AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Necter
    Necter Posts: 5
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    U r an agent or beneficiary of AT&T I bet. I second a class action law suit with super double remedies for consumers affected. If u want to switch positions here buddy be my guest.
  • SaNdMaN
    SaNdMaN Posts: 3
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    F*** AT&T! Plain and simple. Wait, I have AT&T! F***! LOL This is just the classic lets see what we can get away with on the part of AT&T!I'm not even included in in the top 5%, granted I do use a whole lot of Data but the majority goes over WiFi. However, I am so fed up with AT&T's BS that this little stunt put me over the edge! My contract is up and I will be moving my business elsewhere. Hear that AT&T? You are going to loose business over this!Who is with me?
  • oh yeah
    oh yeah Posts: 10
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  • Jpandes
    Jpandes Posts: 5
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    When the new Iphone xx w/ 4 LTE come out I will sign-up with ANYONE other that AT&T. Fuckers.
  • Dillan
    Dillan Posts: 5
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  • Googz187
    Googz187 Posts: 8
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    I used over 11Gb last month before I got the text message. I use my iPhone 4 a lot! Videos, downloading music, I have a long drive to work Pandora all the way, tether my iPad or other devices. Lol
  • Sneak
    Sneak Posts: 14
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    Everyone please keep using your data! Use as much as you can. The higher the average usage it will increase the amout of gb of 5%. Don't be afraid to use it. Fight AT&T at its own game.
  • BRBZ
    BRBZ Posts: 6
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    Haha 22.9gb of usage last week I got the text
  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    I was throttled until my new billing period began (today, thankfully). I was getting 100-150kps, which is less than At&t's Edge/2G speeds. Remember when the first iphone came out - think back to those speeds 300-400kps. I hit 4.5gigs and was throttled. I have a new Samsung Skyrocket, which i cannot use as much as i would like due to throttling.
  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    let s switch to spint and stop AT&T madnessit s the worst phone company in the worldbench of thieves gang banging poor people!!!!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Sprint is only 1.3mps download in my area.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    I had 53gig's last month. Dang u mixtapes.
  • RiffRath
    RiffRath Posts: 37
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    this i all ridiculous because we will never know who the top 5% are they can just make up any number they want and if the supposed 5% goes to high they can just say well now we are throttling anyone over 3 gb.
  • RiffRath
    RiffRath Posts: 37
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  • Thenip
    Thenip Posts: 10
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    JB is llegal, so if I buy MyWii I should be able to tether.
  • Dustin
    Dustin Posts: 116
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    I feel absolutely no shame that I tether and typically use over 10 gb per month. My plan says unlimited so why should it be anything other than that. And yes I tether. But if AT&T would offer dsl at my address I probably wouldn't use near as much data.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Isint this wrong on their part?
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    I'm part of the unlimited data user. I (knock on wood) haven't gotten a text message from them. The biggest bandwidth hog I use are two things...Qloud (audio/video streamer like Air Video) from my house and then the killer is my SlingPlayer hehe. Nothing like watching this while at work on a slow shift or while waiting in a drive-thru line or waiting to pick someone up at an aiport. I'm sure that's an easy 500MB/hr since I have a fast upload from my home network.
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    This is precisely why I use my iPhone with tmobile and ONLY use wifi. Cheap plan and don't pay for data. Who needs data anyways? There is wifi EVERYWHERE. I have never needed data and there not been a wifi access point nearby that I either knew the password to or was unsecured.
  • shak
    shak Posts: 0
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    Can we sue to at n t for restricting us by using our unlimited data plan
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Yeah! Let's sue AT&T. I'm sure their lawyers got their degree from a cracker jack box. I'm sure there wasn't 12 pages of find print that you signed when you bought your phone. Don't be do ignorant to think that they didn't put anything in the fine print to prevent them from throttling your speeds. Remember who the billion dollar company is, and remember who lives in their moms basement.(kidding). Honestly, the idea of everyone using more will only make the issue worse. And for those that stream data just to "get their money's worth" is making it worse for all of us. You're causing the rest of us to get slower speeds. AND you're causing AT&T's usage number to go up. Making it seem that users are using more data that they do. I used to use 2 gigs on my jailbroken 4, now, I barely hit 1.5 gigs. The reason being is because I'm not using it like an idiot. I know there are reasons why you might need more than 2 gigs, but 10, 15 gigs? Really? You're ruining it for others! If you use that much got tethering, do the responsible thing and get a 3G hotspot device. Of not ATT will continue to throttle you.... And now you have 2G speeds. They are trying to teach you to be responsible. Just because you pay $80 a month, doesn't entitle you to get whatever you want. For those of you that say "F-ATT". Go switch to another company so I don't have to hear you b$&ch anymore. If you think the grass is so much greener on the other side, then GO! If you want better speeds then go to Japan.
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Sorry for the rediculous typo-s. Silly iPhone keyboard. It had nothing to do with me not proof-reading my response. :)
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    U have to be the dumbest person i ever herd voice their opinion on here. Who buys a sports car and is limited to only 2 full tanks of gas per month. This isn't about people abusing the system, its about you getting what you paid for. At&t doesn't throttle people who have a 2GB plan nor does it throttle those with a new shiny 4GB plan. They are simply charged for the service they provide. Just like they don't throttle those that have an unlimited cell play either with their minutes. Fair is fair when you've been paying them for 3-4 years on time as a loyal customer. For those that don't know, this could be a P.R. nightmare if enough people revolt. Having a class action suit may not be legal but it could just make At&t fidget and give up with this throttling business all together. Not to mention if people just end up going to sprint for their unlimited data plans. If you have money on blowing on a 3G hotspot or can pay my way to Japan and support my family, i'll sign up for that option, I hear Japan is wonderful this time of year.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Where do u live, i wanna move to this magical land of free wifi for everyone. Cable vision and optimum land sucks. Nothing but scrooges and misers.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This is different form tethering. Tethering, anyhow u look at i,t is prelly illegal lessin' u pay for it. This is just downloading torrents straight from your phone or however the hell people get 2gb + a month. I'm sure tethering helps getting you over 2gb but thats another issue.
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Sorry for the rediculous typo-s. Silly iPhone keyboard. It had nothing to do with me not proof-reading my response.
  • adam
    adam Posts: 122
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    I think the actual craziness in this all is that when I got my iPhone the only data plan I was allowed to get was the unlimited plan. And it was a flat 30$ a month. It was called the iPhone data plan. Now they throttle the data plan that was the only thing available at the time. Kinda crazy.
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Ok. Define "get what you pay for". That's where the trick is. AT&T is in business to make money, not make you happy. Don't ever forget that. They need to please you just enough to make you stay. That's why "unlimited" is not really unlimited. It's all an advertising gimmick. And it's all legitimized by the fine print that no one ever reads. I'm not saying we should all lay down and let AT&T do whatever, but I'm also saying they you should be very F)&ckibg happy and fortunate that you have what you have. There are people all around the world that work a lot harder than you that don't have a cell phone. And can't stream movies while driving to work. So be happy, drop AT&T or quit bit€hing.
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    And to reply to your sports car analogy.... That does happen when you lease a car. You're limited to a certain amount of miles or else you get penalized. So, it happens all throughout the consumer world. Get used to it.
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 142
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    Jason, read the fine print on your contract. Then tell me exactly what it is, "you paid for." You can't talk about a law suit until you've actually read your contract.