positioned to maximize their profits, against what is presently available. So, they came up with this "throttle scheme". They say you're in the top 5%, prove it. They won't, they have no way to, not without violating some privacy laws. Yet they retain the ability to take back what YOU the CUSTOMER has paid for. This effort is to force the consumer into a more expensive plan, with much more limited capabilities. THEY (AT&T) already knows you require more than even their most expensive plan (2GB), and they have everything to gain by getting as many customers off the unlimited plan, and onto this new plan. The top 5% is based on existing customers, as customers drop off the unlimited plan, the number of customers included in the "top 5" will increase, and eventually, 100MB will be considered "excessive usage", and it is only logical to abandon the plan at this point. THIS IS THE SYSTEM, AND IT WORKS TO THE BENEFIT OF AT&T.
  • Dave Cummens
    Dave Cummens Posts: 1
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    Email me at davidcummens@yahoo.comFor a class action lawsuit. I can give you email of someone who started one. You must be grandfathered and be throttled.
  • Mike Kim
    Mike Kim Posts: 1
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    My message had a phone # to call (866-344-7584). I called and the lady on the phone tried to convince me that I still had unlimited data - just the speed of the transmission would be reduced. I asked by how much. She said some people experienced just a "little" slower. Others experienced dial-up speeds.I'm sorry, but I signed up because I was sold UNLIMITED data at 3G speeds. Talk about a bait and switch.
  • vladimir
    vladimir Posts: 3
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    hey, I'm 100% agree, I'm with AT&T since 2008, and never had any discrimination like this 5% in my life. I hate that. I already received a 25$ credit from them for this discrimination notice. I hope it will be an class action case. please keep me updated, because we need a good lawyer to fight that.
  • vladimir
    vladimir Posts: 3
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    I compare sprint speed with my att throttled speed, sprint speed is worser
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    AT&T is hitting me with their fraudulent practices as well. I would love to join a class action. I was slowed down at 2GB & was told I am "adversely" affecting the network. How can they claim this when I can pay $15 more for double the data!!!!!????
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I got the mesg last night. Anyone contact me with any info on lawsuits, There does seem to be a lot of top 5%, doesn't there.
  • Dominic
    Dominic Posts: 12
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    I totally agree with this. I got the same notice since last December 2011 and it frustrates me that AT&T would be doing something like this. I'm hoping that there will be a class action law suit against AT&T for what they are doing. I believe that this a total violation of the service agreement. Please keep me posted.
  • Dominic
    Dominic Posts: 12
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    I agree! If a class action lawsuit is started, count me in. They have been giving me notice since December 2011 and I got another one today. I paid and agreed for 3G unlimited speed and they should provide as such...otherwise, its a violation of the said agreement.How about a suit in the small claims court? what do i need to provide as documents if I would do so?
  • Dominic
    Dominic Posts: 12
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  • carla
    carla Posts: 4
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    I am in too in a class action lawsuit. I only can stream for 30 seconds and have to wait like 90 seconds. I've with ATT for 11 years and when I called and asked them about this, they said that the oldest customers are the ones that are in this same boat! I deserve the best service they can give and I pay my bill!!!
  • Gretchen
    Gretchen Posts: 1
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    My service just got slowed down to a crawl. Currently it takes over a minute to load even AT&T's website. I called their number from the text and went round in circles with the data plan specialist when I asked for a supervisor. She insisted she was a supervisor, as was everyone who answered the phone in that department. AT&T trained their employees well with the intent people would get frustrated and give up. I'm going to go into a store tomorrow and in person ask for an explanation on the policy from a real supervisor. If the company is going to do this to their long time customers, the company (or at least an actual supervisor in the company) will feel very uncomfortable as they explain it to me in person.I was told by their specialist that - yes I pay the same as everyone in the country who has my plan, yet the average isn't based on the country's average. The average is based on my area's average. If this is true, it seems like it might have a viable legal remedy. She also quoted me some paragraph/section in the contract that makes this legal for them to do this. I need to get the info again and read through it. (I was too annoyed at the time to remember or write it down). I am one of those villanized over-users, over the last 6 months, 23 gigs was by far my lowest month of usage. My iPhone is my life line. It is the only connected media, Internet and communication device I have. It's allowed me convenience, safety, flexibility, etc., and I've needed it. Due to health issues and expense, I chose it over having cable TV, the Internet and a landline in my home. Where I live, there is very, very limited AT&T or other free access WiFi anywhere and definitely nothing I can use in my home. Even before AT&T's poor customer relations decision, I was having some trouble with connection speeds and looking into WiFi or regular Internet for my home. Does anyone have any suggestions? I really don't want to reward AT&T for their bad behavior by getting the internet through them.