AT&T Throttling Down Top 5% Of Users To 2G Speeds



  • Leinad
    Leinad Posts: 2
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    Your a dumb ass we're not leasing a phone. We're paying for a service that they sold us unlimited 3G. If they want to penalize us for using excecive over 3gb data then why don't they throttle people with 4gb plan they are also congesting the network. These greedy bastards just want more money.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    AT&T slowed me down in the middle of January 2012. I called in to complain because I am paying for the unlimited 3G data plan. Thomas Velazquez, an AT&T manager Told me i was being irresponsible and that I deserved this treatment. I don't see how this is legal. I am looking into filing a I class action lawsuit on behalf of the top 5 unlimited data plan users.
  • Don
    Don Posts: 111
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    i only used 2gb of data and they put me on top 5%
  • koji
    koji Posts: 1
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    if anyone is starting a class action law suit please let me know I'll join in it, this is BS on AT&T part
  • Madison
    Madison Posts: 6
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  • Madison
    Madison Posts: 6
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    Justin, You really don't know what you are talking about. Big Companies get sued all the time and they have to pay. You must live in that Cracker Jack Box. Is this illegal. I don't know but this can be a P.R. Nightmare.
  • Madison
    Madison Posts: 6
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    You must work for ATT. I just read only part of your post. Due leaving a faucet on really??? You must be grandfather in . Hater!
  • Frankie
    Frankie Posts: 3
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    Today AT&T slowed my Samsung skyrocket speeds down so slow that it will not connect to the internet at all, Keep getting data conectivity error. The phone is useless. So I would say they turned my data off.
  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 33
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    I just got back from a two week business trip where I tried to be very conservative because I got penalized last month. I avoided Netflix and other large data drains. However, I did use a gps app and it sunk me. There's nothing like showing a client a 30 second video on YouTube after waiting 4 minutes for it to load. If it becomes incovienent to use the smartest phone in the world due to the provider, the at the end of my contract I'll find a new carrier. Class action lawsuit??? I'm in.
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    2 weeks into the month and speed reduced with more than 95%. Internet is completely useless. Speed test shows speeds between 90 - 100 Kbps. Normal speed us above 1000. Called att several times and there is no discussion possible. Bill is and stays 100%
  • ryan ayler
    ryan ayler Posts: 1
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  • Stace
    Stace Posts: 1
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    Yes Yes a class action suit is a must!!! Hell I'd just love to get what I'm paying for! I didn't sign on to have my phone be as useless as a paperweight half way through the month. If I make it even that long. Mine went from 8000mbps to about 150 at best! It has to be illegal for them to change the rules at will like that. I pray someone comes up with something, a loophole, some way to put a foot up their a$$. Not sure it a bunch of signatures would work, but I'd be sure to sign and try to get others to also. BOTTOM LINE IS THEY HAVE SOME NERVE!!! UHHHHHGGGGG!!!
  • @z0mKi
    @z0mKi Posts: 1
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    Class action! Count me in!
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    If you feel wronged by this, PLEASE go the the FCC website and file a complaint. It is so easy and only takes 5 minutes. AT&T is not acting in good faith to an unlimited contact by doing this. Please make them pay for their bullying tactics. It's not like we as consumers can decide to pay 5% less on our phone bills. They would cancel us and send us to collections. UNJUST and UNFAIR. AT&T must PAY!!!!!!
  • Drewman
    Drewman Posts: 3
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    Class action lawsuit? I will sign!
  • Pred
    Pred Posts: 1
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    I just started getting the text messages from AT&T about my data use. Isn't it false advertising to say you have unlimited data but then take it away down the road? I use a lot of data because I drive a semi truck around the US. I would use wifi but everywhere I go they charge for it. I'm not goin to pay for wifi when I'm paying for a unlimited plan on my phone. Why would anyone do that? You are paying for a service, why should I get punished for using it?? I do believe it is illegal some how in some way. Maybe not the trottling but maybe the facted that it's false advertising?
  • Sean k
    Sean k Posts: 1
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    yea I just got those text mess. Too, I'm super pissed cause I have unlimited data. I live out in the middle of ga where it's not possible to get Internet except my phone. Really ridiculous since I pay almost 100 dollars a month.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Like many I'm also really pissed Off about this too. I filed a complaint with the better business bureau, and I would advise everyone to do the same. Looking to participate in a class action lawsuit against this unethical company.
  • Kevin
    Kevin Posts: 154
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    Please keep us inform with your talk with the lawyer. Very interested in suing this damn company for their cheating, unethical practices.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I have just been throttled by AT&T!!! I am now getting only 100kbs. I live in the detroit area and have had AT&T for years. I have never had any problems with their service and never experienced congestion in any city around the country. Their theory of throttling users because of network congestion is sh*t! I had always had between 1-8 megs of speed when on 3g. I get around 5-8 megs in places like detroit, chicago, St. louis, cleveland and Cincinnati/dayton. The only time my data slows to where i can't stream video or music is when i switch to edge or 2g. Now that my iPhone 4s is being throttled it has become a brick of crap. I use an app called stream to me to access all of my 16 tb of media on my drobo at home and now i can't watch movies or stream music in the car. Its so bad i can't even load a web page without having full reception. We all need to ban together and attack AT&T to bring them down just as we did by shutting down the internet last Wednesday to stop the governments sopa bill. We won on sopa and we can win on AT&T. When we figure a way to stand up to AT&T you can count me in!! BTW AT&T is launching LTE 4G which will free up the 3g spectrum as more users switch to 4G. 4G also has way more capacity load. I am not buying the network overcrowding thing !!
  • araceli
    araceli Posts: 1
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    Does anyone know if a class action lawsuit has begun?because if so I want in. If not I'm thinking of contacting an attorney.
  • Hoopz
    Hoopz Posts: 1
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    I am with you, I will be cancelling all my AT&T services (U-Verse, Mobile, Telphone). I am sick and tired of AT&T's devil BS. Hello Sprint.
  • Tt66260
    Tt66260 Posts: 1
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    My bill cycle starts on the 21st of every month, today is jan. 27th and my unlimited plan has been throttled already!!!! Is there any new news on this molestation of the people? Please let me know
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    This is ridiculous. I can't even open a web page due to the throttling. Count me in on a lawsuit.
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    FILE AN FCC COMPLAINT against AT&T at back. Unlimited means unlimited. I got the text at 2gbs of usage when they offer a 5 gb per month plan. This is fraud. Fight back!!!
  • Robert
    Robert Posts: 146
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    FILE AN FCC COMPLAINT against AT&T at back. Unlimited means unlimited. I got the text at 2gbs of usage when they offer a 5 gb per month plan. This is fraud.
  • c man
    c man Posts: 1
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    MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!! THROTTLE ME AT 10GB NOT 2 WTF!!!!The only thing we can do is clog the airways by using all of our 20000 night n weekendor call upon developers EREM (@musclenerd) for a workaround.
  • Mckinley
    Mckinley Posts: 4
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    I'll sign a class action suit against at&t and get many more people to sign it. I was throttled on my last billing cycle. Talked to a rep and he said that I will be throttled again after 2gb. I just bought two skyrocket phones in december and added a line. I wasn't even warned about this trottling scam until I got the dirty little message saying that I was in the top 5% and my data speeds will be reduced. I am tired of being ripped off by these thieving corporations. For those of you who defend these crooks, your either part of their scam or really stupid.
  • Mckinley
    Mckinley Posts: 4
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    Thanks, Robert. I sogned it.
  • Javier
    Javier Posts: 9
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    This is some straight BS ... I'm leaving AT&T for this reason . I've gotten this message twice & since the first one my speed has droped dramaticly .. It never went back to its normal speed even after my billing cycle came about .. It's been 2 months that I haven't gotten to use my iPhone like I normally do . AT&T are thieves that need to be put in their place ... Let's start this law suit already cuz I'll sign it a 147894379953990000000000 times over !